Seeing Lin Bai's shocked look, Yan Yuan just smiled and said, "I've been writing for so many years, I wonder if I can get 10,000 orders this year."

Lin Bai clicked his tongue. He had never paid much attention to Yan Yuan's books.

In fact, Lin Bai rarely reads books now, after all, he has read many books.

So most of the time he is polishing his own plot.

"It's taking off, brother." Lin Bai's tone was full of envy.

"It's just that, I actually feel okay."

Yan Yuan tilted his head and looked at Lin Bai, shrugging.

As he was talking, Su Yunxi walked towards the balcony.

"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, you guys should also go to bed early."

Looking at Su Yunxi who was yawning, Lin Bai nodded: "Yes, sir."

Yan Yuan smiled but said nothing.

When Su Yunxi walked into the bathroom, Yan Yuan whispered: "I still have a box of small bottles of wine in my room, the rooftop terrace has a good atmosphere."

Looking at Yan Yuan, Lin Bai immediately stood up from the rocking chair.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Yan Yuan smiled and said, "Come on, go, go, get some more food from the refrigerator, and I'll go get some wine."

Leaning outside the bathroom door, Lin Bai's voice was somewhat flattering: "Well, Brother Yan and I will go to the rooftop upstairs to have another round of drinks, you should go to bed early."

Accompanied by the sound of the shower water suddenly stopping, it was Su Yunxi's angry tone: "Don't drink too much."

"Okay, definitely not too much."

Lin Bai said with a smile, and made an OK gesture to Yan Yuan who was standing at the entrance.

Listening to the sound of the door closing, Su Yunxi shook his head helplessly.

It seems that Lin Bai didn't have such a friend in his previous life.

After putting on pajamas, Su Yunxi put the dirty clothes into a sealed bag.

The original tiredness has dissipated.

Leaning on the sofa, picking up the cat strips under the coffee table.

Suddenly, a fat figure, one black and one yellow, attacked instantly.

It was so agile that it didn't look like a little fat pig.

Stroking the big orange cat lying on her lap, she would also raise a cat after living with Lin Bai.

She was responsible for playing with the cat, while Lin Bai was responsible for cleaning up the cat's poop.



Sitting on the plastic cargo box on the top floor, Lin Bai sneezed loudly.

"So weak? Aren't you cold?" Yan Yuan looked at Lin Bai curiously.

Lin Bai shook his head: "Who knows who is talking about me behind my back."

Picking up a piece of beef jerky, Yan Yuan said: "Tell me about your second book."

Lin Bai also hurriedly spoke.

Whether in his previous life or this life, Lin Bai had only read youth pain literature in magazines in high school.

Not to mention love novels, he rarely read even urban literature.

This is also the reason why he can't write.

"Brother, do you think I should read love novels or Japanese light novels?"

Lin Bai asked.

Yan Yuan is much better than Lin Bai in both writing time and grades.

Shaking his head, Yan Yuan said: "You can read it, but it's not necessary. They are all similar discussions, especially Japanese light novels. I advise you not to read it."

"Different markets, different positioning." Yan Yuan smiled and looked at Lin Bai: "I suggest you write first, don't rush."

Lin Bai nodded.

In fact, he also knew that he had to write first, and only after writing it would he know what was going on.

But in this way, the original intention of writing and exchanging.

It turned into a wine gathering for two men.

Maybe the wine needs to be sobered, but Lin Bai and Yan Yuan.

Neither of them is elegant, drinking from the bottle, and drinking the taste of Qingdao Snowflake.

"Brother, do you really have to be alone like this?"

Gnawing on the beef that was dried to be more stubborn than cardboard, Lin Bai said vaguely.

Yan Yuan's answer this time was different from the last time.

"I don't know."

Yan Yuan looked at the night sky without the moon and stars.

"I can't lie to my friends, I don't know."

"Maybe I will meet someone I like again in the next second, or maybe I won't meet him in this life."

Shaking the palm-sized wine bottle, Yan Yuan said with a wry smile: "When I think like this, is it not pure enough?"

Lin Bai looked at Yan Yuan.

If it was nineteen years old, a teenager in love.

Probably he would think that love is the only one without flaws.

It is destined to be forever, and it is the burning love even in the seventies and eighties.


No, the twenty-eight-year-old Lin Bai can't say such words.

Love is full of ups and downs, and the heart of the lover will also have twists and turns.

People are not fictional characters, people are very complicated.

"He just said the most sincere words at every time period in his life."

It sounds sarcastic, but it is a helpless reality.

Looking at Yan Yuan's eyes, Lin Bai did not answer this question.

"If you have someone you like, remember to treat us to a meal."

Lin Bai said with a smile.

Yan Yuan tried to raise his headHead, trying to find the moon.

At least, before the uncertain future.

In front of him, the so-called ideal figure.

Belongs to Yan Yingying, who is a few years older than him.

The girl who has the same blood as him.

In addition, there is a huge emptiness, which is now all over Yan Yuan's chest.

Watching Yan Yuan in silence, drinking wine in big gulps.

Lin Bai did not stop him.

Alcohol numbs the dull pain, which is always better than continuous pain.

Chewing the air-dried beef, Lin Bai maintained a ratio of one glass of wine for one bottle of Yan Yuan.

Watching Yan Yuan gradually become unclear.

When dragging Yan Yuan down the stairs.

Lin Bai is still very grateful for this low house, and the fingerprint door opens.

Yan Yuan himself climbed onto the sofa vaguely.

He fell asleep hugging the pillow.

Lin Bai looked at the time, it was already two o'clock.

The idea of ​​looking for Su Yunxi was also extinguished.

Careful not to wake up the two people in the study and the living room, Lin Bai took a shower and curled up on the sofa.

If you vomit when you are drunk and cover your nose, it is very dangerous.

So you still have to take good care of Yan Yuan.

It's just that the alcohol is surging, and Lin Bai's eyelids are terribly heavy.


He opened his eyes dazedly.

Lin Bai looked at the mineral water on the coffee table and drank it immediately.

It felt like a spring rain in the saline-alkali land in his chest.

He came back to his senses.

He looked at Yan Yuan who was still sleeping.

Lin Bai yawned and walked towards the kitchen where the noise came from.

As soon as he opened the door.

He saw Su Yunxi wearing an apron fiddling with something,

"What are you doing?"

"Are you awake?"

The two asked in unison.

After a while, Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi and said with a smile: "Let Yan Yuan also taste your unsalted tomato scrambled eggs?"

Su Yunxi said a little embarrassedly: "Didn't I see you guys were still sleeping, and I was itching to make lunch for you?"

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi, as if he had thought of something, and grinned.

"I'm going to wash up, don't move yet."

Five minutes later.

Standing at the entrance, Lin Bai waved at Su Yunxi.

"Don't stand there, let's go to the supermarket."

"Let's have lunch together."

Looking at Lin Bai, Su Yunxi nodded.

There were not many vegetables in the refrigerator, and her cooking skills were indeed touching.

Looking at Su Yunxi who was holding his arm.

Lin Bai suddenly remembered a scene not long ago.

"Last time you sprained your ankle, did you realize that you liked me?"

Su Yunxi curled her lips and met Lin Bai's smiling eyes:

"It's you, who would pinch my feet without avoiding suspicion."

Laughing and humming, Lin Bai said with a mean smile: "It's okay, my wife's feet don't stink."


Su Yunxi said teasingly: "It's not like I don't know that you are a perverted uncle with foot control."


Small theater:

Thursday, early morning, on the street.

Duize Tingyu looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman walking over and took out his ancestral white porcelain stainless steel teacup.

"Handsome man and beautiful woman, give me some free gifts to eat Kaifeng dishes."

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