Seeing the old man enjoying himself.

Lin Bai claimed that he was not a drunkard, but he could not help but reach out to the sinful jar.

However, before he reached the place he wanted to reach.

He was knocked down by the old man with a chopstick.

"How dare you snatch wine from me, grandpa?"

The old man said, pulling the jar to his heart, looking at Lin Bai vigilantly.

Lin Bai could only smile and pick up a piece of cold pig ears.

Lin Mo and Su Yunxi chuckled.

This jar of wine is only a little more than one pound at most, and Grandpa Lin will not share it with his good grandson.

However, I thought the old man would still express his opinion on their love.

But the old man was very frugal, just drinking and talking nonsense.

It did not involve Lin Bai and Su Yunxi's love.

This also made the two of them feel relieved.

They really wanted to hide it from their family.

After dinner, the old man carefully put the cork on the jar.

"Save this for Dragon Boat Festival, no, drink it during Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year!"

Smacking his lips, the old man was obviously quite satisfied with this jar of old wine.

"Grandpa, I'll give you some Maozi for Mid-Autumn Festival?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

The old man waved his hand: "Oh, it's not like I haven't drunk it before. When I was young, I had social events in the factory and drank all kinds of Maozi. What's so good about it?"

"Unless you get me a bottle of Maozi from the 1980s."

Looking at the old man's calm look, Lin Bai shook his head.

Even if he sold it, he couldn't afford Maozi from the 1980s.

After cleaning up the dishes, Lin Bai washed the dishes in the kitchen.

This time Su Yunxi didn't disturb him again, but talked to the old man in the living room with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo wanted Su Yunxi to go to the kitchen. She wanted to see if the two would kiss secretly.

But just after washing the dishes, the old man ordered them to leave.

"Let's go, let's go. I have to go to the supermarket to buy some things later."

The old man said after looking at the wall clock in the living room.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Bai and the other two also knew their old man's temper. They sighed helplessly and pushed the door out.

Perhaps because it rained yesterday, the daytime was particularly hot today.

So much so that walking on the road at night felt like summer.

Along the path in the old city, the three people walked slowly.

Lin Bai secretly observed Lin Mo. Lin Mo seemed to be in a good mood now.

He was even in the mood to hum a little song.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?"

Lin Bai suddenly asked.

Speaking of this year's May Day, because of the great decision of adjusting the holiday, it is actually a four-day holiday.

However, it is obvious that Lin Mo, as a high school bull, cannot enjoy such happiness.

As expected.

The girl's originally high spirits suddenly collapsed.

"Tomorrow night, evening self-study will start, and it will only be three days and two nights."

Lin Bai said with a teasing smile: "I really envy you for being able to study in school."

Lin Mo immediately grabbed Su Yunxi's arm: "Sister Yunxi, you are so pitiful. How can you fall in love with such a cheap guy."

Lin Bai naturally gave Lin Mo a head slap without any hesitation.

Su Yunxi smiled and said: "I think Xiao Mo is right."

Lin Bai stretched his body while laughing.

"I'm so sleepy, let's go back?"

He looked at the two women, but both looked reluctant.

Lin Bai raised the bag in his hand at this moment, which was the clothes that Lin Mo and Su Yunxi bought during the day.

"You are not tired, but I am."

Lin Mo pouted and said, "Okay, one by one, if not, I will carry it, I will show you my ability."

As he said that, he snatched the bag from Lin Bai's hand.

However, Lin Bai still said, "I feel so sleepy, why don't we lie down at home and play games?"

Su Yunxi shrugged and looked at Lin Mo.

Noticed that the two people's eyes were focused on him.

Lin Mo shook his head and pouted: "No, I don't want to go home."

Looking at Lin Mo's stubborn face, it was obvious that his aversion to going home was greater than Lin Bai expected.

Walking two steps towards Lin Mo, Lin Bai saw Lin Mo staring at his eyes.

Serious and stubborn.

Reaching out and patting Lin Mo's shoulder: "Okay, okay, then go back later, really."

"But you, can you finish your homework?"

Looking at the smiling Lin Bai, Lin Mo also changed his expression to a smile.

"I can finish it, don't worry, I almost finished it at home yesterday."

As he said that, Lin Mo took Su Yunxi's hand again and took Lin Bai's arm.

"Go, go, go, let's go to the pedestrian street first!"

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi looked at each other as they were dragged forward by Lin a glance.

They all saw the smile in each other's eyes.


Before walking on the brightly lit pedestrian street, Lin Bai and the other two went to the large supermarket next door.

They deposited the new clothes in the locker.

Putting the ticket into his pocket, Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "I see you have been wearing it for most of the day, aren't you quite used to it."

Lin Mo glanced at herself after hearing this.

Well, she forgot it herself.

She was still wearing the first set of clothes she changed in the store.

Short and long short sleeves.

However, looking at her bare thighs, Lin Mo was still a little embarrassed and unconfident and asked: "Is it too short?"

Lin Bai shook his head.

In fact, it's not Lin Mo's fault that he is not used to it in this regard.

At least Lin Bai is actually very clear that when he was a high school student, he rarely saw girls wearing big shorts.

After all, as the best high school in the city, the management is also relatively strict.

Most of the boys and girls in it wear glasses and look serious and only study.

But, in fact, it is not like that.

Lin Bai knows that it is just that their city is too small, so that everyone is exposed to too little.

He does not oppose the school's rules and regulations.

But he also thinks that young people, men and women can enjoy a little more flamboyant youth.

Although, neither he nor Su Yunxi enjoyed it.

Who made the two of them jump directly to the eve of the college entrance examination after rebirth.

But, whether it is the experience of the previous life.

Or the other people they have come into contact with in this life.

Children in big cities really have richer life experiences.

At least, when Lin Bai and Lu Yulin chatted about high school life before.

The high school life of a rich woman in the Magic City is not something Lin Bai can imagine.

Of course, Lin Bai also knows that all this is just his subjective imagination.

Fundamentally, it is actually a matter of whether Lin Mo can accept it.

But the fact is that Lin Mo is like most girls.

She still likes more beautiful clothes.

This is called cultivating the happiness threshold of your sister.

It saves you from having to spend a little money to get a guy hooked in the future.


Compared to Lin Bai's instant brainstorm.

Su Yunxi was more direct.

In the crowd on the first floor of the supermarket, Su Yunxi hugged Lin Mo.

"Little Mo is pretty, sleep with your sister tonight."

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