Seeing Lin Mo smiling, Lin Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll take you out to play this summer."

Sitting in the elevator, Lin Bai suddenly spoke.

Lin Mo looked at Lin Bai and said suspiciously: "Really, where are you going to play?"

"It's up to you. I'll take you wherever you want to go."

Lin Bai smiled and said: "But you have to take your sister Yunxi with you."

"You are talking nonsense." Lin Mo said teasingly: "But, won't I disturb your happy life as a young couple?"


Lin Bai shrugged, "We are already an old couple, and it will be happier with you."

"Tsk, we have only been in love for a month, and you are talking about an old couple." Lin Mo curled his lips: "But I am just a part of your play, and I can add some fun to you?"

"Where did you learn these words!"

Lin Bai said unhappily: "Okay, think about it when you have nothing to do, and then set off during the summer vacation."

"Yeah!" Lin Mo nodded.

Speaking of which, I really haven't traveled with Lin Bai and sister Yunxi!

After all, before, the three of them were minors and had no income.

Naturally, there is no condition to organize a group tour.

The attractions in Chicheng are not included.

After distributing water to everyone, Su Yunxi looked at Lin Mo's relaxed brows and gave Lin Bai a thumbs up.

At the same time, everyone started chatting.

It was mainly Su's father and Su's mother who started the topic.

If you don't talk, just sitting there is really not a good thing.

So waited for a while.

In the silent night, hurried footsteps came from the direction of the elevator in the corridor.

Lin's father was walking towards everyone in a hurry, just like Lin's mother before.

"Haven't you come out yet?"

Looking at the lighted operating room, Lin's father panted.

Su's father stood up and shook his head: "Don't worry, Lao Lin."

Sitting on the chair, Su's father briefly explained the situation.

"This old man is really, why does he drink so late at night."

Dad Lin shook his head and looked at Lin Bai: "Did the old man drink too much?"

Lin Bai shook his head: "Not much, probably less than half a catty."

"Hey, you should stop him."

Dad Lin sighed: "But it's not your fault, your grandfather has a stubborn temper."

However, Lin Bai didn't speak as soon as he finished speaking.

Mother Lin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Xiao Bai still knows to go and see, why don't you go and see the old man, why is he so busy at the construction site that he can't come back on May Day?"

The atmosphere, which was originally relaxed, suddenly became tense with the words of Mother Lin.

Lin Bai and others who were talking also remained silent.

Dad Lin glanced at Mother Lin, but didn't speak.

As if he didn't hear it.

Seeing that Father Lin ignored her, Mother Lin didn't give up.

Instead, he frowned: "Last time, it was you who asked me to take the old man for a checkup, but you were outside. Don't you know that the old man has a stubborn temper and will he listen to me?"

Dad Lin looked at Mom Lin at this moment and said, "I'm busy, laying the floor, and the supervisor is working overtime there. Can I leave?"

"Why, you can't leave, so you don't know how to call. How many times have you called the old man?"

Mom Lin said angrily, "How many times have you called home? Have you called Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai?"

Dad Lin nodded and said, "Li Qingmin, I tell you, my dad is in the operating room now, I don't have time to quarrel with you!"

Hearing this, Mom Lin's face suddenly sank and she was about to speak.

But seeing that the situation was not right, Dad Su and Mom Su had already taken action.

One on each side, pulled the two apart.

"Oh, what's there to quarrel about? I know you two are both worried now. It's okay."

Su's mother hugged Lin's mother and comforted her, while Su's father pulled Lin's father's arm and glanced at him.

Lin Bai looked at the two of them in silence, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

On the contrary, Lin Mo's originally better mood beside him collapsed instantly at this moment.

Lin Mo was not used to the quarrel between the two, but overreacted a little.

It was like this at home.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Lin Mo always hid in the bedroom and said nothing.

No matter how much the two quarreled, they didn't say a word.

Unlike when Lin Bai was still there, the two of them would not quarrel too outrageously.

Lin Bai would also speak to dissuade them.

Subconsciously, Lin Mo looked at Lin Bai, but found that Lin Bai was silent at the moment.

Turning his head, he noticed Lin Mo's eyes.

Lin Bai's original irritability was even worse.

Reaching out and patting the back of Lin Mo's hand, Lin Bai just nodded and said nothing.

Su Yunxi alsoLooking at Lin's father and mother with a complicated expression.

Lin's father and mother stopped talking at this moment, just sitting quietly in their seats.

No one paid attention to each other.

They were all waiting quietly.

In the operating room, Grandpa Lin was performing a dangerous operation.

Outside the operating room, although everyone was worried about the same thing.

But apart from that, everyone had different thoughts.

And time passed slowly in such silence.

In the second half of the night.

Lin Bai yawned, turned his head, and found that both parents had fallen asleep on the back of the chair.

Noticing Lin Bai's movements, Su Yunxi also moved slightly and stuck to Lin Bai's side.

Both of them looked at each other helplessly.

And Lin Bai looked at his other side, Lin Mo had already leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep.

"Uncle and aunt are really annoying, Xiao Mo must be very sad."

Su Yunxi said in a low voice angrily, reaching out and touching Lin Mo's arm.

After feeling that Lin Mo's skin was a little cold, Su Yunxi stood up.

Watching Su Yunxi walk into the office, she came out with an extra sheet in her hand.

She covered Lin Mo with the white sheet and pressed the corners.

Su Yunxi sat on the other side and leaned on Lin Bai's shoulder, "The operation should be over in the morning."

Turning his head, he looked at Su Yunxi leaning on his shoulder and staring at him.

Lin Bai nodded and said softly, "Well, you can lean on me and sleep for a while. You have been running all day today."

But Su Yunxi shook his head: "I can't sleep, can you sleep?"

Lin Bai smiled bitterly: "I am almost annoyed, how can I sleep."

"Yes, I can't sleep either, let's buy some coffee in the morning."

Su Yunxi said softly, reaching out and touching Lin Bai's face: "It's okay, I'll accompany you."

Lin Bai wanted to reach out, but found that both his arms were pressed down and he couldn't move.

Seeing Lin Bai's helpless look, Su Yunxi took the opportunity to pinch Lin Bai's earlobe.

Turning his head, he looked at the four parents who were sleeping.

Su Yunxi leaned forward and put his cheek against Lin Bai's face.

"I plan to sleep for a while." Su Yunxi yawned again and said.

"Good night, baby."

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