After calling Lin Mo's class teacher, the process of asking for leave was very simple.

Lin Bai also added Lin Mo's class teacher's WeChat, which made it easier to communicate about Lin Mo's studies.

Carrying Lin Mo's schoolbag, Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo on the side.

After the pinky promise, Lin Mo seemed a little overwhelmed.

On the one hand, the inner uneasiness could not be completely hidden.

On the other hand, he was indeed relaxed a lot, but he had just had a cold face and cried again.

The rapid change of emotions made Lin Mo a little embarrassed.

"Let's go over there to eat something."

Lin Bai pointed to the ramen shop next to him and said.

Lin Mo said, "I'm not hungry. Didn't you eat dumplings?

"I don't like dumplings. I just wanted to show my appreciation."

Lin Bai greeted Lin Mo and said, "If you don't eat, just watch me eat! "

Lin Mo ordered a bowl of ramen even though he was sitting in the noodle shop.

Because of their moods, everyone's appetite was not very good before.

Plus, Lin Mo is still growing up, so his appetite is not small.

"I'm going to get fat." Lin Mo said distressedly as he looked at the ramen in the red oil soup.

Lin Bai snorted and looked at Lin Mo, and asked curiously: "How much do you weigh?"

Lin Mo took out the disposable chopsticks next to him and asked with a smile: "Guess?"

Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo, who was about the same height as Su Yunxi.

That's about 1.65 meters.

His face looked a little chubby, but Lin Bai knew that Lin Mo's body was actually very well-proportioned.

"110 pounds?"

"How can I be that thin!" Lin Mo looked at Lin Bai unhappily.

"I'm almost 120 pounds, I need to lose weight." Lin Mo sighed and picked up a chopstick of noodles.

Lin Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm not fat. "

"Yes!" Lin Mo suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Sister Yunxi said I'm pretty good."


Lin Bai coughed, not knowing whether it was because of choking or something, and looked at Lin Mo with a slightly red face: "There's no need to tell me about this kind of thing."


Lin Mo shook his head: "What's the big deal? We've worn the same pants."

Looking at Lin Mo eating noodles, Lin Bai shook his head helplessly.

He really didn't understand this little girl.

"Okay, eat noodles, after eating I'm going to go back to take a shower and sleep for a while. "

Lin Bai yawned and said.

Although he dozed off in the chair for a while today, it was not enough.

He urgently needs sleep to save his spirit.

Sitting astride the back seat of the electric car, Lin Mo won the driving right by not being able to drive while tired.

Sitting in the back seat, feeling the cool breeze at night.

Things are always going in a good direction.

Even if he is reborn and comes back without any golden fingers, Lin Bai believes that he will solve all this properly.

At least, he should make himself feel at ease.

What is regrettable may not be the loopholes that appear in life, but his own inaction when the loopholes appear.

And in this life, what Lin Bai has to do is to try to fill the holes when the loopholes appear.

As for the result, there is no need to be too harsh on himself.

For example, looking at Lin Mo, Lin Bai also knows that the girl may not be really relieved in her heart.

There will definitely be uncomfortable places, and she will still pretend a little.

But what does it matter, as long as it develops in a good direction.

"Are you going to rest at home or go to the hospital later? "Lin Bai asked.

Lin Mo quickly replied: "I'll go to the hospital directly after sending you home. We can't leave Sister Yunxi alone in the hospital."

"Okay, I'll take a nap first, and we'll meet then. You can come back at night if you can't. Grandpa doesn't need too many people."

Lin Bai said.

Lin Mo nodded: "I know, Dad also said that when the time comes, tell Uncle Su and the others so that they can go back. He and Mom can take turns."

Looking at Lin Mo who was talking, the wind from riding a bike blew Lin Mo's hair.

Laughing and teasing: "You also ride an electric bike, which boys have you taken?"

Lin Mo turned his head slightly and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"Boys sitting on the back seat of an electric bike will easily fall in love with girls riding bikes."

Lin Bai smiled and said: "Because they are close and there is wind, it is easy to mistake an inexplicable heartbeat for love. "

Lin Mo pouted: "Where did you read this crooked theory? Besides, why would I take care of a boy? There are not many boys in our class."

But she thought of Ding Wei. She seemed to have taken Ding Wei with her on a bike a few times, but she didn't know whether it was Ding Wei who was blamed for this bullshit theory.

Or was it because of this theory.


Thinking of Ding Wei, Lin Mo shook her head.

The school that Ding Wei and Ding Yao transferred to was very strict. They basically had no contact.I have done it.

Thinking of the disappointment when he first heard the news, Lin Mo found that he seemed to have not felt much this semester.

Looking at Lin Bai who was looking at the roadside scenery in the rearview mirror, Lin Mo smiled and said: "You and Sister Yunxi, you didn't do that because you often rode the same bike in high school."

Lin Bai also turned his eyes to look at Lin Mo, smiled and nodded: "It's almost the same. When I sat in the back seat of your sister Yunxi in high school, I really wanted to hug her from behind, just like the love plot in the movie."

"Tsk tsk, why didn't you do it at that time." Lin Mo said teasingly.

Lin Bai smiled and said: "I'm afraid Su Yunxi will react too much. If there is a car accident, it's not worth it to have two lives in one car."

Laughing, Lin Mo has already ridden his bike to the downstairs of the community.

"Ride slowly, I'm going back first."

After getting off the car, Lin Bai waved and said.

Turning upstairs and opening the door, Lin's father and mother were already asleep.

Lin Bai turned on the shower in the bathroom.

He now felt that he was surrounded by Yin Qi and needed to take a hot bath and have a good sleep.

On the other side.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Mo who was coming over and said with a smile: "Have you asked for leave?"

Lin Mo nodded. Just as she was about to speak, Su Yunxi had already stood up and pulled her arm: "Accompany me to the supermarket and buy some water to drink."

Lin Mo glanced at Su's mother, who also smiled and nodded.

Su's father was smoking in the smoking area not far away and smiled at Lin Mo.

Before the elevator came down, Lin Mo couldn't wait to tell Su Yunxi what Lin Bai had just said.

Looking at the smiling Lin Mo, Su Yunxi's mouth corners also raised a smile.

Fortunately, that guy was smart for a while.

Although it may not be the best solution for consolation, the method is not important.

As long as the result is good, it's fine.

Then, Lin Mo talked about what Lin Bai said on the battery car.

Su Yunxi hummed and said, "If he had hugged me when he was riding a bike in high school, I would have broken his hand."

Looking at Su Yunxi's confident look, Lin Mo asked curiously, "Did you really dislike my brother in high school?"

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Mo and his tone stagnated.

"I don't know, but when I was on the back seat of your brother's electric donkey, I would suddenly want to hug that bastard and stick to his back."

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