Looking at the red calendar, Lin Bai realized that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is connected to the National Day.

This still means that the three days of Mid-Autumn Festival plus the seven days of National Day are a full ten-day holiday!

It just so happens that Lin Bai has recently finished writing the first chapter of the novel, so he can take this opportunity to carefully conceive the subsequent plot.

As he said that, he checked the time and made a video call to Lin Mo.

Although Lin Mo still looks lively and cheerful, Lin Bai knows that he actually neglected to care about Lin Mo in his previous life because he went to college.

The original intimacy between the brother and sister eventually turned into a thick wall between the two.

This is more or less one of the reasons why the little girl was in a bad mood, did not share with him, and was finally hit by a car.

So, it's good now.

"Not big brother, can you not call every day?" Lin Mo on the other end of the video looked at Lin Bai unhappily.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Bai said unhappily.

Lin Mo pouted: "Why don't you find someone to call? Are you a sister control?"

"Are you sick?" Lin Bai frowned and said: "I'm worried that you are under a lot of pressure in your studies. You are already a sophomore in high school, big sister, study hard."

"Okay, okay, stop nagging, I'm hanging up."

Before Lin Bai could continue, Lin Mo had already hung up the phone.

Lin Bai smiled. Of course, the daily video could not be a long speech. It was less than a minute of scolding each other.

Next is the highlight. In recent days, Lin Bai has actually been chatting with Lu Yulin.

Because they are both members of the literature club, the two naturally have no lack of common topics.

Lu Yulin has also become one of the readers of Lin Bai's novels, and will urge him to update from time to time.

Of course, the real author will never give in to this. Lin Bai still maintains the frequency of 4,000 words a day.

However, Lin Bai also has troubles.

Although his mental age of 28 would not affect his maturity, Lin Bai, who had no experience in love, did not know how to chat.

Or, he would not guide the topic of the chat in the direction he wanted.

During this period of time, Lin Bai felt that his relationship with Lu Yulin was becoming more and more pure.

The two tended to be each other's tree holes, and Lu Yulin often complained and nagged to Lin Bai.

But it was a far cry from what Lin Bai imagined.

Lying limp on the bed, Lin Bai thought of Su Yunxi. Their chats before marriage were mediocre.

The chats after marriage were not ambiguous enough, but too explicit.

Lin Bai suspected that the woman was just after his body, but she was almost the same as him.

Even if he talked with Lu Yulin from Kafka to Alyosha, the excitement of their conversation was not as good as the beautiful moonlight after the ceremony.

Lin Bai sighed, sent a good night message, and simply put down his phone.

There is a long way to go, let's talk about it another day.

Lu Yulin on the other end also sighed. Even though they were separated by the screen, she was still confused about Lin Bai.

The other party seemed to know a lot, so he didn't want her to know. Lu Yulin knew nothing.

Looking through Lin Bai's Moments, it was only visible for three days, but if we exclude the possibility that Lin Bai blocked her.

Then since adding her as a friend, Lin Bai has not posted a single Moments.

At this moment, Lu Yulin's phone showed the hot search news on Weibo.

The girl's eyes suddenly showed a special look in the dark.

Yes, maybe Lin Bai doesn't use Moments.

Looking at Lin Bai's WeChat ID, Lu Yulin was indescribably excited.

Lin Bai's WeChat ID was LB plus a string of numbers.

Entering this string of numbers in Penguin, Lu Yulin naturally found the corresponding number.

Looking at the avatars in the same style, Lu Yulin was more certain that this was Lin Bai's number.

Although there was a sense of guilt for voyeurism, Lu Yulin comforted himself that these were all normal public information.

Clicking on the space, just like Lin Bai's WeChat is very simple, his space is not locked.

It's like opening the door of the yard, and the scenery inside can be viewed by visitors.

The last dynamic was frozen on May 20, 2018.

[I'm not single, but lonely. ]

Lu Yulin couldn't help laughing, but it seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet night.

He quickly covered his mouth with the quilt.

There were several comments under the dynamic, but without exception, they were all "crazy".

Scrolling down one by one, Lu Yulin felt that he was getting closer and closer to the real Lin Bai.

But Lin Bai, who was sleeping soundly, would never have thought that for him, it was actually a dark history ten years ago, and it was actually read by someone on such a night.

Even since he traveled through time, he has never opened his space.Lu Yulin was like a voyeur, watching Lin Bai's updates one by one.

However, Lin Bai's updates were not very frequent, and there were no photos or anything like that.

But judging from the text, Lin Bai was not the kind of boring guy.

The first photo she found was from August 23, 2017.

It was a photo of Lin Bai and a boy at the water world.

But Lu Yulin was actually a very observant person. She could see that although it was a year apart, Lin Bai seemed much more immature last year.

Lu Yulin bit her lip thinking about it, thinking that Lin Bai's recent chats were like Tai Chi.

She had never seen that boy talk about topics from Kafka to Alyosha.

Compared to talking about these, Lu Yulin actually wanted to talk about something else with Lin Bai.

But Lin Bai seemed to be completely unaware.

But when Lu Yulin continued to slide down, the smile and resentment on her face disappeared.

The photo was taken under a huge Buddha statue. Lin Bai put his arm on the shoulder of the girl with a smile on his face.

The girl put her arm on Lin Bai's chest, and her face was also full of smiles.

But it was not the photo of Lin Bai and the girl that made Lu Yulin stop smiling.

It was that girl, whom Lu Yulin had seen before.

In the military training team, in the auditorium of the opening ceremony, and even when they passed by each other out of the dormitory building this morning.

Lu Yulin even remembered Lin Bai's absent-mindedness in the auditorium that day.

And why Lin Bai looked at her during the military training, but ignored her eye signal.

The lips that had been bitten tightly because of Lin Bai's dullness just now were bitten even harder at this moment.

The roommate had fallen asleep, but Lu Yulin could only stare at the ceiling in a daze.

A lot of negative emotions poured into the mind of the 18-year-old girl at this moment.

But just like Lin Bai couldn't stop Su Yunxi from being with Liu Tianxiu.

Lu Yulin didn't even know how to express it.

Yes, she had no position.

Remembering that she hadn't replied to Lin Bai's goodnight message, Lu Yulin numbly picked up the phone again.

[Lu: Goodnight]

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