How to describe the end of June, can it be called a hot summer?

Lin Bai didn't want to think about this boring question, and took Su Yunxi to stroll in the familiar small city.

There is a different scenery here from Luzhou.

"Is it the rainy season? It's going to rain."

Looking at the red clouds, Su Yunxi bit the little pudding and said hesitantly.

Following the other's line of sight, looking at the golden sunset hovering over the office building in the distance.

Even if the sun is bright and happy today, there may be a downpour tomorrow that makes people helpless.

This is the weather in the south.

"Raining is actually quite good, listening to the sound of rain, suitable for sleeping."

Holding Su Yunxi's hand: "If it rains tomorrow, I will go to your room to sleep."

"Okay, your bed is too hard, it is indeed more comfortable for my bed." Su Yunxi said with a grin.

During the day, there is no one in the two houses, so there is nothing to worry about even if you lie on the same bed.

The two of them have spent eighteen years measuring the small roads in Chicheng countless times.

At this moment, feeling the hot wind on the roadside, the sweat makes people feel extremely real.

"How old were we when we walked hand in hand at this intersection like last time?"

Lin Bai looked at the red light and murmured.

Hearing this, Su Yunxi looked at the small pudding stick in his right hand.

It was probably when the money in his pocket was only enough to buy a small pudding.

That was a real childhood, and the two of them often walked around the city holding hands.

Sometimes, Su Yunxi would hold another little kid in his right hand.

"Probably in elementary school, fourth or fifth grade?"

Su Yunxi said, and then thought of a familiar little fat boy.

"Is Wang Yang back too?"

Lin Bai nodded: "About the same time. The university holidays should be around this time. Let's call that fat guy out for dinner some other day."

"Okay, let's wait until Xiao Mo finishes his exams. The four of us are childhood friends."

Su Yunxi said with a snort of laughter.

When the three of them met Wang Yang, he was only a seven-year-old child.

But at that time, Wang Yang was not fat, and was even considered slim.

Of course, this is not good in Lin Bai and Su Yunxi's memory, but Wang Yang's family has his childhood photos.

According to Wang Yang's own confession, his parents saw that he was too thin, so they fed him milk in the fourth and fifth grades, but the milk powder he drank was not good.

It was the kind of milk powder with too much sugar added, which caused Wang Yang to swell up like a ball.

He was also jokingly called Maitreya Buddha by the new elementary school class teacher.

"Are you still in touch with your high school classmates?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

Su Yunxi shook her head: "No contact, it would have been like this in the previous life."

Smiled, looked at the green light and held Lin Bai's hand: "It's just that they ignored me in the previous life, and I ignore them in this life, what about you?"

Shrugged, Lin Bai also shook his head: "Of course, no contact, boys, seldom chat through social software, we are all strangers."

Pointed to the Mixue King not far away, "Do you want to have an Oreo sundae, delicious!"

Su Yunxi waved her hands repeatedly: "Eat shit, you didn't even run out for a run, you want to eat cold drinks all the way, you'll be fat to death."

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi, the other's figure really has nothing to do with fat.

The sports short-sleeved shirt she wore was a slim fit type. Although it didn't outline the curves so exaggeratedly, it was at least thin.

"Don't look at it, fat and thin are not linearly related to health."

Su Yunxi dragged Lin Bai and left under the gaze of the Snow King.

After returning home and taking a shower, Lin Bai actually had nothing to get used to.

Now it was as if he and Su Yunxi were still in the dormitory.

The only difference was that they were closer.

Looking at the distance between the two balconies, Lin Bai admitted that he had an urge to climb over the balcony.

As long as he climbed over the balcony, he could sneak into Su Yunxi's bedroom without anyone noticing.

But this was the sixth floor.

If he fell and died, the story would end.

If he didn't die and was reborn...

This is the real world, not an infinite suspense novel!

Feeling his restless heart, Lin Bai chose to turn down the air conditioner to 16 degrees.

Countless ideas emerged in his mind to knock on the door of the Su family.

He also knew that every unrealistic idea would be allowed by his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But Lin Bai didn't allow it.

"Lin Bai, Lin Bai, what's wrong with you? It's only the first day back home, why are you so out of control?"

Lost in the chair in the room, looking at the dynamic desktop of the computer, Lin Bai ordered a bunch of food in revenge.

Of course, he didn't eat it himself because he was afraid of getting fat.

Make Lin Mo that girl fat to death!

..."Fuck, Lin Bai, you're so nice!"

Just after returning home, Lin Mo shouted happily when he saw the full refrigerator.

Then, because he said something sweary, he saw Lin's mother's scrutiny, and immediately went back to the bedroom and put down his schoolbag with a smile.

"I'm going to bed, you two brothers and sisters, don't stay up too late."

Lin's mother said and closed the bedroom door.

Take a shower at the speed of light, and Lin Mo didn't even blow his hair.

In the air-conditioned room in summer, even long hair can be naturally dried in half an hour.

Eating duck neck and drinking milk tea, Lin Mo sat in Lin Bai's bedroom.

"Can you not eat in my room? The duck neck smells too strong."

While typing, he frowned and said to Lin Mo.

"My room is not cool enough because the air conditioner has just been turned on!" Lin Mo muttered.

As he said that, Lin Mo stretched out the duck neck in his hand: "Come on, take a bite."

"Get out."

Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo unhappily and said with disdain.

Lin Mo was not angry, but just smiled and said, "I have the final exam next Monday."

Lin Bai looked at the time, today is Thursday.

That means there are only a few days left.

"Two days for the exam. By the way, it's Sister Yunxi's birthday soon. Have you decided what birthday gift to buy?"

"Don't worry about it." Lin Bai smiled mysteriously. Of course, he would not forget this matter.

"But you, have you decided what birthday gift to give your brother next month?" Lin Bai asked.

"What about you, have you decided what to give me?" Lin Mo asked back.

Su Yunxi was born on July 6, 2000.

Lin Bai was born on August 13 of the same year.

And Lin Mo was born on August 17, 2002.

Now, the brother and sister fell into an awkward silence.

In August last year, the two of them gave each other 200 yuan as gifts so that the other could buy ribs.

"Actually, why should we be so particular about these things as brothers and sisters." Lin Bai scratched his head and said with a smile.

"Okay, then I want 2000 this time!" Lin Mo said without blinking.

As expected of her being his own sister, she was not polite to him at all.

"Let's talk about it later. It's not your birthday yet. It's your last birthday. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Looking at the little girl, she is indeed cuter across the screen.

"The air conditioner in your room should be cool. Go and do your homework."

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