After a while, when the three of them were blowing the night wind in silence.

Lin Mo continued to speak: "I actually know how you feel."

"What mood?"

"It's the mood you would feel if you knew I had a lover." Lin Mo muttered: "In fact, it's almost the same as when I saw you together."

"Happiness and anxiety are twins, lingering in my heart."

"Since childhood, the three of us seemed to be together for life. Later, when I knew about love, I felt that you should be together."

"Brother, sister Yunxi, I really like you. I thought you were my favorite people, but later I found out that it was not the case."

"I seem to have some different feelings for that gentle boy in the class. The feelings are not pure enough, and they are not the feelings for you."

"But such feelings have something in common, that is, I feel very happy when I think about it. I look at that boy, just like I am happy looking at you."

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi listened to Lin Mo's self-talk and did not interrupt.

As the girl loosened her grip on their wrists, Lin Bai reached out and gently stroked Lin Mo's hair.

Su Yunxi held Lin Mo in her arms.

"That sunrise on the top of the mountain was just something Ding Yao said casually, but I took it seriously, so I planned that sunrise."

"But later I didn't like it anymore. Why? Maybe he left, and my feelings were not pure enough after all."

"And when I knew you were together, I felt like my heart was hit by a heavy hammer, like a feeling of betrayal."

"The feeling of being betrayed by two people at the same time, but this is what I arranged."

"When I see you hugging each other, I feel a little sad, and I also want a hug. But no one can give me a hug. After Ding Yao left, Huang Manni is my best friend and my only friend, but her embrace is not warm, and I can't cling to her like a pervert."

As he said, Lin Mo tried to get closer to Su Yunxi, and Su Yunxi also tightened her arms to let Lin Mo get closer to her.

"I feel so hypocritical. It seems that you don't have so many complicated psychological activities when you are in high school, right?"

Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo, not knowing how to answer this question.

Lin Bai in high school really had nothing to do with loneliness.

He never realized that he liked a girl, so he never felt lonely because of it.

And even if he realized it, he would find that person was always by his side.

Su Yunxi also took a deep look at Lin Bai. She was the same as Lin Bai.

She never realized that she fell in love with a boy in high school.

"Do you want brother to hug you?"

Laughing, Lin Bai pulled Lin Mo and said with a smile: "This is a rare opportunity. We will have fewer and fewer opportunities to hug each other in the future."

Lin Mo looked at Lin Bai with tears in his eyes.

Leaning in Lin Bai's arms, Lin Mo muttered: "You are a sister control!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Bai said with a grin, "Who made my sister so cute?"

Su Yunxi touched Lin Mo's hair with a smile on her face.

A large part of the reason why Lin Mo felt uncomfortable was actually related to them, but the comfort he received now was also related to them.

If Su Yunxi was not Su Yunxi, but another girl, she would probably be reluctant to hug the Lin brothers and sisters.

Including Lin Bai himself, he would probably avoid such overly intimate behavior.

Patting Lin Mo's back, Lin Bai remembered that when he was a child, it seemed to be like this.

In the summer, the three children left at home by their parents coaxed each other to sleep.

It's said to be each other, but in fact, Lin Bai is both a father and a mother.

His natural good temper and natural gentleness make him a sensible child in other people's families.

"After I coaxed you to sleep like this, Xiao Mo, I had to play house with Su Yunxi. I could only watch Ultraman after you both fell asleep."

Lin Bai recalled the past and said with a smile.

"I was six or seven years old at that time." Su Yunxi thought for a while and said.

"Well, it was at that time that you said you wanted to be the daughter-in-law of the Lin family." Lin Bai smiled and blinked.

"Why don't I know?" Lin Mo sat up slowly and asked in confusion.

"You are only four or five years old, you don't remember anything yet."

Lin Bai said lightly.

"Really? Sister Yunxi, how do you remember it so clearly?" Lin Mo asked curiously.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai after hearing this, and saw the cunning smile in the girl's eyes.

"You still remember it, right?" Su Yunxi said shyly.

"I remember it."

Lin Bai pulled Lin Mo: "I'll tell you..."

"Don't say it!" Su Yunxi was about to stop him.Stop Lin Bai.

Lin Mo immediately stopped him: "Sister Yunxi, I will rebel for a while. I have to protect my best brother in the world now."

"Xiao Mo, you have changed!" Su Yunxi pinched Lin Mo's face angrily, then snorted and looked at Lin Bai: "I don't believe you still remember."

Lin Bai made a face: "When I was a child, your sister Yunxi kissed me secretly and I caught her."

"I just watched the TV series, and I didn't have any other thoughts!" Su Yunxi immediately defended.

Lin Mo's eyes widened: "How many secrets do you have that I don't know?"

"More than once!" Lin Bai said with a smile.

Su Yunxi sighed: "You were too young and ignorant at that time. Xiao Mo, you were also attacked by us."

"Ah?" Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed, and he pulled back his hands and hugged his chest: "Am I not clean either?"

"Yes, you were super cute when you were a child. Your brother and I kissed you secretly every day. If you don't believe me, go home and ask your uncles and aunts or my parents?"

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Mo with a smirk: "You were sweet when you were a child, and you smelled milk when you kissed."

Lin Mo's face was flushed at this moment: "Don't tell me this kind of thing when I grow up. Although it was normal at that time, it sounds a bit weird now."

"It's weird and perverted," Lin Mo added.

Seeing Lin Mo's strange expression, Lin Bai flicked her head in annoyance: "Okay, I'm sober now, I'm so sleepy, let's go back to sleep."

Lin Mo spread her hands and said, "I'm so tired, call a taxi."

"Are you the daughter of a rich family? This place is not far from our hotel."

Lin Bai pointed to the hotel sign not far away, which was shining in the night.

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