Orange sun, orange sea and orange beach.

The world is a huge orange candy.

Bathing in the sunset and evening breeze is an indescribable joy.

The sea breeze is uniquely moist and lightly salty.

"Don't stand there stupidly. Walking on the beach is not staying on the beach."

Su Yunxi pulled Lin Mo and said, and Lin Bai also reacted.

Walking barefoot on the beach, the sand stimulates the soles of the feet like a massage, and white broken shells can be seen from time to time.

Don't worry about cutting your feet. The edges of these shells are round. I don't know how long they have been polished by sand and sea breeze.

The three people did not walk side by side, but lined up.

Su Yunxi walked in the front, and Lin Bai was responsible for finishing.

Looking at Su Yunxi looking back and the mobile phone in his hand, Lin Bai and Lin Mo waved tacitly.

At this time, Lin Mo's expression changed, and he walked quickly to Su Yunxi's side. He didn't know what he muttered, but the mobile phone that was filming was transferred from Su Yunxi's hand to Lin Mo's hand.

At the same time, Su Yunxi waved to Lin Bai.

The girl ran to Lin Bai's side, and she had already grasped Lin Bai's hand, pulling Lin Bai to turn and walk forward.

"No, what are you doing?"

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi in confusion, and Su Yunxi nodded to Lin Mo behind him: "Take a video, take a video of the couple walking hand in hand on the beach."

"That's really a classic shot." Holding Su Yunxi's hand, Lin Bai said with a smile.

The best is not necessarily classic, but the classic must be good.

Originally, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi were a little stiff because they were exposed to the camera, after all, they seemed artificial.

But more and more footprints were left, and they were washed away by the sea.

The two had forgotten the photographer Lin Mo who was following behind them.

"I feel like I'm going to the supermarket downstairs to buy some snacks."

Su Yunxi looked at the sea in front of him and said with a chuckle.

Lin Bai smiled knowingly and knew what Su Yunxi was talking about.

"So what are you going to buy?" Lin Bai asked.

"Buy some grapes for dinner, some toast for tomorrow's breakfast, and some quick-frozen dumplings to put in the refrigerator for backup. Oh, and the sauce at home is almost used up."

Su Yunxi responded to Lin Bai, nodded and said seriously.

"Look, there are flower arrangements over there, let's buy a bunch?"

"But there is no vase at home." Su Yunxi shrugged and said.

"Then let's buy a vase."

"The flowers will wither and need to be cleaned."

"I'll clean it, and then buy another bunch." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Then let's buy a bunch..."

Just as he was about to continue talking about fantasy time with Lin Bai, he saw a young uncle in a loose black Tang shirt holding up a standard SLR camera in front of them.

As for which model it was, Su Yunxi didn't notice it because it was too far away.

Waiting for the two to get closer, the young uncle smiled and said, "Hello, I take portraits. I just took your photos. Do you want to see them?"

Looking at the uncle handing over the camera with a smile, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi nodded with a smile.

Looking through the preview album, the two of them couldn't see it very clearly because the light was too strong.

"Thank you, it's good." Lin Bai nodded and said politely.

The uncle smiled even more brightly when he heard this: "Actually, I'm a street photography blogger. Can you upload this photo to my personal channel?"

"Oh? Uncle, which platform do you invest in?"

"Basically all platforms, both domestic and foreign." The uncle took out his mobile phone and showed his channel to the two.

The interface of Douyin was displayed. The data of 1.8 million fans surprised Lin Bai and Su Yunxi.

At this time, the uncle also saw Lin Mo who followed with a gimbal.

After briefly explaining the situation, the uncle smiled and said, "Very good, this place is indeed very suitable for shooting VLOG. Then I can tag you when I publish it. Of course, I will fix it in advance and send it to you on WeChat."

The uncle said seriously.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi nodded: "Thank you very much."

"Thank you, but I also want to thank you for agreeing to upload the photos I took. By the way, can I take a few more photos?"

The uncle stretched: "The sun is about to set, and the light will soon be insufficient. And I think you are very photogenic and youthful."

Although he did not change his face or heart when he boasted, Su Yunxi still covered his mouth a little embarrassedly when he saw the extremely young and bearded uncle in front of him praising himself.

Lin Bai grinned a little more brazenly: "Okay, how do you want us to pose?We will pose as we want."

Lin Mo also looked at the uncle in front of him curiously, and did not forget to point his camera at the uncle.

Hooking their pinkies, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi turned sideways to face the sunset. The lingering sunlight lengthened their figures and fell on the golden beach.

The seagulls were spreading their wings on the sea for the last time today, and the waves were beating like a very rhythmic drumbeat.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the shutter, the picture was frozen in the electronic unit of the memory card.

"Thank you."

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi shook hands with the uncle one after another and said to each other.

"Have a nice trip!"

The uncle said, and he had already stepped on his slippers to the next place.

And Lin Bai and the other two stood where they were.

"What a coincidence, I picked up a blogger with a million fans for free." Lin Bai said with emotion.

"It's because I look good." Su Yunxi hummed.

"Yes, yes, you are the best looking. "Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Should I also go to Douyin to be a blogger?"

After all, it is a big platform and a big website with much better data than uncle's, and as a veteran, Su Yunxi knows the strength of the company behind this video website.

Lin Bai also nodded. As a writer, he also knew that Hongguo would be changed to Tomato in a while, relying on free reading to occupy a huge share of the online literature market.

Even the little yellow cat next door is not a match at all.

"I think it's okay. There is no need to sign an exclusive contract with uncle. We just want to dominate the entire network!"

Lin Bai nodded: "But the live broadcast will still be arranged at uncle's place. After all, you and Du Xiao are not using live broadcast to support videos, but using videos to support live broadcast."

For Su Yunxi and Du Xiao, live broadcast is just a means to increase fan interaction.

Of course, if you come to uncle's place just for live broadcast, it is putting the cart before the horse.

At this time, Lin Mo raised his mobile phone: "Low battery reminder."

Su Yunxi came back to his senses: "It's okay, I still have a power bank.

Lin Bai also looked at the seaside. The sun had quietly slipped down.

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