At noon, we sat in a restaurant on the top of the mountain.

Originally, everyone said that they should save some money and just buy some food to make do, and then go back to the city to eat at night.

However, after all, they all came to play with Lin Bai, and Lin Bai was embarrassed to come to the mountain to play without giving people food.

At this moment, sitting at the round table next to the bed on the second floor, we still ordered dishes to eat.

"It's not bad. There are eight of us. We ordered eight dishes and it only cost a little 800 yuan." Lin Bai looked at the menu and said with a smile: "Sprinkle some water, it's just my three-day manuscript fee."

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the great writer Lin." Xu Binbing said with a smile, "If you become rich, don't forget me!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yimeng on the side also smiled and picked up the Coke: "If you become rich, don't forget me!"

As the two of them moved, the others also smiled and picked up their cups.

"If you become rich, don't forget me!"

Seeing Su Yunxi also smiling, Lin Bai pretended to smile helplessly: "Okay, I'll open a company in the future, and you can be the security captain!"

"Can I be the cleaning captain?" Guo Qin said with a smile.

"Guaranteed!" Lin Bai said with a thumbs up.

After lunch, compared with the girls' high spirits, Lin Bai and the other four seemed a little sleepy.

Under Su Yunxi's encouragement, the four girls had gone to the back mountain to take photos, commonly known as filming.

Lin Bai and others sat on the rattan chairs outside the hotel, taking a nap.

"By the way, there is something I haven't told you."

Lin Bai drank water and suddenly said, "I'm moving out when school starts."

"Huh?" Zheng Jinshan then exclaimed, and the others also looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai smiled and said, "Whether it's writing or making videos, it's not very convenient to live in the dormitory."

"So I plan to rent a house, but it's very close to the school. Remember to come to my house for dinner."

Hearing this, Luo Hao was shocked and said, "Is it inconvenient to write and make videos, or to do other things?"

"Neither is convenient." Lin Bai said with a smile, and Zheng Jinshan and Xu Binbing also laughed.

"It's good. When you quarrel and get kicked out, you can go back to the dormitory to sleep." Xu Binbing said jokingly.

"Haha, don't quarrel in the middle of the night and run to my rental house for comfort." Lin Bai also shrugged and looked at the three people.

"By the way, it's your birthday tomorrow, right?" Xu Binbing continued.

"Yes, how did you know?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

"Hmm? Didn't you tell the boss that?" Xu Binbing curled his lips: "Why are you pretending?"

Lin Bai just remembered that he seemed to have said that to Zheng Jinshan some time ago, and it happened to be his birthday.

"Why, are you going to give me something?"

Lin Bai looked at Xu Binbing curiously, and glanced at Luo Hao and Zheng Jinshan.

"Of course not." Xu Binbing shook his head: "Don't you expect us to give you a gift?"

"Hehe." Lin Bai also shook his head: "Of course not."

Luo Hao patted Lin Bai's shoulder, "It's a pity that you don't smoke. I was going to give you a few packs of Hetianxia."

Zheng Jinshan said: "Actually, we discussed it last night. We are all men, so there is no gift. You haven't booked a restaurant for dinner tomorrow night?"

"No." Lin Bai shook his head.

Nodding slightly, Zheng Jinshan chuckled: "So, tomorrow is your birthday, we will treat you to a meal."

"Bring Xiao Mo, or other friends." Luo Hao also nodded and said.

Lin Bai scratched his head, "Then I will be disrespectful to refuse?"

"We are all brothers." Xu Binbing waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just got the salary for last month's summer job, I am not short of money."

"Are you still working?" Lin Bai said curiously.

"If I don't work, will you support me?" Xu Binbing sighed and muttered: "Dating costs money."


Sitting on the bus back to the city, the sunset dyed the car window red.

Lin Bai yawned, and Su Yunxi, who was sitting next to him, had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Looking at the other people around, most of them were yawning and dozing off.

Although there was no mountain climbing today and no great physical exertion, they were still easily exhausted at this temperature.

He took out his mobile phone, which was a message from Wang Yang.

Wang Yang had already gone home in the afternoon, and he was probably sleeping at home now.

[Wang: I brought you some Yunnan specialties as a gift, and I will go to your house tonight]

[Lin: ojbk]

After leaving the bus station, everyone stopped a taxi, and Lin Bai and Su Yunxi did not follow them to the hotel.

Instead, they made an appointment to have Lin Bai's birthday party together tomorrow afternoon.

The difference is that this time the restaurant was not prepared by Lin Bai, the birthday boy, but by Zheng Jin.Shan and the others invited Lin Bai to dinner together.

When he got home, he just opened the door and saw Wang Yang sitting on the sofa in his house.

"Fuck, where did this black man come from?"

Lin Bai looked at Wang Yang in surprise, and the other party was chatting with Lin Ma and Lin Mo with a smile.

"Hey, is it fun to climb the mountain?"

"Fun, it's fun." Lin Bai said, and he had already clamped Wang Yang to his room.

"When did you come?"

"Just came, didn't you see that I'm sweating?" Wang Yang sat on the chair and turned the air conditioner in Lin Bai's room to 16 degrees.

He sent a message to Su Yunxi.

After a while, Su Yunxi also came from his home to Lin Bai's bedroom.

"Fuck, where did this black man come from!"

Su Yunxi said in surprise as soon as he opened the bedroom door.

Wang Yang looked at the two with a dark face: "Okay, okay, you young couples are in sync, right!"

As he was talking, Lin Mo also opened the door and poked his head in: "But I have to say, Brother Yang, you are really tanned."

Wang Yang looked at Lin Mo helplessly: "How can I not be tanned? I work in Kunming, and the ultraviolet rays there are much stronger than here!"

"Can't you use some sun protection, such as sleeves or sunscreen?" Su Yunxi said unhappily as he looked at Wang Yang's arms that were about to peel off from the sun.

Wang Yang shook his head and patted Lin Bai's shoulder: "Brother, I don't have a little girl to care about me. As a grown man, it's so troublesome to do those fancy things."

"Okay, you are awesome, you deserve to be sunburned!" Su Yunxi gave Wang Yang a thumbs up.

But at this moment, everyone sat down, and Wang Yang went to the living room and brought in a big plastic bag.

"Come, take a look at the specialties I brought you. They are my birthday presents!"

Wang Yang proudly opened the bag: "This is Pu'er tea, you all know it! This is Xuanwei ham, which cost me 200 yuan! This is Shilin's milk cake, which tastes a bit like dry yogurt!"

Wang Yang proudly picked up a small iron can: "Guess what this is?"

"Tea?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

"No!" Wang Yang shook the iron can, and there was a ding-dong sound from it.

"This is really good stuff."

Wang Yang smiled and opened the iron can, which contained a handful of red dried mushrooms.

"Wild dried red mushrooms, I picked them up on the mountain myself, and they are so delicious when stewed in soup!"

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