Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su's father did not put pressure on him.

Instead, he waved his hand: "It's okay, Lao Lin, I watched Xiao Bai grow up, and I have nothing to worry about."

Su's father even patted Lin Bai on the shoulder: "It's good to get to know each other well, even if we break up, it doesn't matter, he will still be my good nephew at that time."

This is a lie!

Lin Bai knew it was a lie without the need for Lin's father to look at him.

It is likely that Lin Bai is relieved, but it is a lie to still be a good nephew after breaking up!

Lin Bai was indeed watched by Su's father when he grew up.

Lin Bai himself is not afraid of Su's father, and can even be said to be very kind.

This cannot be seen from the boy Lin Bai, but it can be seen from Su Yunxi and Lin Mo.

Su Yunxi can be said to be quite favored in the Lin family, and Lin's father has always loved Su Yunxi very much.

When he was a child, if Lin's father bought only two gifts, then Lin Bai would definitely not get one.

And every time on his birthday, Lin Bai also knew that Su Yunxi would receive red envelopes from his parents.

On the contrary, Lin Bai could only receive red envelopes from Su's mother, after all, men don't express their feelings directly.

But if it was Lin Mo's birthday, he would also receive red envelopes from Su's father.

In short, when both parents are childhood friends.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi, the childhood sweethearts, seemed to be extra daughters or sons in the eyes of each other's parents from the beginning.

Or, they were regarded as son-in-law and daughter-in-law from the beginning.

"Uncle, I won't break up with Yunxi."

Lin Bai said affirmatively: "Don't worry, I will marry Yunxi. As for the date of the wedding, I can't listen to you."

Noticing Lin's father frowning, Lin Bai continued: "I will listen to Yunxi on this matter. We agreed to get married at the age of 25, but if anyone wants to get married earlier, there is no problem."

Su's father looked at Lin Bai, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Okay, you and Yunxi can do it. Just tell us two old men when you get married."

Lin's father also smiled and said: "Okay, you pack your things."

In the evening.

Although tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, we still had dinner together tonight.

The only thing missing is Lin Mo who was in the evening self-study and Grandpa Lin who was playing mahjong.

It's not the Mid-Autumn Festival, and we just eat home-cooked meals.

Looking up, Su Yunxi was still sitting on the other side of the dining table.

The two families were on both sides of the rectangular dining table.

In the previous life, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi were like this too.

There was no question of who to go home to for the New Year, because they went to their own homes.

They would also go together on New Year's Eve.

Su Yunxi's grandmother in the countryside would also be brought over, after all, Su Ma was her only daughter.

In the past three years, they had one meal at Su's house and one meal at Lin's house.

The remaining meal was eaten at a restaurant.

Su's father and Lin's father drank wine, while Su Ma, Lin Ma and Su Yunxi were the three women.

Only Lin Bai ate silently, holding the spoon in his left hand, which was very inconvenient to eat.

"It was better in Luzhou before."

After the meal, in his bedroom, Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi miserably.

"You would pick up food for me, and we also ate stewed dishes. There is no food today." Lin Bai said with tears in his eyes.

He took a spoon, and basically didn't eat any of the dishes today.

The only thing he ate was a plate of shrimp and a plate of fried edamame, and the rest of the spoons couldn't be chopped.

"Hahahaha, if you can't eat, just tell me." Su Yunxi smiled and nodded Lin Bai's head.

"There are so many people here, how can I be embarrassed."

Lin Bai sighed helplessly: "I drank two bowls of bone soup and was full of water."

"Then let's have a midnight snack tonight?" Su Yunxi asked: "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat ramen at the school gate." Lin Bai licked his lips: "Let's go, it's just right to wait for Xiao Mo to finish class."

"How do you eat?"

"Use a fork, don't worry, I won't let you feed me with so many people."

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi with burning eyes. He didn't let Su Yunxi feed him in Luzhou.

He really didn't understand, what happiness is there in being fed.

"Then let's go, I'll eat with you?" Su Yunxi said, and had already opened the door.

"Auntie, let's go pick up Xiao Mo."

Mother Lin looked at Su Yunxi and nodded: "Okay, ride slowly."

Dad Lin was not at home, he stayed at Grandpa Lin's place at night.

Grandpa Lin is different from other old men when it comes to Lin's father and mother.

He doesn't object, but rather doesn't care.

Just like the old man doesn't seem to care much about Lin Bai and Su Yunxi's marriage.

Lin Bai thinks it's good. It's better to have a good attitude when you are old, so you don't have to think about bad things every day.

Riding an electric donkey, the evening breeze at the end of September is even colder.

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt, Lin Bai feels his arms are very cold, and at this moment he hugs Su Yunxi tightly.

YoungThe girl's hair, blown by the wind, gently stroked Lin Bai's face, itchy, with a faint orange smell.

"You can't change the smell of shampoo and shower gel."

Lin Bai asked curiously: "And I don't remember that you like citrus smell."

Hearing this, Su Yunxi laughed and said: "I plan to use a fruit flavor every year. This year is the citrus year."

"What about last year?" Lin Bai asked.

"Last year doesn't count," Su Yunxi shook her head: "Next year's flavor will be decided by drawing lots."

"Is there a durian flavor? If there is, I will draw it."

"How about drawing it?" Su Yunxi snorted.

"I can go to a construction site in another place for an internship for a year." Lin Bai smiled and buried his head in Su Yunxi's shoulder, sniffing the girl's fragrance like a pervert.

"It's so itchy, riding a bike." Su Yunxi twisted her neck, and Lin Bai's breathing made her a little itchy.

"How can I make durian-flavored noodles? They are all common fruits. Don't you think it's interesting to have a different flavor every year?"

Su Yunxi looked ahead: "Isn't it very memorable? When we get old, we can say that we fell in love in the year of citrus."

"I feel that if it's this life, you probably can't avoid repeating it." Lin Bai said, the number of fruit flavors is limited.

Or the fragrance is limited.

After parking the car in front of the ramen restaurant, there were not many people in the familiar noodle restaurant at the moment.

The chef seemed to be ready to close the stall, and the ramen restaurant would not wait for students to finish their evening self-study.

It was very late at that time, and few people ate ramen.

"Two bowls of ramen, with green onions and coriander, medium spicy, with fried eggs and braised dried meat."

Su Yunxi said, and then added: "Boss, remember to get a fork."

After paying, the noodles were served soon.

Holding the fork, Lin Bai ate noodles with a fork for the first time, and it was backhanded.

But since his wrist injury, he hasn't eaten noodles, thinking of this bite is really greedy.

"I can't seem to eat anymore..."

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai awkwardly before she took two bites.

She just said it casually, but she couldn't finish this big bowl of ramen with toppings.

Lin Bai didn't eat much dinner, but Su Yunxi did.

In addition, she didn't eat as much as Lin Bai, and she often used cereal to make do with her meals at school.

"Shame on you for wasting! Let me help!"

Lin Bai frowned at first, then smiled and took Su Yunxi's bowl of noodles to his side.

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