Feeling the cream-wrapped pasta sliding into his mouth, Lin Bai gently sipped the mushroom soup again.

"Thank you sister Yunxi for feeding me." Lin Bai nodded and looked at Su Yunxi in approval.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai with a smile, "It's not good for you to eat with me in the cafeteria like this if Lu Yulin sees you."

"Why not?"

Lin Bai rolled his eyes: "It makes me look like I'm having an affair with you!"

Su Yunxi pouted and took a bite of her pasta: "You talk so badly."

"Isn't it?"

Lin Bai shook his head: "Lu Yulin and I are good buddies who can talk about anything!"

Lin Bai shook the screen of his mobile phone in front of Su Yunxi.

It was Lu Yulin's chat history and photos of pasta.

"Are you reporting here?" Su Yunxi said teasingly.

"Are you in love?" Lin Bai glared at Su Yunxi: "Why do you always think about these things?"

Su Yunxi rolled up the noodles with a fork: "In love? Even a dog in love doesn't talk about it."

Looking at Lin Bai across from him, Su Yunxi stuffed the noodles into his mouth fiercely.

"I agree with your point of view very much." Lin Bai smiled and drank a mouthful of soup.

He had already eaten all the noodles.

Whose good man is in love?

Lin Bai was reborn and returned. His studies went smoothly and his novel writing went smoothly. Does he have a need for love now?

Only those with a brain disease would want to fall in love.

Without a woman in mind, you can write naturally.

And Su Yunxi also looked at Lin Bai. Now she just remembered the 28-year-old Lin Bai from time to time.

Commemorating a person who no longer exists is more relaxing.

The person in front of him is just a variant of the 28-year-old Lin Bai.

Maybe this is a parallel universe.

"To be honest, I once dreamed that we got married and divorced."

Lin Bai sighed at this moment and said.


Su Yunxi, who was eating noodles, suddenly coughed and covered her mouth immediately.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi helplessly and took out a pack of tissues from his pocket.

"What did you say?" Su Yunxi stared at Lin Bai with wide eyes.

"I said, I dreamed of marrying you, and then we divorced."

Lin Bai shrugged and said, "You don't know that dream is too scary!"

Lin Bai sighed.

As a novelist, he actually has a strong desire to express himself.

Now it's finally a good opportunity to talk about this matter as a dream.

"Why do you want to divorce me?" Su Yunxi wiped her mouth and squinted her eyes.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi: "No, sister, your tone shouldn't be so aggressive, right?"

Su Yunxi smacked her lips and said, "I just think your dream is too scary."

After taking a sip of soup, Su Yunxi's eyes moved slightly.

It was a close call, I almost let something slip.

At this time, I should directly complain: "What a messed up dream."

"As the saying goes, you dream about what you think about during the day. Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Bai, you are young now, it is normal to have such thoughts."

Su Yunxi said with a click of his tongue, looking at Lin Bai, with a helpless look in his eyes.

"Damn, do you think I want to?"

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi: "This is a nightmare."

"Nightmare, you big head ghost, dreaming of marrying a beautiful girl like me, you can be happy."

Su Yunxi stared and said: "You didn't do anything weird in your dream, did you?"

Looking at Su Yunxi's contemptuous eyes, Lin Bai shook his head firmly: "Don't worry, I didn't touch you in the dream."

"You are a sensible kid!"

Su Yunxi snorted coldly.

But looking at Lin Bai's face, he felt a little ashamed.

Although Lin Bai is wearing clothes now, according to Su Yunxi's memory.

Lin Bai is no different from being naked now.

He had seen and played everything he should and shouldn't have seen.

Lin Bai felt ashamed now.

That wasn't a dream!

Whose good man hasn't opened after three years of marriage?

On the night of their wedding, he and Su Yunxi fought for three hundred rounds, and the next day they were both in so much pain that they couldn't get out of bed.

The scene suddenly became cold.

"Have you finished eating?" Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai: "I'll go back after I finish eating."

"Let me see you off." Lin Bai stood up and said.

"Tsk tsk, don't let your Lu Yulin see you." Su Yunxi said teasingly.

"I won't say anything, we are all good buddies."

Lin Bai said with a smile: "We are all good buddies!"

Walking on the road, Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai with a smile: "We are all buddies who have bathed and slept together. You also bathed with Lu Yulin."

Lin Bai glared at Su Yunxi: "Why don't you tell me that when we were little, you stayed at my house and wanted to sleep with me."

"I don't know if it was that little就抱着我,嘴里念叨着,小白小白,我长大了要嫁给你,要嫁给你。”








一把握住苏云溪的手腕,止住对方的动作:“你这排球学的也不怎么样,怎么这么无力? "

Su Yunxi had already pinched a little skin on Lin Bai's arm when she heard it.

Lin Bai's mouth grimaced in pain.

He tried to push away with his other hand, but he was holding Su Yunxi's handbag.

"No, no, no, Sister Yunxi, I was wrong. It's not good if someone sees me."

Su Yunxi let go of her hand and glared at Lin Bai when she heard it.

Indeed, both of them are adults and should pay attention to their image.

Carrying the bag, Lin Bai walked beside Su Yunxi, touching his red arm and shaking his head.

This woman is really vicious, she's so cruel!

Just thinking about it, Su Yunxi suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Bai.

"By the way, when will your royalties arrive?"

"What's wrong, are you short of money? I can lend you some." Lin Bai scratched his head.

"Who's short of money? Have you forgotten? "Su Yunxi frowned.

Lin Bai smiled and said, "Don't forget, don't worry, as soon as my royalties arrive in my card, I will rush to the girls' dormitory and drag you to the hot pot restaurant regardless of wind or rain, okay?"

"Is the royalties enough? I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, so I have to eat more when the time comes."

"Don't worry, it's enough."

Lin Bai smiled and said that his novel has been put on the shelves in advance, and now it's not bad to follow up on it every day.

It's about 200 yuan a day.

Including full attendance in a month, his royalties are about 8,000!

That's why Lin Bai feels comfortable recently.

As far as college is concerned, he is already financially free.

Looking at the sauce on the corner of Su Yunxi's mouth, Lin Bai stretched out his hand.

Su Yunxi stared at Lin Bai blankly and pinched the corner of his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

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