Accompanied by the harsh sound of sneakers rubbing against the floor of the indoor court, although the temperature outside was below zero.

But Su Yunxi and others were still panting.

Looking at the people sitting on the ground to rest, Liu Tianxiu also panted and unscrewed a bottle of water.

"By the way, I have a good news and a bad news for you. Listen to the one!"

Hearing this, Guo Qin raised her hand and said, "Listen to the good news first!"

Liu Tianxiu took a sip of water, then smiled and said, "The good news is that I will pay for all of you to go to the Magic City to watch my game after New Year's Day."


The thin and dark boy before, Lin Xiang, suddenly stood up and looked at Liu Tianxiu: "Tianxiu, are you going to play in the college league in the Magic City?"

Liu Tianxiu nodded with a smile on his face.

This will be a game that determines whether Liu Tianxiu can continue to play volleyball in the future.

Su Yunxi nodded. During this period, Liu Tianxiu was basically not in school, but training at the venue of the provincial team.

This time, the college league is actually represented by the province, but the players must be non-professional college students.

It is also the game that Liu Tianxiu values ​​the most.

His dream is to join the provincial team. As long as he performs well enough in this game, he can join it.

As for going to the Magic City, it is not surprising.

Liu Tianxiu said it a long time ago.

"What is the bad news?" Su Yunxi asked.

Liu Tianxiu said with a sad face: "Our club has been requisitioned by the Volunteer Service Center and the School Youth League Committee. Please help the school's New Year's Eve party!"

As expected, there was a sigh as soon as this was said.

Serving as free labor is a topic that school sports clubs cannot avoid.

"By the way, this is all agreed before, you will go, right?"

Liu Tianxiu asked.

Lin Xiang smiled and said, "We won't give up on making you bleed."

Liu Tianxiu nodded: "Thank you very much!"

However, Liu Tianxiu continued to add: "It won't be a big deal. I have applied for a subsidy from the school leaders. After all, taking you to watch the national competition can also be regarded as improving the level of our school's volleyball club!"

Everyone smiled. In any case, Liu Tianxiu still had to pay for it himself.

But everyone also knew that Liu Tianxiu's family was in business, although they didn't know the specific situation.

But Liu Tianxiu was not short of money.

Walking back to the dormitory, Guo Qin hugged Su Yunxi's arm: "I haven't been to the Magic City yet, have you been there?"

Su Yunxi shook his head.

I only went to the Magic City once in my previous life.

"Yunxi, I didn't expect that joining the volleyball club would give me a free trip across provinces, what a great deal!"

Guo Qin said with a smile, while Su Yunxi leaned on Guo Qin: "We'll sleep in the same bed then!"

Just thinking about it, Su Yunxi's phone rang.

Looking at the message, it was another photo sent by Lin Bai.

It was the top of the forest park in the snow.

Guo Qin did not shy away from it, but also stared at Su Yunxi's phone.

"I say Yunxi, does your high school classmate like you?"

Guo Qin said teasingly.

Su Yunxi smiled and put away his phone and looked at Guo Qin: "What do you mean?"

"How can a boy be so idle that he would send these things to a girl? If he wants to share his life, why doesn't he post it on WeChat Moments?"

Guo Qin looked at Su Yunxi with a grin: "Besides, he also has my WeChat, why doesn't he send it to me?"

"No, he is just that kind of person."

Su Yunxi said.

Just looking at the snow that had not fallen from the tops of the pine trees in the distance.

In his previous life, Lin Bai would only post these photos on Weibo, and Lin Bai didn't have a single friend on Weibo.


"Come on, take a picture for me!"

Song Ziwei looked at Lin Bai, who was holding up his phone, and waved with a smile.

Lin Bai pointed the camera at Song Ziwei, who was not far away.

Song Ziwei looked at Lu Yulin, who was standing beside him, and hugged the girl from behind.

Lu Yulin was held in Song Ziwei's arms, and looked at the camera with a red face.

"Send the photos to us, not to the group."

Song Ziwei said to Lin Bai.

"Don't you need to help you edit the photos?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

"We are all naturally beautiful, so we don't need to edit the photos!"

Song Ziwei looked at Lin Bai and said, "Besides, what do you, a boy, know about editing photos?"

Hearing this, Lin Bai smiled and sent the photos to Lu Yulin and Song Ziwei privately.

Looking at Lu Yulin's chat box, it seemed that they hadn't chatted for a while.

At this moment, Lu Yulin looked at the photo sent and sent Lin Bai a sweaty emoticon.

Looking at the people around him, there were actually not many left at this moment.

Only Du Xiao, Lu Yulin, Song Ziwei and Zhang Qiang were left.There was also a sophomore named Luo Xiaoxiao.

Not everyone comes every time for field trips.

And after all, it was snowing, so many people wanted to stay in bed and sleep.

After coming down from the mountain, a few people went into a nearby spicy hot pot restaurant.

It was already past one o'clock, and there were not many people in the restaurant.

Six people sat around the largest round table, each with a huge black bowl, which was a different feeling.

Song Ziwei took the opportunity to talk about the essay contest.

But Lin Bai shook his head, he didn't plan to participate in the essay contest.

He wrote online novels and had formed a certain mindset.

He couldn't write the short stories of 10,000 or 20,000 words that were in the essay contest.

Unless he went to study again, but he didn't want to study, which would affect his current rhythm of writing long novels.

But Lin Bai glanced at Lu Yulin, and the fan fiction he wrote was actually a short story.

Sure enough, Lu Yulin also said that he would participate in the essay contest.

Du Xiao also participated.

"Oh, right!"

Song Ziwei took a bite of mushroom and said: "Our school's New Year's Eve party is ready. Does anyone want to perform? I'll sign you up then."

But at this moment, everyone was surprisingly consistent: they all shook their heads desperately.

But Song Ziwei looked at everyone with a sad face: "I'm sorry, in order to promote the school's club culture, the school leaders require each club to have a program."

"Isn't that too much?" Lin Bai said first.

After all, there are so many clubs in the school, and each club has a party that lasts a long time.

Song Ziwei nodded and explained: "Sports clubs don't need to participate, they are responsible for hard labor, and literary clubs like us must perform!"

"But several clubs can cooperate. Do you want to cooperate?"

And everyone shook their heads again when answering Song Ziwei's question.

Performing by yourself is embarrassing enough, and if you perform with other clubs, wouldn't it be even more socially dead?

Looking at everyone, Song Ziwei smiled and said, "Everyone, think about it before the 20th. Someone has to sacrifice!"

Said so, Song Ziwei, Zhang Qiang and Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes have already turned to Lin Bai and the other two.

The three of them are freshmen.

Sacrifice a little to benefit the seniors of the club.

It's reasonable, right?

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