Pushing open the door, the house was as expected empty.

Since they had a quarrel, Lin's father must be at the construction site and will not come back.

Lin's mother was at work.

Turning her head, Su Yunxi didn't even open her own door.

"No one is at home." Su Yunxi said with her hands spread out.

Her parents were also at work, and she had sent a message last night.

Su Yunxi was very conscious when she fell asleep and took off her shoes and changed into Lin's slippers, and then hung her bag on the cloakroom in the entrance.

Opening the refrigerator, Su Yunxi took a bottle of milk: "What are you doing now?"

"How about we go to school later?"

Lin Bai collapsed on the sofa and said.

It's only ten o'clock now, and Lin Mo has been at school at noon.

Although Lin Bai and Lin Mo went to the same high school before, they were not always together before.

The little girl didn't like to be with Lin Bai, and she would always sneak out early or leave later.

The one who went to school with Lin Bai the most was Su Yunxi.

But thinking about it afterwards, this was probably a trick that Lin Mo used to bring them together.

Speaking of this, Lin Bai felt a little embarrassed.

When they were studying, they often went to the Su family for dinner.

The Su family was like a full-time boarding school, and the Lin family also tried to give money to Su's mother but was rejected.

Of course, it was not in vain that Lin Bai and Lin Mo called Su Auntie.

The two families were really close.

Looking at Lin Bai lying on the sofa, Su Yunxi pushed open the door of Lin Bai's bedroom and walked in.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi's back and didn't say anything.

Lying on the sofa, Lin Bai looked at his phone, thought for a long time and sent a message to Lu Yulin again.

But he still deleted it.

He didn't care much about the Christmas Eve apple before, thinking it was just a simple ceremony.

But thinking that Lu Yulin might want him to eat the apple and see the note.

Thinking of the joy of the girl writing the note, Lin Bai felt full of guilt.

It's not that Lin Bai is in love, but he shouldn't do this.

It has nothing to do with anyone.

Sighing, Lin Bai could only comfort himself that New Year's Day was coming soon.

Then he could prepare a friend's gift for Lu Yulin.

As for this matter, he must not tell Lu Yulin. It is better to be kept in the dark than to know the truth.

Su Yunxi pushed open the door. This was the first time she walked into Lin Bai's bedroom after her rebirth.

Familiar with the room layout, looking at the fireworks movie poster on the wall, Su Yunxi was a little dazed.

She remembered that on the first day of her rebirth, she tore off the one that was exactly the same as the one in her room.

As for the reason, it was also very simple. At that time, she expected herself to start a brand new life.

A life without Lin Bai.

It's just a pity that things didn't go as planned, and the two figures became more entangled in this life.

Through the open bedroom door, Su Yunxi glanced at Lin Bai, who was curled up on the sofa and scrolling through his phone, without saying a word.

Walked to the desk.

There were two photos on Lin Bai's desk.

One photo was a group photo of Lin Bai's family of four. This photo was taken in a photo studio many years ago when Lin Mo was just born.

On the other side, Su Yunxi saw herself.

It was the summer when she was seven years old. Su Yunxi and Lin Bai were going to primary school.

That day, Lin's father brought a camera and took a photo of the two of them at the school gate, but it was not a group photo of the two of them.

Five-year-old Lin Mo also clamored and squeezed in between the two of them.

The photo was not very clear, Su Yunxi picked up the photo frame.

But the seven-year-old self in the photo had two pigtails and a childish face.

The corners of his mouth were almost grinning behind his ears.

Lin Bai looked at the camera with some restraint.

Looking at Lin Bai, looking at the little boy's hand blocked by Lin Mo.

Su Yunxi suddenly remembered that what was blocked by Lin Mo was the hand tightly held by Lin Bai and herself.

Looking at her arm, it was indeed so.

While she was in a daze, Lin Bai had already walked in.

Looking at Su Yunxi holding a photo of herself when she was a child, Lin Bai snorted and said, "How about it, wasn't I super cute when I was a child?"

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai: "Yeah, I was pretty cute."


Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi curiously, but he didn't expect that this woman didn't tease him.

This made him a little overwhelmed.

So Lin Bai had to say blankly, "Actually, you were pretty cute when you were a child."

Su Yunxi then returned to her usual demeanor, nodded gently and said, "That's natural. When I was young, I was a cute little girl, and now I'm a young and beautiful girl!"

After that, Su Yunxi lay directly on Lin Bai's bed and picked up the plush toy on Lin Bai's bedside.

It was a white Bichon Frise.

Lin Bai looked at his plush toy and felt a little nostalgic. This was his birthday gift when he was in fifth grade.

For countless nights, he hadShe fell asleep while holding this Bichon Frise.

Although the outer fluff had already stuck together, and the inside had become hollow because of too many washes.

But Lin Bai couldn't bear to throw it away, and even putting it in the cabinet was absolutely not allowed.

Looking at Lin Bai lying beside her, Su Yunxi moved her body somewhat unnaturally.

"Can you move away and not lie on the same bed with me?"

"Sister, are you mistaken? This is my bed."

"But I lay down first." Su Yunxi turned her head and looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi with surprise: "You are really a master of logic."

"Haven't you heard that women like to make trouble for no reason?"

Su Yunxi hummed and rubbed the head of the Bichon Frise in her arms.

Lin Bai suddenly stretched out his hand and quickly took the Bichon Frise plush toy from Su Yunxi's arms.

"This is my dog, you are not allowed to touch it."

Lin Bai put the stuffed toy behind his back and looked at Su Yunxi beside him.

Su Yunxi wanted to speak, but when she saw Lin Bai lying next to her so close, she blushed.

The two were too close at the moment, and lying on the same bed seemed too ambiguous and intimate.

Fortunately, Lin Bai also reacted quickly and sat up immediately.

But although it was well concealed, an unnatural red appeared on Lin Bai's face.


Accompanied by the awkward coughing of the two, Lin Bai had already walked out of the living room.

"Or, let's walk to school. It's slippery and difficult to walk when it snows."

Su Yunxi nodded: "Do you think the security guard will let us in?"

"I think so. I know the security uncle!" Lin Bai said with a smile.

The two put on their shoes again and opened the security door.

On the way to school, the snow on the ground had turned gray.

The whole road looked dirty.

Su Yunxi looked at her white canvas shoes that were stained with mud, and said angrily: "I have to clean my shoes again when I go back to school."

Lin Bai shook his head: "Who can compare with you? Wearing canvas shoes in the winter is so leaky. Look at me, it doesn't matter how I step on them!"

As he said that, Lin Bai deliberately stepped on the loose snow.

He was wearing black leather sneakers, which were waterproof and warm.

Su Yunxi did not answer.

It was because he was a little absent-minded when he came out of the dormitory in the morning.

So he took a pair of shoes from the shoe rack and ran out.

In the final analysis, this has something to do with Lin Bai.

Fortunately, as soon as they arrived at the school gate, the security guard who was wandering outside waved to Lin Bai and Su Yunxi.

"Hey, you two guys are back to see me?"

The security guard said while eating sunflower seeds.

Lin Bai smiled and said, "Uncle, I came to see my sister."

"Your sister?"

The uncle looked at Su Yunxi curiously, "You have two sisters?"

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