Looking at Lin Bai, who was walking in front and stretching lazily.

Su Yunxi sensed a hint of something different.

What did the other person mean by what he said just now?

Although it was not obvious, Su Yunxi always felt that there was something behind his words.

What did he mean?

What does it mean to be a little more comfortable with her?

"What do you mean to be a little more comfortable with me?"

Su Yunxi stopped in front of Lin Bai and asked.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi in confusion: "That is, if I feel a little irritable, I will feel a little more comfortable chatting with you."

"What do you mean to be a little more comfortable?"

Su Yunxi said unhappily.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi at this moment but didn't know how to answer.

He always felt that Su Yunxi was focusing on the wrong point.

But it was not wrong.

If Su Yunxi was the 28-year-old woman now, Lin Bai could say a lot of things unscrupulously.

He could even talk about the confession of Lu Yulin yesterday.

But he couldn't say it to Su Yunxi now.

Or, he didn't dare to say it, he didn't have any position.

The two of them were not that close.

So, he could have been completely relaxed.

He could only relax a little bit.

But, how should he explain this to Su Yunxi?

There was no way to explain it.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai, who was smiling and not talking, and turned his face away.

The two of them walked on the road in silence again.

But the speed was the same, and they were walking side by side on the sidewalk.

"Do you think it would be romantic if it snowed now?"

Looking up at the sky, Su Yunxi said in a low voice.

"If I were writing a novel now, I would be happy to arrange a snowfall for the hero and heroine at this moment."

Lin Bai shook his head: "But, it rarely snows in Shanghai."

Su Yunxi smiled and looked at Lin Bai: "By the way, I plan to sing the promotional song of Your Name, Dream Lantern, in a while."

"Really? But speaking of it, Your Name is a 2016 movie."

Lin Bai said with emotion.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai with a smile: "Yeah, a grown man would actually cry while watching a movie."

Lin Bai shrugged: "I have a low tear point, and I cry easily when watching movies and other film and television works."

Looking at Su Yunxi, Lin Bai knew that Su Yunxi was completely opposite in this regard.

Although this woman doesn't cry much when watching movies and TV dramas, she cries more than him in real life.

For example, she will cry regardless of whether she wins or loses a quarrel.

She can also cry when she has a cold or a fever.

When she is in a bad mood, she can cry alone in her bed.

On the contrary, Lin Bai will not cry except when watching movies and TV works.

"I will shoot during the winter vacation. Can you give me some comments?"

Su Yunxi asked.

Lin Bai snapped his fingers: "No problem at all. I will give you some guidance and let you handle the 2D otaku!"

"Otaku like you?" Su Yunxi raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Bai with a smile.

Lin Bai's tone suddenly stagnated: "Ah, I'm not 2D!"

"By the way, didn't you say Lu Yulin is from Shanghai? Did you go to play with her?"

Su Yunxi asked in astonishment.

Lin Bai looked at the other party and nodded.

"We met yesterday and came to Shanghai together before."


Su Yunxi nodded: "You came to Shanghai together."

As he said that, Su Yunxi felt that his tone had become almost audibly dim.

But he still smiled and asked: "What did you do yesterday?"

And Lin Bai was also observing Su Yunxi.

It can be clearly felt that Su Yunxi's mood became low at a certain moment just now.


Did this woman become depressed because she heard that he was with Lu Yulin?

Although Lin Bai asked this question in his heart, he had a positive answer.

However, Lin Bai did not know why this happened.

In the previous life, this woman told him solemnly.

"I can't feel any love from you."

Three years after marriage, the first year was a post-marriage trip to cultivate feelings.

During that time, the two people did look happy, traveling around.

Doing what couples in love would do.

However, looking back, it was more like the two people playing their own roles.

In fact, neither of them likes to go out to travel.

In the second year, they returned to normal work and life, and they were also supporting each other.

However, it was still like playing the NPC of the game.

Until that night.

The two suddenly talked about this topic.They all felt that something was missing from their lives, and their hearts were incomplete.

That night, the seeds were planted in their hearts.

So the shortcomings of each other popped up like bamboo shoots after rain.

Su Yunxi's emotionality, Lin Bai's silence.

So there were cold wars and quarrels.

So there were crying and glaring!

But when everything was completely calm.

At this moment, under the moonlight and street lights, looking at Su Yunxi who was touched by his own affairs.

Lin Bai felt that his heart was filled with inexplicable things.

He didn't know what it was, but he didn't hate it.

"We just had a meal, and then."

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi and took a deep breath: "Then, Lu Yulin confessed to me."


Su Yunxi shouted in surprise.

But then he realized his own loss of composure and looked at Lin Bai: "Then what?"

"Did you agree?"

Lin Bai shrugged when he heard it.

"Who is a good man who has a partner but stays out all night with other women?"

Su Yunxi immediately said after hearing this: "Don't talk nonsense, we are innocent and good friends who grew up together!"

After saying this, Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai: "Why did you refuse?"

"Do you want me to agree?" Lin Bai asked back.

Su Yunxi turned his head: "It's none of my business."

"I'm not worthy of Lu Yulin. In fact, I'm a flawed person. She doesn't understand me. She only understands me because of what I show."

Lin Bai was talking to himself at this moment, looking at Su Yunxi and continued to smile: "Even if you see me now, it's not the real me."

"What tongue twisters are you talking about here?"

Su Yunxi muttered, but looked at Lin Bai deeply.

Although he didn't know why the other party said strange words, Su Yunxi felt that he felt the same way.

As a 28-year-old old lady, she was actually a little scared and ashamed when she faced Liu Tianxiu's confession.

As a 28-year-old adult, Liu Tianxiu is still a child after all.

So Liu Tianxiu's love is so pure.

But Su Yunxi is not like that, at least she is still a little confused.

Just looking at Lin Bai, Su Yunxi was also a little incredible.

The other party actually expressed his thoughts so directly.

It was completely opposite to the 28-year-old Lin Bai!

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