Because they had to catch up with the recent deadline, Lin's father was extremely busy, and even Lin's mother asked for leave to go to the next city to take care of Lin's father.

In the whole family, only Lin Bai and Lin Mo were left.

Fortunately, Lin Mo was also a high school student, so he didn't have to worry too much.

Since that night, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi have never talked again.

Lin Bai's daily job is to write novels, but his family hasn't bought a computer yet, so it's uncomfortable to use his mobile phone to type.

But it doesn't matter. When the results come out, Lin Bai believes that his parents are willing to equip their son with a computer.

And this wait is half a month.

Looking at his parents and Lin Mo behind him, and seeing the nervous looks of the three, Lin Bai is the most relaxed one.

"Okay, don't look at me like that!"

Hearing this, Lin's father frowned, "Don't talk, check it quickly!"

Lin Bai had to look at his mobile phone and clicked the query button.

As he zoomed in, Lin Bai saw his results.

【Chinese: 108 Math: 134 English: 117 Comprehensive: 258】

Total score 617.

Looking at this score, Lin Bai was quite satisfied. In his previous life, it was 599.

After a week of hard work, it has improved by 18 points.

Of course, at least 15 points of this are because he knew the Chinese and English essays in advance.

Seeing Lin Bai's smile, Lin's father and mother's faces relaxed.

Lin's mother wanted to talk, but Lin Bai handed her the phone.


Lin Mo looked at the total score and gave Lin Bai a thumbs up, especially looking at Lin Bai's math score.

Lin's father said generously: "Whatever you want, I will buy it for you."

"I want to buy a laptop." Lin Bai took the opportunity to say.

"Okay, buy it, buy the best!" Lin's father said with a smile: "I'll take you to the computer city now?"

Lin Bai waved his hand quickly: "I'll buy it online."

Hearing this, Lin's father also smiled and said: "Okay, I'll give you 10,000 later, is that enough?"

"Ah?" Lin Bai looked at his father in surprise, and immediately nodded with a smile on his face: "Enough, enough."

Lin's father smiled and looked at Lin Bai: "It's not a waste to give more, you can tutor Xiao Mo during the summer vacation, anyway, you have nothing to do, and you can't make much money by working outside."

"Ah?" Without waiting for Lin Bai to speak, Lin Mo looked at his father with a bitter face.

Lin Bai patted his chest and promised to tutor Lin Mo very well.

At this time, Lin's mother said, "I'll go next door to ask how Yunxi did in the exam."

Then she looked at Lin Bai and said, "Are you coming too?"

Lin Bai immediately waved his hand, "No, no."

Su Yunxi's grades are similar to Lin Bai's, and his scores in his previous life would also be around 600.

The score line for the first batch of undergraduates in 2018 is 550 points, so although they can't get into 985, 211, they still have a lot of options for the first batch.

Because he knows the score line, Lin Bai can now directly consider choosing a school and a major.

Unlike before, Lin Bai thought that the school must be the best, so he chose that one.

But now it seems that this is not absolute, and the city is also a very critical link.

Therefore, Lin Bai actually already has a place he wants to go.

That is the provincial capital of his hometown.

And this city has three relatively good universities.

One is a comprehensive university named after the province, a low-end 211, ranked third.

One is an industrial university named after the provincial capital, an old 985 university, which Lin Bai cannot get into.

The other is a science and technology university named after the country, which is in the top five in the country, which is out of reach for Lin Bai.

So, in fact, there are not many choices.

With a score of just over 600, you can get into a comprehensive university named after the province.

As for choosing that city, it is also very simple. After getting married, Lin Bai lived there.

Although he is not satisfied with his married life, Lin Bai is still very satisfied with that city.

It may be a little rustic and vulgar, but Lin Bai still likes that city.

Moreover, a comprehensive university is famous for having many girls.

Lin Bai naturally has a little YY fantasy.

As for the major, Lin Bai has also thought about it, which is engineering cost.

Although it is still in the category of civil engineering, Lin Bai is very clear about the difference between engineering cost and civil engineering.

It is even bigger than the difference between people and dogs.

It is not that Lin Bai has never thought about studying literature, directing, and editing and directing, but he still thinks it is unrealistic.

He was only familiar with the construction cost. Although the real estate industry was already in its twilight years, a well-known real estate company that made mineral water would also go bankrupt in the next few years.

But as long as he could make a living, it was still relatively easy.

Just as he was thinking, Lin's mother had come back, looking at her bright face, I know that Su Yunxi did well in the exam.


Hearing this, Lin Bai was surprised that the woman was only one point lower than him.

In some strange aspects, he and Su Yunxi have some inexplicable fate.

But thinking that Su Yunxi should still be the same as in the previous life, just because she likes the sea, she went to Tianjin.

There is no need to worry about bumping into each other.


Su Yunxi was lying on the bed, feeling sad because she was one point lower than Lin Bai.

She is a strong woman!

But now she can prepare which school to go to.

In the previous life, she really had a brain disease to go to Tianjin, which was really a serious disease.

Whose good family blows the sea breeze every day, and her favorite thing when eating pancakes is spicy strips.

But as for where to go, she has already thought about it, naturally the provincial capital Luzhou.

She definitely doesn't like that city because she lived with Lin Bai for three years.

Instead, he simply wanted to find a university that was close to home and not bad.

Luzhou just met this condition.

As for Lin Bai, he probably still had to go to Shanghai, after all, Lin Bai studied there in his previous life.

During this period, although Su Yunxi stayed at home, she did not do nothing.

She had found a lot of auditing materials on the Internet and started to study by herself.

Time is precious, and this long summer vacation after graduation cannot be wasted.

Su Yunxi also wanted to learn Japanese and photography.

It is rare to be reborn once, and it is really terrible not to enrich your life.

At this time, Lin Bai has already started to choose a computer.

In fact, there is nothing to choose, of course, he chose his favorite brand, Shenzhou.

Not for anything else, just like the feeling of repairing the computer by himself without warranty.

As for this summer vacation, Lin Bai's goal is also very simple.

While really tutoring Lin Mo, he began to conceive his own novel.

Or, integrate future masterpieces and sew them together.

How can copying other people's future ideas be called copying?

Lin Bai touched his chin. It was a pity that there was no Yangshizi Novel Network in 2018.

He could only go to Dian Niang to prove his godhood.

By then, the situation of the Five Whites in the Central Plains would be rewritten.

He, Lin Bai, would be called the Six Whites of the Central Plains together with Potato, Tomato, Divine Machine, Blue Silver Entanglement and Red Haired Emperor!

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