Cheng Qigang, who had been keeping his head down like an outsider, was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Hongzhi's ugly face.

Then he sighed and said:

"What your mother said is not unreasonable."

"Xuanyu, did you hear what your father said?"

Zhang Hongzhi was quite satisfied with Cheng Qigang's attitude, and turned to Cheng Xuanyu and said so.

Cheng Xuanyu didn't say anything.

She lowered her head and was silent again.

Zhang Hongzhi probably felt that her daughter had listened to her words, so she smiled and said in a soft tone:

"Okay, Xuanyu, let's eat. Come, try the braised shrimp made by your mother. You liked to eat this the most when you were a child. You always pestered your mother to make it for you, and your mother couldn't do anything about you. Hey, you were much more obedient than Zihang at that time..."

As she spoke, Zhang Hongzhi picked up a shrimp and was about to put it in Cheng Xuanyu's bowl.

But this time.

Cheng Xuanyu lowered her head and covered the bowl with her hands.

She did not accept it obediently like before.


Zhang Hongzhi frowned.

Cheng Qigang was also stunned, and wanted to say something but still didn't speak.

"Mom!" Cheng Xuanyu lowered her head.

"Hey, take your hands away quickly, Mom's hands are sore from holding them."

Zhang Hongzhi's face was not good, but her tone was still gentle.

But Cheng Xuanyu's hands were tightly covering the bowl.

She didn't dare to look up, her voice trembling, and said:

"Dad, Dad used to be very ordinary?"

"Well? That was in the past, and your dad has potential. Look at this family now, and look at Xu Anruo's family!"

"Xu, Xu Anruo was admitted to Jiangda."

"So what?"

"He also has potential."

"Silly child, there are many people with potential, but the times are different. Do you know what the term in society is now? Oh, yes, class solidification!"

Zhang Hongzhi paused here, and then smiled and said:

"You kid, you don't understand what mom is telling you now, come, listen, our Xuanyu never did this before..."

However, Zhang Hongzhi obviously didn't notice that Cheng Xuanyu's hand covering the small bowl at this time had turned white because of too much force, and it was trembling slightly.

Cheng Qigang, who was sitting on the side and eating with his head down, had been chewing a mouthful of rice for a long time.

Emotions accumulated over a long period of time, and ultimately there are only two results.

Either it collapses or it explodes completely.

Cheng Xuanyu has been too depressed these days.

She has never been like this since she was a child.


Cheng Xuanyu's hand that was tightly holding the edge of the bowl loosened.

But she stood up suddenly.

Her red and tearful eyes looked at her mother Zhang Hongzhi who was holding chopsticks opposite her. The corners of her pursed mouth kept trembling. After taking a deep breath, she asked in tears:

"Why, why should I choose the right one? Shouldn't I choose the one I like?"

This should be the first time Cheng Xuanyu rebelled since she grew up.

At this time, she stood.

Zhang Hongzhi on the opposite side also stood because she was picking shrimp for Cheng Xuanyu.

The gentleness and smile on Zhang Hongzhi's face disappeared instantly. The rapid change of emotions was even more terrible and scary than when Cheng Zihang didn't do what she wanted.

"You, you dare to talk to your mother like this now?"

Zhang Hongzhi gritted her teeth.

She didn't answer Cheng Xuanyu's question.

She was still putting pressure on him in her habitual way.

Even after her face turned red, she showed strong pain and shed tears.

After a while.

Cheng Xuanyu lowered her head.

"Xuanyu, you are like this..."

Zhang Hongzhi spoke again.

But the next second, Cheng Qigang exploded.


This voice was said with gritted teeth.

But Cheng Qigang still sat there, he didn't look up, but turned his head to look at Cheng Zihang who was stupid in the living room, and added with a little less confidence:

"I think Xuanyu asked the right thing, what is suitable or not, just like it or not, don't always impose your own ideas on the child!"

After Cheng Qigang finished speaking, the atmosphere was terribly quiet, and there was no sound for a long time.

He lowered his head and twisted it a little helplessly, then glanced at Cheng Xuanyu, and found that his daughter was looking at him with wet and red eyes, with light in her tears.

"Xuanyu, you, you go upstairs first, and your dad will clean up the dishes for you later."

Cheng Qigang's heart softened, and he smiled and said to his daughter.

Cheng Xuanyu was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then did not dare to look at Zhang Hongzhi, and went up the stairs silently.

But she did not go back to the room.

Instead, she stood silently at the stairs on the second floor.

Soon, there was a quarrel downstairs.

"Cheng Qigang, what do you mean?!"

"I don't have anything to say.What does it mean? "

"Nothing. What nonsense are you saying to me when I am educating my children? Are you really trying to make things difficult for me? Can we still live like this?"

Then there was the sound of things being thrown.

Then Cheng Zihang cried in fear.

Cheng Qigang, who had not said much, said:

"I am the father of the children after all."

"How dare you say that? Why didn't you say that before? Have you ever paid attention to the two children? Huh? I am the one who taught them at home!"

"I didn't say anything."

"Cheng Qigang, I tell you, this family can be what it is today because I am in charge. Don't pretend to be a kind father in front of the children!"

"Don't talk like that."

"What's wrong with me saying that? Am I wrong? If I hadn't asked you to go into business, would you be what you are today? You are still living in that broken house like Xu Guangcheng!"

"You, are you done yet? ”

“It’s not over yet! Cheng Qigang, I tell you, you must make it clear to me today…”

“Forget it, I won’t argue with you. I have something else to do at the factory. I’m going back!”

“Cheng Qigang, stop right there!! "

Then there was the sound of the door being slammed shut.

Then there was only the sound of Cheng Zihang crying and Zhang Hongzhi throwing things.

Cheng Xuanyu hesitated for a while at the second floor stairs, and she still chose to go downstairs.

The restaurant was a mess, and several dishes were broken.

There was no sign of her father Cheng Qigang.

The younger brother Cheng Zihang was sitting in the living room crying among the building blocks.

Mother Zhang Hongzhi was sitting on a chair in the restaurant, with her hair disheveled, crying too.

Cheng Xuanyu stood there for a while.

She didn't go to her mother or her brother, but went to the utility room on the left to take out a broom and shovel, and lowered her head to sweep the floor silently.

During this time, Zhang Hongzhi broke another bowl.

Cheng Xuanyu was frightened, but she never looked up.

She swept the floor and cleaned the table. After doing all this, she stayed for a while, still didn't say anything, and prepared to go upstairs.

"Xuanyu. "

Zhang Hongzhi, who was sitting on the chair, called her.

This voice was crying, but not angry, and as gentle as before.

Cheng Xuanyu's body trembled, and the big tears could not stop rolling down, but she still gritted her teeth and said without looking back:

"Mom, I, I'm going back to my room. "

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