I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 210: [Fan Meeting (2)] (4,000 words)

Kanter's face froze.

They originally planned to cross the residential area of ​​the safe zone and land directly near the college.

But Kanter had an idea after arguing with Daniel, and wanted to get off the ground first-just use the fighter they were in! This fighter plane is loaded with the most advanced linguistic technology, and Kanter is confident that this is a real stealth fighter.

It is precisely because of this that he just chose to fly at a low altitude from above the residential area of ​​the citizens, and even swaggered to the road in the safe area.

"I think it's a bad habit to deceive people." Kanter still doesn't believe that his fighters are so easily discovered. "I didn't get to Tianshui City at all fifteen minutes ago."

An Ruiya smiled and shook her head, and said: "We didn't say that we only found you in Tianshui City, although you are even more eye-catching in Tianshui City."

"Seventeen minutes and five seconds, driving into the border; eighteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds..."

"Ok! ok!" Kanter waved his hand quickly, motioning for An Ruiya to stop quickly.

His face is darker than before.

I didn't expect to be discovered as soon as I came in!

It's better not to ask, if you don't ask, at least it can be said that it was found in Tianshui City. After asking, it will lose face.

Kanter then glanced at Daniel angrily. If it weren't for you to be so embarrassed, I wouldn't have rushed to save face. Now the face is really lost.

"Uh...Would you like to take us to the academy first?" Daniel hurriedly rounded the game. He had reminded Kanter not to show off too much, but Kanter just wouldn't listen. Now he had to stand up and expose the matter.

An Ruiya glanced at Li Zhongkai, and asked him if she could really show them around the college.

As for the loss of face in the diplomacy of the State of Volsk, in fact, no one in the room cared about such trivial matters except Kanter.

Even Li Zhongkai was told to meet with them only a few minutes ago. If these countries did not unite, the Xianmeng could even ignore them directly.

Li Zhongkai nodded towards An Ruiya indifferently.

With the consent of Li Zhongkai, An Ruiya quickly closed the report and said to Daniel: "Of course, it is a privilege to visit the academy."

The first place here refers to the first country to arrive at the global conference.

An Ruiya followed Li reopened and motioned for the other personnel to follow.

Seeing Daniel, who looked like a fan, followed closely, Kanter was suddenly out of breath.

"This guy has humiliated our country!" Kanter gritted his posterior teeth, very contemptuous of Daniel's behavior.

Then he watched Li Zhongkai silently, the most advanced technology lost to the opponent, he admitted!

But the Transcendent Era still depends on personal strength, Kanter knows that the opponent is good, after all, he is called the "Vulcan".

But hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing.

What's more, this global extraordinary conference was held for the first time to explore the bottom of the Immortal League.

Kanter made up his mind, looking for an opportunity these two days to see how strong Li Zhongkai really is, and whether he is really that strong.

"This is the Spirit Beast Garden. We have selected a group of relatively mild spirit beasts for breeding."

Because An Ruiya is not familiar with the terrain of the college, so Ren Qiuqiu will do it for the time being.

The spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Garden were not all made up of spirit beasts controlled by Li Zhongkai, and many pets originally raised by humans evolved.

Kanter and Daniel were shocked when they saw the Spirit Beast Garden. Without him, there were too many.

"This...this is..."

This is the smell of money!

Before I came, I had heard that the explosion of artificial auras in Tianshui City brought astonishing wealth, but at this moment, seeing these spirit beasts, Kanter and Daniel had a hint of wealth.

They also have aura of animals and plants in the country of Fulsk, and each of them has extremely high value in biological research.

The changes that different species have made to the aura are worth recording. In this extraordinary age where every second counts, these studies are laying the foundation for the future status of the country.

The ghost knew what kind of manpower and material resources they had put in to collect a few spirit beasts. Before coming, Kanter took a special look at his spirit beast garden. The spirit beasts inside are almost pitiful,

And there are so many spirit beasts in the academy that are difficult to see. What's even more coveted is that this is only part of the meek character, most of the spirit beasts are still living in the ruins of the old Tianshui City.

Kanter didn't speak, just concealed the greed in his eyes.

Do not worry!

The real purpose of their arrival in all countries this time is not for these spirit beasts.

It's the technology that can create such a glorious scene of Tianshui City!

Although Xianmeng has explained, this is just an experiment result brought about by coincidence and cannot be copied at all.

But who cares?

Let alone believe it or not, even if you believe it, are there few people buying lottery tickets in this world? As long as there is a probability at all, it is impossible for any country to give up in the face of such high returns.

Kanter made up his mind and said hello to fellow diplomats later, and asked him to notify other countries to come as soon as possible!

Only when all countries unite can they **** food from the behemoth of the Fairy League.

Daniel was quite wise, and he quickly reacted, looking at Li reopening, who was silently observing them, and then looked at Kanter worriedly.

He only hoped that Kanter would not do stupid things.

But he agrees with Kanter's opinion, which is to call dispatch personnel from other countries as soon as possible.

It's just not to put pressure on the Immortal League, but hope that one of the people who comes can come to be more horizontal than Kanter, so that the other party will not notice some of Kanter's stupid behavior.

"Sorry, he may just prefer small animals." Daniel explained to Li awkwardly.

Li Zhongkai waved his hand: "It's okay, I don't care."

"For me at this moment, no matter what the scenery is, it can be regarded as a beautiful scenery." Li Zhongkai was a little melancholy.

That's because I made up my mind to be a savior.

But at present only he and Jiang Chi knew how amazing the strength of the visitors from the Ancient Immortal Realm a few days later.

The ancient immortal world has developed a civilization of immortality for a long time, but here in the real world, the aura has recovered only a few years, and the aura has exploded in the most recent month, and the golden core is already the peak of strength.

But for the ancient immortal world, the golden core is nothing more than a hand.

So I can only seal off the crack while it hasn't opened yet.

Otherwise, once the crack is fully opened, only Li Zhongkai is the only one who can fight on the human side in the strict sense.

Once the responsibility is shouldered, the worries that accompany it will follow, which is inevitable.

The only people present were An Ruiya and Daniel who had keenly noticed this emotion.

Daniel's eyes narrowed slightly, he knew it! He knew it! Xianmeng must be facing an enemy that no one else knows. Suddenly, Daniel had a feeling that his speculation had been verified for a long time.

This made him very excited, and he even had an idea-he wanted to join Li to reopen them.

Realize your own life value! And spiritual pursuit!

No longer stick to the struggle between this country and the country!

"Mr. Noah's Ark!" Daniel cleverly used a special title to attract Li Zhongkai's attention.

"I wonder if you have heard the story of Noah's Ark?"

"Oh?" This really attracted Li Chongkai's attention, "I did hear it, but if you say something special, I can listen to it again."

Noah's Ark is actually a bad story.

God can't bear the actions of the wicked, so he wants to destroy all the wicked in the world. At the same time, he also discovered that there was a good man named Noah among human beings. So he ordered Noah to build an ark and allowed him to bring his family, livestock and birds as the ancestor of the new world.

Daniel licked his lips, brewing emotions, and said, "I'm not good at telling stories, but I can tell you some remote versions."

"tell me the story."

"In our country, some people think that we all came from the same person in the beginning, which is Noah."

Li Zhongkai gradually became serious.

"But I don't think this is correct. After all, there are so many myths in the world, and there are so many myths about the origin of mankind. We are not all the legacy of Noah." Daniel joked with a smile.

Li Zhongkaimo also thinks so.

He also didn't think he would reopen to everyone.

Daniel was telling a story, and saw Kanter quietly taking pictures and recording the spirit beasts in Tianshui City. He didn't bother to say anything. He just hoped that he could gain the favor of the fairy league and make up for Kanter's corruption. Image.

"Mr. Noah's Ark, do you know? It is not this part that is worth talking about, but why Noah was selected?"

Li Zhongkai also noticed Kanter's behavior with his spiritual sense, but he didn't care. He just continued to listen to Daniel's comments: "Why Noah was chosen?"

"Because Noah is a perfect man."

Daniel paced back and forth, trying to get An Ruiya to translate this passage more clearly.

"For the concept of perfect man, their interpretation is people who obey God, fear God, serve God, and thank God. In fact, it means that God has chosen a believer of his own to survive."

"But we think that the perfect man is more like representing perfect humanity. He is not incapable of making mistakes, but... how do you say?"

The more he talked, the more anxious he got. He felt that he couldn't explain it clearly. This concept was really mysterious, and it was a bit too difficult to translate. Finally, he had to sigh.

"Ok, I knew I was not good at telling stories." Daniel said regretfully.

"No." Li Zhongkai patted him on the shoulder.

"You are right. I have learned a lot. Thank you."

Then Li Zhongkai turned to An Ruiya and said, "Prepare the accommodation for Daniel and his colleagues. I still have classes in the afternoon, so I can’t accompany him."

After all, I have to leave.

"Eh...Mr. Li Zhongkai!" Daniel hurriedly stopped Li Zhongkai.

"Why? Do you have anything else? Or do you still have a story to tell?"

Daniel hesitated and said, "Mr. Li Zhongkai, even if it is Noah's Ark, Noah is not alone on that Ark!"

He finally plucked up the courage to say what he really wanted to say.

Li reopened his footsteps and turned to look at Daniel.

"Are you talking about the other people on the ark? Are you talking about Noah's family? Or are you talking about livestock or birds?"

In the story, only Noah’s family and some small animals were on board with Noah.

Daniel rubbed his hands nervously.

"Neither! But I think he can have one more shipbuilding partner. Or a comrade-in-arms!"

"Like you?"

"Yes! Like me!"

There was a moment of silence here.

Li Zhongkai walked up to him with an extremely serious expression: "I have taken your mind, but your current strength is not enough."

Li Zhongkai had already said it very euphemistically, after all, Daniel and the others didn't have enough background, how to use them without even knowing the spiritual sense. Although the realm is good, it is more like the effect of the cultivation of the power of the whole country, used as a facade.

After Gu Chengyu, Wen Chengjie and others develop for a period of time, they may not be able to beat Wen Chengjie and others.

Daniel clearly understands this.

The Lingyin fighter just now is a good example.

"But we still have time. Although I am still relatively weak now, please believe me, I will definitely help." Daniel looked straight at Li Zhongkai, and said neither humble nor arrogant.

"But we have no time."

After Li Zhongkai finished speaking, he ignored him, turned to An Ruiya and said, "Remember to find a place to place their fighters as soon as possible."

"Okay." An Ruiya left with Li Zhongkai.

The two left just like that, leaving Daniel alone.

"No time? What do you mean?" Daniel frowned, better not what he thought.

Daniel was meditating, and Kanter on the side saw that Li reopened and was gone, so he hurriedly came forward to say hello to Daniel.

"Hey, Daniel. They actually put us right here." Kanter pushed Daniel with his elbow. "You know what that means!"

He squeezed the spy equipment into Daniel's hand.

"Move quickly, every piece of information from UU Read www.uukanshu.com will be very important to the subsequent negotiations." Kanter said hurriedly.

Kanter placed the small instrument while admiring Daniel: "My friend, I apologize to you. I obviously misunderstood you a little bit earlier. When I was stealing information just now, you were actually helping me cover it?!"

"To be honest, I always thought you were a fanatical fan. I didn't expect you to put the country first. I underestimated you. But the story you tell is really bad..."

Daniel took the instrument and looked at him indifferently.

Playing screens?

Only you would think so!

Daniel looked at Kanter who was running up and down, but he was a little speechless, but out of good intentions from the same country, he reminded: "Don't forget how our fighter was discovered!"

"You'd better collect these things. When the other party finds out, we won't be too embarrassed."


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