"What... what?"

Du Lingfeng's eyes were wide open, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately under the traction of Qi.

The complexions of Luo Beihai and other high-ranking officials in the Demon Realm also froze.


Luo Beihai was in a state of perplexity. He was ecstatic when he saw the leader suddenly appear.

Sanctuary's gang escaped half of them and never escaped.

Even though Du Lingfeng had made a strange move to suppress Meng Hanran just now, he knew very well that in terms of hard power, without Chen Tianxing, the Demon Realm was not as good as the Sanctuary.

Isn't Ye Changsheng about to make a move?

Well done the teacher!

In this way, one's own burden can be unloaded, and as before, just hide behind.

However, when Chen Tianxing came, he not only failed to help Du Lingfeng kill Meng Hanran, but even stopped him.

What kind of trouble is this?

Not to mention the Devil's side, the Sanctuary's side was also messed up by Chen Tianxing.

Ye Changsheng abruptly stopped his figure, and at the same time swung his whisk across the ground, stopping the strong men from the sanctuary who were also rushing forward. Biqu library

He could clearly see that there was a devilish energy coming out of Chen Tianxing's palm, and it had already invaded Meng Hanran's Tianling Gai. As long as the devil wanted to, he could crush Meng Hanran's head at any time.

"Old Devil Chen, what exactly do you want?"

Ye Changsheng frowned deeply.

The opponent controlled Meng Hanran, so he must have something in mind!

what do i think

Chen Tianxing seemed to be calm, but in reality he was in a panic.

This Meng Hanran was well-known in the Sanctuary for proving the Dao by killing, and there were eight hundred if not one thousand cultivators who died in the hands of him.

But even so, this person is open-minded, not a hypocrite like Chen Qingxuan, although the white light on his body is not as dazzling as Ye Changsheng, but it can still make the Taiji diagram turn around.

In the past, this kind of person was killed as soon as he said it, which happened to be able to establish his prestige.

But does he dare to kill now?

Even the last fish eye of his Taiji diagram is black, only the last two small grids of the last circle!

If Meng Hanran was killed, Chen Tianxing would die immediately.

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine, you old boy?

Chen Tianxing is so angry!

Shouldn't you, Ye Changsheng, yell now, let him go and come to me!

Then he laughed wildly three times, and replied, so what if he let him go?

Just throw Meng Hanran back easily.

With Chen Laomo's consistent behavior

Originally, he didn't bother killing people and needed help from others, but Meng Hanran, who had been beaten up by Du Lingfeng, would not be suspected of having another purpose when he was thrown back.

God is pitiful, he kills people like hemp, Old Demon Chen really put his heart into saving Meng Hanran.

While feeling depressed, Luo Beihai gritted his teeth and walked to Chen Tianxing's side, "Master, today is a great opportunity, and these hypocrites will never come or go!"

No matter what Chen Tianxing was thinking, Luo Beihai only knew one thing.

Today's merit, he must stand!

As soon as these words came out, Ye Changsheng's complexion suddenly became ugly.

He guessed right, all of this was set up by Chen Laomo!

First, he pretended to be injured, and induced him to summon a solitary army of sanctuary men and horses to go deep into the demon realm.

Then he deliberately showed his strength in front of him, telling himself that he was not injured.

At this time, I must have lost my fighting spirit, and after realizing that there is a fraud, I will definitely lead the people in the sanctuary to retreat.

But he came with great ambitions, so he retreated without doing anything?

There must be many people like Meng Hanran who are dissatisfied.

In this way, their hearts will be scattered.

Chen Laomo did this for this moment, right?

Ye Changsheng secretly sighed in his heart, the devil is the devil, and he really has many tricks.

It seems that today only Suzerain Meng has to be sacrificed.

Although he didn't want to, Ye Changsheng also knew that if he went to rescue Meng Hanran at this moment, what would happen to the Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

Since Chen Tianxing has such a plan, it seems that these people are not the only ones on the surface, and there is no one ambush in the dark. Biqu library

The only solution now...

Only this……

Ye Changsheng was about to harden his heart and order to retreat, when suddenly, a large group of black shadows rushed towards his face.

Shocked, he thought it was Chen Tianxing's surprise attack, and as soon as the whisk condensed, he wanted Chen to make a sword move to smash the future shadow into pieces.


"Really don't want it!"

Unexpectedly, the disciples of Tianyan Sword Sect shouted loudly, Ye Changsheng was startled, he turned his strength into softness, and used the cycle of heaven to defuse the rushing force of the black shadow. The next thing he looked at, it was Meng Hanran who had fallen into a coma. who?


He looked at Chen Tianxing in disbelief, but Luo Beihai also looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Teach... the leader?"

Luo Beihai's mouth was wide open, the city was as deep as him, and he couldn't understand Chen Tianxing's intentions in doing so.

Chen Tianxing... threw Meng Hanran back to Ye Changsheng directly.

"You, want to teach me how to do things again?


Chen Tianxing turned his head to look at him coldly, but sighed in his heart, Lao Luo, it's lucky to have you.

This step came just in time.

Luo Beihai frowned deeply, shook his head and said, "This subordinate doesn't understand what the leader means."

"Don't understand?"

Chen Tianxing snorted coldly: "Let me ask you, you lead the one hundred and eight demon gates to chase the people in the sanctuary, but is this the order of the leader?"

Luo Beihai was taken aback, "This..."

Chen Tianxing's voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by the sect masters of the Demon Realm who were one step behind.

Everyone is not a fool, and they immediately heard the meaning behind Chen Datianmo's words.

For a while, they were all thinking about each other, and they looked at Luo Beihai quite playfully.

The people in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm are almost all demon cultivators, cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and the one hundred and eight demon sects are not monolithic.

In fact, even if Sanctuary doesn't come to beat them, they usually fight constantly for their own interests, and no one will obey the other.

There is only one person present who can forcibly pinch this loose sand together to form a force not weaker than the Sanctuary.

That is the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Great Heavenly Demon respected by the Extreme Heavenly Demon Realm——Chen Tianxing!

In addition, even Luo Beihai, the deputy leader, could not have such a reputation.

So they were able to gather together, all for Chen Tianxing.

And wasn't Chen Laomo the banner played by Luo Beihai before?

But now hearing what Chen Tianxing said, this matter was not his original intention?

Then I heard Chen Tianxing say again: "Although I hate these rotten pieces of self-proclaimed justice, I don't want to be used as a gun!"

"Luo Beihai, what's on your mind, do you think the leader doesn't know?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Beihai's cold sweat immediately broke down.

Yes, he does have evil intentions.

"Master, I don't think my subordinates have any other ideas, it's just... just..."

Still wanting to argue a few more words, Luo Beihai became more and more guilty as he looked at Chen Tianxing's cold eyes, and finally didn't finish the second half of the sentence.

What did Old Mo Chen know?

No, he can't have evidence!

Luo Beihai's heart was beating drums, and there were countless question marks circling in his mind.

Which link went wrong?

The old devil tortured his trusted confidant?

Or caught the subordinate who tipped off the sanctuary?

No, it's impossible!

Those people have already cleaned up themselves!

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