Nine Stars Exotic Land, Five Elements Temple.

"I'm coming!"

The light blue imprint suddenly jumped up, swaying out streams of frost.

"What's the matter with your inexplicable excitement?"

The fiery red mark, which has always been incompatible with fire and water, snorted angrily: "Can you be as steady as I am?"

"Fuck your ass!"

The light blue mark showed no sign of weakness. Countless sharp ice thorns protruded from the mark, "Aren't you willing to touch it?"


Flames rose from the fiery red mark, and he said angrily, "I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

"All right you two."

Just as the two imprints were facing each other, a pale golden imprint emerged, and at the same time, a thick earthen wall stood between the two imprints of water and fire.

"Let's talk business."

The light of the pale gold mark trembled, if it had a human shape, it should be rubbing the temples now.

"It's the Zhongzhou Sanctuary!"

The light blue mark didn't care about the fiery red mark, and said sharply: "Ye Changsheng probably won't be able to hold on any longer, shall we take action?"


The fiery red mark sneered, "Did you drink too much swill?"

"Let's make a move!"

If the light blue mark had a human form at this moment, it would probably be a bite of silver teeth.

"Calm down!"

The pale gold mark said: "Lao Huo is right, we can't make a move, otherwise..."

A burst of emerald light flashed, and the always low-key emerald imprint said in a clear voice: "Leave this matter to that person."


Meanwhile, that person.

"Old Xiao, you are a bit slow in practicing this pill!"

Chen Tianxing rested his chin on his hand in boredom, watching Xiao Mohe who was sweating profusely making alchemy.

Xiao Mohe opened his mouth, wanting to scold something, but he didn't.

This is still slow?

Do you know alchemy?

Oh, he doesn't understand.

Xiao Mohe shook his head helplessly, "Master, you also said that even if you are a doctor of all medicines, you can't make pills out of nothing, right?"

Chen Tianxing curled his lips: "But didn't the leader take a big risk to open up the passage of medicinal materials for you?"


He casually pointed to a corner of Danfang.

There are bundles of medicinal materials piled full there.

Not only that corner, at this moment Xiao Mohe's alchemy room is almost filled with a large amount of medicinal materials except for the medicine cauldron in the middle.

Xiao Mohe took a deep breath.

simply stop

Wiping off the sweat in his hand, he said with a wry smile: "But the elixir we need is too simple, almost all of them are Bingqingsan that can detoxify fire."

During this period of time, Chen Tianxing has led the disciples of the Demon Sect to do good deeds in the Territory of Flame.

But this collar of flames is extremely hot, dry and dry, so that the people living here are also very boring, and there are not many good things to do.

However, there is a great demand for detoxification.

At the beginning, Chen Tianxing patted his chest and promised to solve the suffering of fire and poison in the village, and he did not break his promise, and asked Tianyi to keep opening the plane of the small island in the sky, so that the disciples could go to gather medicine.

At the beginning, the effect was good, and with the help of the elixir, many villagers were relieved of the fire poison, and they were sincerely grateful to Chen Tianxing and others.

As a result, those white lights that were sucked away by Chen Tianxing began to emerge from the disciples again.

Even the Great Elder Huang Quan once again glowed with white light.

That's fine.

It also allowed Chen Tianxing to successfully spread his fame.

As a result, people from several surrounding villages also came to ask for help.

Chen Tianxing would not refuse anyone who came to this, and smiled from ear to ear.

But here comes the problem.

Bing Qing San is not enough!

Xiao Mohe refines day and night, and with Yue Qingling's help, he is currently unable to make ends meet.

It's not that Xiao Mohe's alchemy ability is not good enough.

In fact, it's just Bingqingsan, which is not popular, not even "Dan", so it's not difficult for him to refine it.

But the medicinal materials are not enough.

There are only a few herbs for refining Bingqingsan, but the disciples picked all kinds of herbs, and only a few of them are suitable for use.

Although the materials on the small island in the sky are abundant, they can't grow rapidly with the same kind of medicinal materials!

A group of disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect almost bald the island, and there are not many common medicinal materials that can be collected.

It even caused Chen Tianxing and Tianyi to quarrel again.

Chen Tianxing meant to ask Tianyi to find another plane to collect herbs to solve this problem.

But Tianyi is also helpless.

His ability to open planes was obtained from the Lord of the Five Elements. Apart from the space of stars, the only plane space that can be opened is this small island in the sky. Biqu library

And not only him, but also the other twenty-six envoys.

Those with the prefix Tian can open two planes, and those with the prefix Earth are even worse, only the space of stars.


So whether it is him or Tian Er Tian Tian San Si Si, the one who can pass people in is actually the plane of the small island in the sky.

So this matter came back to Xiao Mohe again.

In desperation, he had no choice but to use his alchemy talent to fuse and recreate a large number of unsuitable medicinal materials, barely extracting substances that can be used to refine Bingqingsan.

In this way, he expended a lot of energy, but gained little.

Seeing more and more people coming to ask for medicine, Xiao Mohe almost lived in the alchemy room, so busy that he never touched the ground.

Just like this, Chen Tianxing came to urge her from time to time.

He is suffering too!

Chen Tianxing also glanced at the pile of medicinal materials, and said confidently: "So what the leader said, doctors are parents, you should not hide your secrets, and pass your alchemy to the people below, don't you also relax ?"

Xiao Mohe almost vomited blood.

Is this something that can be passed on if you want to?

You should be Heavenly Demon Soul Eater!

Just pour it directly into people's heads?

You have to be able to learn it!

His secret technique of merging elixir can't be figured out without his 30 to 50 years of alchemy insights.

Not to mention those disciples who have only come into contact with alchemy, even Yue Qingling, who has practiced alchemy since childhood, can only help him now.

The real fusion step can only be done by himself.

"I quit!"

Xiao Mohe slapped his palm to extinguish the fire, and sat down on the ground.

"Hey you!"

Chen Tianxing jumped up, "Just talking about you, are you still playing with your temper?"

Xiao Mohe also went all out, simply lay back and put his hands on the pillow, no matter what he said, he couldn't get up.

"Old Xiao, you..."

Seeing that this was not the solution, Chen Tianxing immediately wanted to speak earnestly, and before he spoke, he turned away in a daze with a slightly dazed expression.

In the tightly closed alchemy room, the space slowly distorted, and a figure emerged.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Tianxing said angrily to that person.

"Chen Tianxing, the Lord ordered me to come and let you save people."

It was Tian Yi who came, and his tone was as cold as ever.

"Save people?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Tianxing's eyes lit up, "Save who? I'll let Huang Quan go!"

The conscience of heaven and earth, Master Chen also worked very hard to let his subordinates do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

Tian paused for a moment, and said coldly: "I'm afraid you will have to deal with this matter yourself, because the person you want to save is..."

"Ye Changsheng!"

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