It was Tianyi who came.

Right now, she was standing behind Yue Qingling.

"God Uncle!"

Yueqing Ling said: "I also want to help, why not?"

Tian didn't even look at her, and while walking around, said coldly: "Because my cultivation level is not enough, I can't lead so many people at once."

"Either you go, or Xiao Mohe goes, you choose."

These words made Yue Qingling open her mouth, but she was speechless.

How would she choose Xiao Mo?

If both of them enter the Immemorial God Realm, they will play the same role.

But Xiao Mohe is stronger than her in strength, alchemy is better than her, and her knowledge is wider than her.

No matter from which point of view, if the two choose one, Xiao Mohe should go in.

"But I..."

Yue Qingling wanted to say something more.

Tianyi ignored her, and as soon as he entered the alchemy room, he glanced at Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng, and said, "Are you ready?"

Chen Tianxing curled his lips, it was unnecessary to ask this question.

"Then let's go, the opening time of the Primordial God Realm is not long, if you miss it, you have to wait another month."

With that said, Tianyi waved his hand.

A force of space enveloped him, Chen Tianxing and others, and his body gradually became vacant.

"God Uncle!"

Yue Qingling was so angry that she stomped her feet, but there was nothing she could do.

As Tianyi said, whether she can go or not is up to her, Tianyi has to agree.

If Tianyi doesn't bring her into the power of space, she can't do anything about it even if he breaks the sky.

"Xiao Ling'er, you just stay here well."

Xiao Mohe's body is also getting weaker and weaker. In Setsuna, who is about to completely escape into the space, he opened his mouth to ask Yue Qingling.

However, just as he finished speaking, when his body was about to disappear, he clearly saw a hand protruding from beside him, pulling Yue Qingling in.

Xiao Mohe: "..."

Yue Qing Ling: "?"

Tian was furious: "Chen Tianxing, you are courting death!"

However, it was too late.

Even Tianyi couldn't stop the space teleportation at this time.


By the time their vision returned to clarity, they were already floating in the darkness.

"Chen Tianxing!"

Tianyi was the first to regain consciousness, and furiously went to find Chen Tianxing desperately.

"Hey, what is this?"

Chen Tianxing ignored him, and looked up at his eyes.

Ye Changsheng's expression was also solemn.

Right in front of everyone's eyes, stands a dense wall

A foggy... wall?


Chen Tianxing debated carefully for a long while before speaking in astonishment.

Immediately, he and Ye Changsheng looked at each other, and they both saw a kind of irony in each other's eyes.

Yes, door.

This wall is extremely huge, you can't see the head from the left and right, and you can't see the roof from the top and bottom, it just stretches across the sky in front of everyone.

It was as if they had come to the end of the world.

Is the end of the world just such a wall?

No, in the mist floating in front of everyone, a simple big character can be vaguely seen: door.

It's very simple and straightforward.

The entrance to the Immemorial God Realm is here?

"Chen Tianxing!"

Still angry, Tianyi rushed to Chen Tianxing, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Tianxing shrugged, "Help you!"

"Didn't you say that your cultivation base is not enough, so you can't bring Junior Sister Yue?"

"Your cultivation base is not enough for me, let me help you."

With a puff, it amused Yue Qingling who had just recovered from the side.

In her impression, Uncle Tian has always been not good at words. Although she knew that he cared about her, in fact, she hadn't said a few words since she came here for so long.

So compared to Xiao Mohe, Yue Qingling is actually a little afraid of Tianyi.

But such a serious Tianyi repeatedly bumped into a wall in front of Chen Tianxing.

In addition, she got what she wanted, and was pulled in by Chen Tianxing.

So knowing that I shouldn't laugh at this moment, I still couldn't help it.

"You and I!"

The sky is very angry.

Does he mean that?

Is it insufficient cultivation?

When there were more people than here before, they were also sent together.

Chen Tianxing, why does he have to fight against himself?

"Let's leave you and mine, come on, let's introduce."

Chen Tianxing ignored him, and pointed to the door sign on the wall, "So this is the entrance to the Immemorial God Realm?"

Tianyi said angrily: "I don't know!"

Chen Tianxing curled his lips and said, "How old are you? Why are you still acting like a child?"

Behind them, Xiao Mohe was helpless, and Ye Changsheng rubbed his eyebrows.

It was Ye Changsheng who stepped forward and said, "Fellow Tiandao, Master Chen has done a good job, but the most urgent thing for us right now is to find a way to enter the Immemorial God Realm."

"As for nephew Music Master, let the old Taoist protect him."

Facing Ye Changsheng, Tianyi's tone was about to slow down.

and some more.

He glared at Chen Tianxing angrily, then gritted his teeth and said to Ye Changsheng: "Master Changsheng, I am not angry, I really don't know how to enter the Immemorial God Realm."

"If you want to know, it's his turn to go in?"

Chen Tianxing looked up, looked at the huge door and said: "Didn't everyone tell you that the door is here?"

"Such obvious hints are not enough?"

Tianyi's anger was rising again, "Then why don't you come in and let me have a look?"

"Just go in."

Chen Tianxing snorted coldly and flew up.

"The door, just push it open."

He flew until he was in the middle of the huge door, and then smiled at the bottom.

Since there is nothing to ask from Tianyi, he has to try it himself to find out, otherwise would he really come to visit the end of the world?

He is also a man of high skill and boldness, he condensed his magic power and pushed it against the wall with his palm.


Sure enough, it didn't move at all.

There is a word "door" written on it, but it is a seamless whole, so naturally it will not be pushed away.

Xia Tianyi sneered.

If it was that simple, the Lords of the Five Elements would have already gone in, and it's your turn, Chen Tianxing?

"Master Chen, let's think of a way."

Ye Changsheng also yelled from below, and took the mist into his hand, trying to judge something from the breath.

However, Ye Changsheng's words didn't stop Chen Tianxing, he still kept pushing the door.

Tianyi sneered and said: "If you can't push it away, you can't push it away. Why, feel ashamed and dare not come down to face us?"

Chen Tianxing still ignored him.

But everyone's complexion changed slightly.

Because they saw that Chen Tianxing was not motionless.

His body was trembling slightly.

what happened?

Ye Changsheng was startled, and flew into the air, concerned: "Master Chen, are you alright?"

And at this moment Chen Tianxing...

This breath... this breath...

He didn't move, and the surprise in his heart had reached its peak.

Just after that palm was slapped, the tactile sensation echoed from the wall made him feel extremely familiar.

Isn't this...

Before he could figure it out, the Tai Chi Diagram in the spiritual world was slowly turning at this moment.

A stream of cool breath gushed out from the Tai Chi Diagram, flowed along Chen Tianxing's meridian to his palm, and then connected with the wall.

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