"No way, you guys do this!"

Chen Tianxing frowned, "The leader of the sect thought of this way with great effort, you don't want to obey the law!"

Luo Beihai resisted the urge to vomit blood, and hurriedly expressed his loyalty, "How is that possible!"

"The leader has far-sighted plans, and we should obey them!"

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Seeing that this matter was about to be settled, Li Wuming, one of the masters of the three halls, could not sit still.

He cupped his hands at Chen Tianxing: "Master, I have read the dogma you set, and there are no other problems, but the first one is that you cannot kill people..."

"What's your problem?"

Chen Tianxing said: "Too much murder will affect a person's xinxing. The leader of this sect established this rule for your own good."


Li Wuming said helplessly: "But the leader, the black blood demon kung fu practiced by my subordinates is designed to absorb the essence and blood of people's hearts to strengthen their bodies. If they can't kill people..."

"This subordinate's magic skills will be useless!"

The essence and blood of the heart can only be sucked out by digging out the heart. If the heart is gone, people will die naturally. Biqu library

It is impossible for Li Wuming not to kill someone.

Chen Tianxing thought for a while, and said, "Is there a possibility that chicken blood is actually okay?"


Li Wuming choked up for a moment, and almost lost his breath.

"What about me, the leader?"

Seventh Elder Yuan Tongtian said with a bitter face: "My magic power is to take human bone marrow for my own use. There is not much on this chicken, right?"

Chen Tianxing glared at him, "Have you never eaten stewed pork ribs?"

"Not enough chickens, not enough pigs?"

Yuan Tongtian vomited blood.

"And I……"

Another hall master spoke weakly.

"you shut up!"

Immediately dare not say much.

"It seems that you are very dissatisfied!"

Chen Tianxing glared fiercely at the group of high-level officials, "This matter has already been decided by the leader of the sect. If you are willing, you are willing, and if you are not willing, you have to be willing!"

As he spoke, he had a secret luck with his magic skills, and suddenly spread his right hand.

Everyone saw countless fine black spots flying out of his palm.

"This is!"

The Great Elder had extraordinary eyesight, and exclaimed, "Turning demons out of your body?"

What flew out from Chen Tianxing's palm were actually countless magic eyes that were almost invisible to the naked eye, fluttering and erratic, scattered in the air in the blink of an eye.

Chen Tianxing snorted: "That's right, transforming demons outside the body, from

From now on, your every move is under the surveillance of the leader of the sect, whoever dares not follow the new dogma, don't blame the leader of the sect for being ruthless! "

The magic power rises.

The air froze instantly.

Chen Laomo's magic skills can even suppress the entire Demon Realm, and when he got angry, no one, including the Great Elder, dared to say anything more.

"Vice Hierarch Luo!"

He sternly said: "I hope you will not disappoint the leader this time!"

Luo Beihai's body trembled, "Subordinates dare not!"

I can't stop complaining in my heart, I don't know how many people will be offended by this errand.

"That's it!"

Chen Tianxing walked out of the hall with his hands behind his hands, "You should study the new canon. The leader of the church does not have high requirements. In the early days, all you need is to not kill people and do good deeds every day."

"Sooner or later you will understand my painstaking efforts!"


Do good every day!

The high-level people felt dizzy for a while.

Some of them have never done a good deed in their lives!

Even how to do this good deed is at a loss.

"Then...what about you, Master?"

Luo Beihai didn't dare to neglect, and immediately shouldered the mission.


Chen Tianxing glanced back, "I am in charge of observing your actions!"

"Using so many external transformation demons at once, the leader is also very tired. How can I have the energy to do good deeds?"

Everyone secretly complained: I believe in you...


"It's not appropriate not to take responsibility for yourself."

"That's how it is, Deputy Hierarch Luo will suffer, and do one more good deed for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, his people also disappeared outside the hall.

Luo Beihai wanted to slap himself hard.


Go back to the inner sanctum.

"I'm exhausted!"

Chen Tianxing rubbed his swollen brows, shook his hands, and first retracted countless external transformation demons.

What a joke, using so many external transformation demons at once, not to mention other things, even if the information collected by each magic eye is sent back to his brain, his brain will explode.

What I did just now was just to deter those guys from being lazy.

It seems to be working fine now.

Chen Tianxing, who took back Setsuna who had transformed into a demon outside of his body, saw that group of people struggling to study the new canon.

No one dared not to take Chen Laomo's order seriously.

And this is what Chen Tianxing can think of at present.

Yes, the best way.

Things are too dangerous today!

If he went later, or if Du Lingfeng's sword killed two more monks with white light on their bodies, his life would be over!

How can this kind of thing be allowed to happen again?

Therefore, Chen Tianxing's first task is to reverse the Taiji Diagram to a safe enough situation.

Wanting to reverse is also associated with white light.

But there is too little white light on the people of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

It is impossible for him to collect white light like Xu Qiushuang's routine again and again, this is not a long-term solution after all.

What if his Taiji diagram is still black when the sanctuary attacks next time?

So it is necessary to place more white light around yourself.

Only when there is enough white light from the Devil's Cult, or even the entire Extreme Sky Demon Realm, can he have more protection in his actions.

At the very least, the Taiji Diagram must always be in a state of more white and less black.

So there was this magic domain transformation plan.

He, Chen Laomo, killed too many people, even if he did a hundred good deeds every day, he probably wouldn't be able to bear the light of day, so this matter had to fall on other people.

Although the situation of Luo Beihai and other high-level people is actually similar to him, but there are so many people in the Heavenly Demon Sect!

What about those low-level congregants?

Especially for some disciples who have not been teaching for a long time, they don't have much bad karma.

Under his high-pressure orders, at the speed of doing good deeds every day, it would not take long for the first batch of white lights to appear.

When the time comes, he will bring these people with him, and when the Taiji Diagram turns black, he will give these disciples some sweetness. When the other party is grateful, the white light on his body will be absorbed by him, thus reversing the Taiji Diagram.

In this way, wouldn't it be inexhaustible?

Start with the Heavenly Demon Sect first, and finally complete the transformation of the entire Extreme Heavenly Demon Realm.

At that time, his Demon Realm will become even more sacred than the Sanctuary. Are you afraid that the Taiji Diagram will fail?

Kill one, help one, keep on going.

It's better to cultivate a few more confidantes, so that you can get white light faster, it will be more perfect.

Of course, this is the next step of the plan.

Now Chen Tianxing has another urgent need to do.

Still related to white light.

The Taiji Diagram has almost reached the critical point, and the long-distance water cannot quench the near-thirst. He dare not wait for the Tianmo Cultists to do good deeds and make white light.

You have to think about it again.

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