For the first time Chen Tianxing exerted his full strength in front of his eyes, Tianyi was shocked.

All of them have just experienced a spatial turbulence, and even he, who is most familiar with the power of space, felt overwhelmed.

But Chen Tianxing acted as if nothing had happened.

Not only did he break through the space with that sword that opened up the world, but at this moment he still has the strength to fight dozens of Tyrannosaurs all by himself!

Under the instructions of the Venerable Five Elements, Tianyi not only secretly monitored the holy and demon domains, but also knew something about the wild beast domain.

Although these tyrannosaurus beasts are not strong in attack, they are superior to the extremely hard tortoise shell, and this is a strange beast of the earth attribute, which is far superior to other strange beasts in terms of natural defense.

Especially those five heads who took the lead in making troubles, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the strength of the ninth level of the transformation stage in terms of their defense ability.

To be honest, Tianyi thought that he didn't have the ability to fight so many Tyrannosaurus alone.

Even if it is one-on-one, he only has the ability to protect himself. If he wants to break through the dragon beast's defense, even if he uses the power of space to cut it, it may be very reluctant.

And Chen Tianxing can not only break its defense, but also chase dozens of Tyrannosaurs.

This strength, no matter how unwilling it is in my heart, I can only sigh myself.

But what Tianyi didn't see was that Chen Tianxing secretly stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth.

Facing so many tyrannosaurs, even he was struggling.

But the more difficult it is for Moxiu to cultivate his nature, the more he can't be weak in momentum, even if he takes medicine?

The effect is also obvious.

The Tyrannosaurus, who previously dismissed the five of them as delicacies that fell from the sky, felt timid after Chen Tianxing blasted Setsuna out of the Demon Purgatory.

Then the devil rain fell, and even the defense they were most proud of was able to break through, which made the dragon beasts even more frightened.

Finally, I saw Chen Tianxing's Kuangba figure floating in the midair. Without knowing the depth, he no longer tried his best to attack, but retreated out of the range of the magic rain while roaring in pain.

"Where are you going?"

Chen Tianxing sneered again and again, he was not going to let them go.

This is the Wild Beast Realm!

The monks who grew up here are best at the beast thaumaturgy, and can even communicate with strange beasts without barriers.

If one Tyrannosaurus is allowed to leave, it will definitely attract a large number of beast monks. This is Chen Tianxing


Especially when Tianyi could no longer teleport through space at this moment, it was even worse.

They had made sufficient preparations to enter the Immemorial God Realm.

But these preparations are almost used up in the challenge space.

And then experienced a space turbulence.

It has to be said that they are almost at the point where they are running out of ammunition and food.

Even his Chen Tianxing is the same.

What was lost in the challenge space was his own cultivation. Although it was supplemented by pills, it was not as stable as his original devil energy.

The sword that broke through the space also exhausted the energy in Guixu's black ball.

It can be said that now is also his weakest time.

Being able to fight one game may not be able to fight the second game, and there are even third and fourth games, which will be consumed endlessly.

Consumption also consumed him to death.

So the best way now is to keep all the tyrannosaurs with all his strength, and then stay here to adjust his breath, and delay until Tianyi can use the space teleportation secret technique to teleport them away.

Under Chen Tianxing's control, every dozen or so phantoms besieged a Tyrannosaurus, beating the opponent until it roared in pain, and the hard tortoise shell was eroded by the magic rain, and then it was no longer strong.

More than a dozen phantoms crazily rushed forward, tearing the armor pieces flying, and the light green animal blood splashed everywhere. Biqu library

Yue Qingling couldn't bear to look straight at it, and closed her eyes tightly.

Bloody purgatory!

The corners of Ye Changsheng's brows twitched twice, and this scene reminded him of a scene he didn't want to recall in his mind.

It was their sanctuary monks who were so bloody and bloody back then!


Just when Chen Tianxing was on the rise, a violent roar suddenly resounded through the sky, and it was so shocking that the pouring rain of demons stagnated for a moment before continuing to fall.


Stimulated by this sound, the tyrannosaurus beasts who were retreating steadily burst into roars, which actually highlighted the meaning of blood and bravery, and it was no longer the miserable cry of fear.

At the same time, he didn't retreat any more, and with all his minions frantically attacking, he was able to withstand the attack of the ghosts for a while.

Chen Tianxing raised his head, and saw a strange beast with wings flying towards him not far away. On the back of this strange beast, there was still a thin middle-aged man sitting firmly.

"Seven Stars Singing Snake!"

Ye Changsheng's complexion changed several times, and he called out to the weird flying snake with two wings on its back and long limbs.

It's getting closer, everyone can already see the seven stars

On the ugly snake head of the Ming Snake, there are indeed seven stars shining with strange light.

His cry also made the middle-aged man on the back of Seven Star Crying Snake turn to look at him, and the originally angry expression was also stagnated.

"Ye Changsheng, is that you?"

He stared at Ye Changsheng, his face was not very good-looking.

Ye Changsheng took a deep breath, solemnly cupped his hands and said, "Elder Mu, long time no see."

He recognized this person, he met when he was traveling in the Wild Beast Realm, he was one of the seven elders under the head of the Phoenix Double Realm in the Wild Wild Beast Realm, ranking fifth, and his natal beast was the Seven Star Crowing Snake.

Of course, the Seven Star Snake at that time was only five stars.

"Yeah, it's been a long time."

Elder Mu sneered, "It's been so long that you, Ye Changsheng, have changed from the suzerain of the sanctuary to the demon of the demon realm!"

Ye Changsheng was stunned, knowing that his affairs had been introduced to the beast domain by the people of the sanctuary.

Immediately his eyes darkened, and he sighed: "Elder Mu, things are not what you think."

"What's that like?"

Elder Mu suddenly pointed at Chen Tianxing, and shouted violently: "Don't tell me that this person is not Chen Tianxing!"

Chen Tianxing's devilish aura was so recognizable that Elder Mu had already recognized his identity when he came.

"Ye Changsheng, Ye Changsheng!"

Elder Mu said coldly: "Back then, I respected you as a person and admired your spirit of dedicating yourself to the sanctuary, but I didn't expect..."

"All of this is all pretended by you!"

Ye Changsheng was speechless.

It is conceivable that the news about him from Sanctuary to Beast Realm is unlikely to be a good word, and it is even possible to add more oil and vinegar.

But he couldn't explain it.

The one with him was indeed Chen Laomo, there was no explanation for this.

What do you want him to say?

Said... Chen Laomo has become better, better than some sanctuary powers?

You misunderstood him, he is really a good man?

Empty words have no proof, who will believe it?

If nothing happened to him, and he was still the suzerain of Tai Dao Sect, he would definitely not believe someone who came to tell him like this.

What's more, the scene on the spot...

Ye Changsheng sighed again.

He did understand Chen Tianxing's purpose of killing them all.

But right now, the scene is like a bloody purgatory, with broken tortoise shells, torn flesh, and animal blood flowing.

All these are no different from Chen Laomo's usual style.

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