While speaking, the magic cloud in the sky was completely burned.

Clouds disappear and rain gathers, and no more fire and rain fall from the sky.

A huge alien beast on the cloud was revealed.

Ye Changsheng's complexion turned ugly again.

Although after hearing that voice just now, the identity of this person has been confirmed.

But his complexion is just that he simply doesn't want to see it.

It was an ice and fire phoenix with dazzling blue ice wings!

While the wings were flapping, what scattered from the ice-blue wings was fiery red flames.

On the back of Binghuo Phoenix, there was a big man with an animal skin around his lower body, revealing his muscular body.

"Lord of the Phoenix Territory!"

Ye Changsheng sighed slightly in his heart, knowing that the one who should come still couldn't hide.

This person is none other than the phoenix dual domain master of the Wild Beast Realm, the Phoenix domain master's dual cultivator partner!

"I didn't expect that, Ye Changsheng."

The master of the phoenix domain had sharp eyes, just like the ice and fire phoenix under his feet, his words smelled like icy shards, sending chills down one's spine.

"Yes, the old man didn't expect that either."

Ye Changsheng smiled wryly, but his body was straight.

As Chen Tianxing said, does every old acquaintance have to be explained?

Those who believe in him will naturally believe it, and those who don't believe it will be useless no matter how much he says.

What's more, the person who came was still the master of Fengyu.

Ye Changsheng still remembered that when he was in the Shenyi Medicine Sect, the master of the Phoenix domain suffered a big loss at the hands of Chen Tianxing.

Not only did she lose a Burning Sky Ancient Toad, Chen Tianxing also made her suffer a lot in the subsequent battle.

With such deep hatred, how could the Lord Fengyu, who has always been deeply in love with his husband and wife, swallow this breath?

And now he is indeed standing on the same front as Chen Tianxing.

This alone leaves no possibility of explanation.

"Chen Laomo, how dare you come to my beast realm!"

Just as he was thinking about the Phoenix Territory Lord, Jiao Zha came from the sky.

This made Ye Changsheng sigh even more.

A strong wind struck, flying sand and rocks, and the sky suddenly darkened.

But a gigantic Kunpeng arrived in an instant.


Chen Tianxing frowned, and couldn't help asking in surprise: "What did you feed it?"

He had seen this Kunpeng when he was in Shenyi Medicine Sect.

It was big back then, but definitely not as big as it is now.

The current Kunpeng is at least three times bigger than before!

According to the growth rate of the beast, it will never be so fast.

The Lord of the Phoenix Region stands on top of the Kunpeng, with a pair of beautiful eyes ready to burst out

Huo Lai said sternly: "Old Devil Chen, give back my life toad!"


As soon as the words fell, Kunpeng screamed, his voice was so sharp that it hurt people's eardrums.

Even the ice and fire phoenix flying beside it moved sideways without any trace.

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, "Your ancient toad wants to eat this leader, so should I let him eat it?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

The Lord of the Phoenix Region raised his brows upside down, "My toad has the most gentle temperament, how could he eat you for no reason, you must have provoked it first!"

Chen Tianxing said impatiently: "I'm too lazy to tell you, anyway, Burning Heaven Ancient Toad was killed by the leader of the sect. If you want revenge, come here, and the leader will follow!"

"Good old devil Chen, today is your death day!"

The master of the Phoenix Region was furious, and said: "Surrender to death!"

Kunpeng fanned his wings, and the wind blew violently, and a terrifying tornado visible to the naked eye wrapped Ye Changsheng's painting as a prison.

Chen Tianxing sneered, "That's it?"

He even turned his head and glanced at Xiao Mohe.

Just seeing Xiao Mohe's expression was a little unnatural.

It was not Chen Tianxing who broke the Kunpeng tornado, but Xiao Mohe.

It was his mouthful of filth that forced the Master of the Phoenix Territory to withdraw.

Although Xiao Mohe couldn't spit it out now, Chen Tianxing was much stronger than then.

Because he has the Qingyun Sword to Subdue Demons!

He snatched the sword from Ye Changsheng's hand.

Although he lost the Guixu black ball, his own magic skills are also good, and he can also use it with confidence due to the isolation effect of the Qingxuan arm armor.

However, when he was holding the sword and using his energy, the master of Fengyu didn't stand on the sidelines. Biqu library

With a thought in his mind, the wings of the ice and fire phoenix under his feet also swept fiercely, and large groups of icy flames were thrown out from the ice wings and merged into the Kunpeng tornado.

The wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire assists the wind, and the violent tornado suddenly swirls into the sky with flames.

At this time, Chen Tianxing was ready.

The Fumo Qingyun Sword flashing with astonishing green light slashed fiercely!

Ye Changsheng cooperated tacitly, and just as the Heavenly Demon Daomang rushed out, he opened a crack in the ground, just enough for the Daomang to get out.


The green saber light rushed out, and immediately struck the flame tornado.

But what Chen Tianxing didn't expect was that the Heavenly Demon Daomang of this sword move was not as powerful as before. Not only did it not split the space, it even hit the tornado wall

At that time, it was frozen into a green crescent moon by the phoenix ice flame attached to it.

Then it was shattered into ice balls by the tornado.

"Fenghuang and Fenghuang are best at combining strikes, Master Chen, be careful!"

Ye Changsheng reminded from behind.

I was very anxious.

In terms of understanding of these two people, he was the one who had the deepest understanding among the people present.

But Ye Changsheng knew very well that if he met Feng or Huang alone, he would definitely win.

But if the phoenix joins the wall, then even he can only retreat.

Although Chen Tianxing was stronger than him, he was not in perfect condition at the moment. It was really hard to say how long he could last after repeated hard battles.

Xiao Mohe also had a serious face, he was already sorting out the few pills, ready to meet Chen Tianxing at any time.

"Huh!" Biquku

Chen Tianxing snorted coldly, "It's just that this is also worthy of the name of combined attack?"

Fumo Qingyun's sword is as swift as lightning, and with a few swipes, dozens of green blades will be cut out.

But without exception, they were all frozen into ice balls.

But it was not in vain, at least the strength of the Heavenly Demon Saber slowed down the closing speed of the Kunpeng Tornado a lot, and it also gave Chen Tianxing more time.

With dozens of cuts, he was almost on the verge of exhaustion.

But he was not in a hurry, instead he turned around and looked towards Xiao Mohe.

Xiao Mohe didn't dare to neglect, and immediately handed over the elixir that he had prepared earlier.

Chen Tianxing was not polite either, he took it and stuffed it into his mouth, but he didn't immediately turn around and chop dozens of times, instead he squatted down and showed a gentle smile to Yue Qingling in Xiao Mohe's arms.

"Sister, back then I was swallowed by Burning Heaven Ancient Toad because of you. It's been so long, and I still haven't heard you thank me."

This was said without thinking, and when the enemy was in front of him, it made people feel very confused.

Only Yueqing Lingfang's heart trembled.

Recalling the old incident, she recalled the scene when Chen Tianxing fought desperately for her and Fentian Guchan, and the scene where she cried heart-piercingly afterwards, and she felt a pain in her heart.

That's right, regardless of whether he is the big devil or not, he was indeed...

Yue Qingling's eyes instantly turned red.

And today the master of the Phoenix dual domains killed Chen Tianxing, wasn't the cause also because of what happened that day?

Yes, I do owe him a thank you.

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