"What did you say?"

Chen Tianxing was startled.

Xiao Mohe next to him was also stunned, but his eyes were on Tianyi.

It's just that Tianyi's mask covered his expression, but judging from the state of the opponent's body shaking violently, he was also in shock.

The person involved, Yue Qingling, was even more stunned.


She opened her mouth wide, she couldn't believe it, but at the same time, she got an obvious response from the four holy beasts in her mind.

"I'm the Goddess of the Beast Realm?"

how can that be?

There were a thousand and ten thousand disbeliefs in Yue Qingling's heart.

She grew up in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou since she was a child, and she has never even been to the Beast Realm. How did she become the Goddess of the Beast Realm?

"Uncle Xiao, I..."

She looked at Xiao Mohe.

Since she was a child, she only knew that she was carried back from the outside by Xiao Mohe, and she didn't know her own life experience.

Could it be that she was really carried away from the beast realm?

Facing Yue Qingling's anxious gaze, Xiao Mohe was stunned for a moment.

Beast domain?

Tianyi is from a foreign land of nine stars!

It was Tianyi who handed Yue Qingling over to him back then, and at that time Tianyi was seriously injured, but he was tightly protecting Yue Qingling, who was still in her infancy, in his arms.

It was that action that made Xiao Mohe believe that Tianyi was not a bad person, and because he was obsessed with alchemy at that time, he did not hesitate to use the secret method of alchemy to share life to save Tianyi.

At that time, Tianyi didn't say it clearly, but he handed Yue Qingling to him, and asked him to take care of Yue Qingling in Sanctuary.

So Xiao Mohe ever guessed that Tianyi might not be Yue Qingling's biological parents, but deliberately concealed it because of some difficulties that he couldn't talk about?

And since Tianyi handed Yue Qingling to Xiao Mohe, every two years, he would definitely appear once to see Yue Qingling, and also brought many precious elixir to Xiao Mohe as a reward.

This persistence was not interrupted until the Xiao family had a major change and he was forced to enter the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

Later, everyone entered the Nine Stars Exotic Land. Judging from Tian's usual attitude towards Yue Qingling, Xiao Mohe believed that this person had a very close relationship with Yue Qingling, but it was difficult for him to ask if Tian didn't mention it.

But he didn't want to have questions about Yue Qingling's life experience in the beast domain that had never been before?

She...could it really be...


Just when he was wondering, Tianyi gritted his teeth and reprimanded:

"Little Ling'er has been by my side since she was born. She has never been to the Beast Realm, and she was not born in the Beast Realm. How can she be the goddess of the Beast Realm?"

Yue Qingling's eyes dimmed when she heard that, "My God, Uncle, do you know Xiao Ling'er's life experience?"

"I have no idea."

Tianyi choked up for a moment, but said in a deep voice: "But I'm very sure, you have nothing to do with Beast Realm!"

The master of Fengyu said angrily: "Who told you that Miss Le is from the Beast Realm?"

"What the domain master said is that Miss Le is the goddess of the beast domain, and it has nothing to do with who she was born or where she came from!"

Chen Tianxing laughed angrily when he heard it, "It's interesting what you said. You're not from the Beast Realm, but also a goddess from the Beast Realm?"

"You taste it yourself, does this logic make sense?"

"What's wrong?"

The master of Fengyu stared at him, and said loudly: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you!"

"Thank me?"

Chen Tianxing wondered: "Could it be that I'm also the Son of the Beast Realm?"

"You think beautifully!"

The phoenix domain master was furious, and said angrily: "You are the one who killed Burning Heaven Ancient Chan!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianxing was still in a daze, but Xiao Mohe's heart was moved, he said in surprise: "Could it be that Xiao Ling'er's heat poison just now was caused by that ancient toad?"

Lord Fengyu snorted coldly, "You finally figured it out."

"Let me ask you, was that ancient toad's animal pill eaten by Miss Le?"

These words made everyone silent.

Yes, I ate it.

Back then in the Immemorial God Realm, facing the challenge of the Qingxuan Armor almost drove everyone to a desperate situation. Later, Yue Qingling, who had the lowest level of cultivation, took the idea of ​​fighting to the death, and subdued the burning sky ancient toad. Beast Pill used this to gain strength dozens of times stronger than her own cultivation, and defeated the challenger in one fell swoop.

Now the Qingxuan arm armor is on Chen Tianxing's right arm, it's all thanks to Yue Qingling.

"So what?"

Chen Tianxing said forcefully: "At the beginning I just wanted to take some of the scales on Gu Chan's body. I didn't expect that toad to be so stingy. He obviously had a lot of them, but he didn't want to give me some, and he wanted to fight with the leader. It died. Who is to blame?"


The Lord of the Phoenix Region's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he wished he could find Chen Tianxing immediately.

Fortunately, Feng Yuzhu forced her to hold her.

At the same time, he said: "The Burning Heaven Ancient Toad is a masterpiece in the beast realm.

The beast, the beast power in its beast pill is so powerful, how can anyone be able to obey it? "

These words made Xiao Mohe's heart sink.

At the beginning, he also had such worries, fearing that Yueqing Lingfu would cause serious problems after taking Fentian Guchan's animal pill.

After all, he is well aware of the consequences of taking the beast pill without refining it.

But after some careful investigation, nothing was found.

Therefore, we can only guess that after the Beast Pill of Fen Tian Ancient Chan was taken out by Chen Tianxing, the energy in it was seriously lost, and Yue Qingling's desperate eruption blasted out all the energy obtained from the Beast Pill. Only in this way did she not suffer backlash.

At that time, Xiao Mohe thought it was a blessing in misfortune.

But in fact, Yue Qingling's sequelae are hidden so deep that even she can't realize it?

"Only Miss Le!"

The phoenix domain master fixed his eyes on Yue Qingling, and sighed: "To be honest, even the domain master of this domain cannot take the beast pill of a different beast without refining it, let alone the burning sky ancient toad. This is the beast pill of an ancient strange beast!"

"But Miss Le herself has not been backlashed, and the beast pill has merged with herself."


Xiao Mobao was shocked when he heard this, and quickly reached out to grasp Yue Qingling's pulse. After checking, he was surprised to find that Yue Qingling's golden pill had indeed become like a beast pill, and strands of strange qi were constantly escaping from it. Beast breath.

This is a change that was not noticed before.

It was after that that Yue Qingling's body slowly changed.

"Uncle Xiao, I, will I..."

Yue Qingling also discovered that her golden core was different at the same time.

Carrying the Beast Pill of Fen Tian Ancient Chan with her for a long time, why didn't she know what the Beast Pill looked like?

Now the golden core in the body has become the same as the beast core, only slightly smaller.

This made Yueqing Linghua look pale.

I... still can't escape the fate of becoming a giant toad?

"Don't worry."

Xiao Mohe softly comforted, looked at Feng Yuzhu, and asked in a deep voice: "Why is this happening?"

This is a strange disease that even he has never encountered.

"It's physique!"

The master of Fengyu said firmly: "Miss Le is born with a special physique, which is why she has such a change."

"Otherwise, if another person came, I'm afraid he would have already turned into a beast, lost his sanity, and turned into a real beast!"

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