The Lord of the Phoenix Region certainly envied Yue Qingling to the extreme, and even felt jealous.

But he didn't have the slightest thought of being unfavorable to Yue Qingling.

Firstly, he did not dare to offend the Four Holy Beasts, and secondly, even if he secretly killed Yue Qingling, he would not be able to replace the other party in the hearts of the Four Holy Beasts.

He himself does not have Yue Qingling's physique, and he can directly fuse unrefined animal pills for his own use.

So killing Yue Qingling, apart from causing the Four Great Sacred Beasts to turn against him, has no benefit.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that when Yue Qingling truly became the Goddess of the Beast Realm, his throne as the domain lord would be dispensable.

Now is not the time to worry about this.

The master of Fengyu felt that he could still be clear about the big issue of right and wrong.

Now that the Demon Lord is ignoring the tiger from the outside world, the entire Wild Beast Territory will become someone else's possession, so what about the internal struggle for power?

It's better to be Yue Qingling's subordinate than to be Mozun's pawn, right?

And through this incident, no, it should be said that this incident was facilitated, but it would make their husband and wife gain a wave of goodwill in front of the four holy beasts, which is not a bad thing.

Thinking of this, Feng Yu and his wife exchanged glances, and he still said: "Miss Le, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also your great opportunity, don't miss it!"

"But they..."

Yue Qingling still hesitated.

It was mainly frightened by the terrifying aura of the four holy beasts.

Suddenly, the terrifying and powerful aura of the four holy beasts disappeared.

At the same time, Yue Qing Ling's pretty face was slightly startled.

She clearly felt that the consciousness in her mind that she wanted her to follow had suddenly softened.

Even when that consciousness slightly touched her animal core transformed from a golden core, Yue Qingling could still feel a sense of kindness.

This made Yue Qingling laugh.

It turned out that these four holy beasts were not as terrifying as imagined.

And it doesn't feel like they're meant to be bad for you.

As soon as this knot was resolved, Yue Qingling's thoughts suddenly became alive.

Beast Goddess!


Really good.

It must be of great help to one's own strength, right?

Especially at this time again.

She was very proud of helping Chen Tianxing and others before.

But after all, her strength is low, and it is conceivable that when the next big battle happens, she will have to hide behind everyone's back and worry secretly.

She is happy with Qing Ling, and also wants to do her part for the common people in the world.

Especially in front of that person.

Thinking of that person, she lowered her head and glanced at the corner of her clothes that she was holding, a blush came to her cheeks.

"I... I agree!"

After making up her mind, she looked resolute and said solemnly in front of everyone.

Beast Goddess?

Hearing her answer, everyone looked different.

The two domain masters of Fenghuang didn't show anything on their faces, and they even showed a little bit of relief, but only they knew that the complex emotions of disappointment in their hearts couldn't be lingered no matter what.

And Ye Changsheng nodded slightly, secretly thinking that this little girl is really blessed, and more importantly, at this time, someone on his side can greatly increase his strength, so he is naturally happy to see it.

Once Yue Qingling becomes the Goddess of the Beast Realm, then his worries will be much less.

At that time, the entire beast domain will follow Yue Qingling's instructions, and the two domain masters of Phoenix will have much less restrictions on him.

It's not that he doesn't trust Phoenix Domain Master or Phoenix Domain Master.

In fact, Ye Changsheng has known the two of them for many years, and has a general understanding of their temperament and behavior.

But who let this matter be related to the fate of the entire Xuanyuan Continent?

Of course it would be better to have less obstacles.

Xiao Mohe was gratified from the bottom of his heart.

He watched Xiao Ling'er grow up since she was a child, Xiao Mohe regards this clever little girl as her own.

Now that she can have a good future, Xiao Mohe is happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

But Chen Tianxing didn't care.

It's not that I look down on the Goddess of the Beast Realm.

Rather, he felt that no matter how bad he was, it was impossible for a girl to fight for him.

So even though Yue Qingling's strength has increased greatly, when it is time to protect her behind her, she still has to be pulled behind her, and nothing has changed.

However, it is not bad that Yue Qingling can enhance her self-protection ability.

The matter appears to be a foregone conclusion.

on the spot

The tense atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

The bone beasts summoned by Chen Tianxing were limp on the ground, as if they were about to fall apart at any moment.

Ye Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, while the beast cultivators on Fengyu Lord's side also wiped cold sweat from their foreheads.

If this battle breaks out, it will be dark!

After all, Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng were the former domain masters of the other two domains. In the collision between the two, it is not certain who will win.

But at this moment.

"No, I don't agree!"

Tianyi, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, suddenly shouted sharply.

His voice was firm and explosive, blasting into everyone's ears.

It also made the atmosphere that had just eased up a little bit tense again in an instant.

Yue Qingling turned her head in surprise, and said puzzledly: "My God, Uncle, you...why?"

Tianyi still said sternly: "You can't be a goddess of the beast domain, and you can't practice the method of alien beasts. I don't agree with this matter!"

"You disagree?"

Chen Tianxing frowned, "What does this matter have to do with you, I need your consent?"

This opportunity belongs to Yue Qingling, only she can decide her own destiny, how can it have anything to do with others?

Only Xiao Mohe looked at Tianyi in surprise, but he clearly knew that this matter had something to do with Tianyi.

Because Yueqing Ayano is his...

"I disagree!"

Tianyi repeated: "Little Ling'er, believe me, becoming a goddess of the beast domain is definitely not the best choice for you."

"Hey you bastard!"

Chen Tianxing came to see Tianyi, and couldn't help scolding angrily: "It's unreasonable to be born, Junior Sister Le finally got a big chance, what are you doing here as a mother-in-law?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Tian Yi gave him a hard look, completely disregarding the huge difference in strength between himself and Chen Tianxing.

Even the eyes are red.

There was an attitude of desperately looking for anyone who wanted to take Yue Qingling away.

Even Chen Tianxing was taken aback by such a sudden burst of momentum.

This was the first time he saw Tian Yi with such a decisive aura.

Even if he had repeatedly provoked the other party before, Tian Yi was certainly mad, but it had never been like this before.

This is today, are you going to die?

"Tianyi, what are you on the nerves?"

Chen Tianxing's complexion darkened.

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