"I'm selfish?"

As soon as Tianyi gritted his teeth and repeated, everyone could hear his suppressed anger.

"Is not it?"

Chen Tianxing sneered: "What have you done for Junior Sister Yue?"

"In my opinion..."

He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Mohe, "If you want to talk about your biological father, I think Lao Xiao is more qualified than you!"

Why was Xiao Mo stunned, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

Compared with the entanglement on their side, the complexion on Fengyu Master's side was even uglier.

The aura of the ice fire phoenix is ​​slowly retreating.

This is an act of desperation.

If it is said that before, he could take advantage of Tianyi's isolation and helplessness to take Yue Qingling away with a tough attitude.

Not now.

Now Tianyi has revealed that he is Yue Qingling's biological father.

Take Yue Qingling away at this time?

I'm afraid the first person who won't agree is Yue Qingling.


He frowned deeply.

Blocking as an uncle and blocking as a father are two different concepts.

What's more, it seems that Tianyi has been keeping Yue Qingling from telling the truth, the impact on Yue Qingling's mind can be imagined.

Then you can't use it strong.

Forcibly taking Yue Qingling away now can only have the opposite effect.

We can only see if Chen Tianxing can forcibly disrupt the situation.

On this side, Chen Tianxing felt that Yue Qingling's hand holding the hem of his clothes tightened.

Looking at Yue Qingling again, her complexion was already pale at the moment, with a look of helplessness, anyone who saw her would feel pity for her.

Chen Tianxing's heart softened, and he sighed: "Sister, don't worry about what other people say, just do what you think in your heart."

"Why is father not father? Without that person, wouldn't you live well?"


However, when his words fell, Tianyi's face suddenly burst.

The mask that he refused to take off was blown to pieces by himself.


When they saw the face under Tianyi's mask, all the witnesses gasped.

It was a... what a beautiful face.

Everyone present, whether it is Ye Changsheng, Chen Tianxing, or the two domain masters of Phoenix, is or has been in control of a domain.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I am well-informed.

But even they have never seen such a face that makes people feel astonished at first sight.

It's just a pity, in his extremely stunning face

On the top, there are two winding scars running through the entire face.

One from top left to bottom right, one from top right to bottom left, a big fork was carved on his face.

The dark red and swollen scars are like two oily earthworms, which are daunting.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but his two scars are still shimmering slightly, looking like living things.

So after being amazed, it is also a great pity.

It was like an extremely perfect work of art being forcibly destroyed by someone, and that kind of deficiency made people feel depressed.

"God... Uncle?"

Yue Qingling's eyes widened, she didn't dare to look again after only one glance, until now, she still called Tian Yi Uncle.

Facing everyone's gaze calmly, Tianyi's gaze passed through the two dark red scars and landed on Yue Qingling's face.

"Xiao Ling'er, when I entrusted you to Xiao Mohe back then, I did it out of necessity, not...for my father's wish."

"Yes... who is it?"

Yueqing Lingfang's heart trembled, and she said with tears streaming down her face, "Then, what about my...mother?"

After saying the word mother, Tianyi's body also trembled suddenly, and then he closed his eyes in pain.

"As I said just now, there are some things you can't know now." Pen Fun Library

After a while, he opened his eyes again, and his face became determined, "But what you need to know now is that becoming the Goddess of the Beast Domain is not your best choice, and it may even delay you."

"Because with your physique, your achievements are far more than that!"

Glaring at Chen Tianxing and the others, "You think you're doing this to Xiao Ling'er?"


"You are not only not helping her, but harming her!"

As he said that, Tianyi seemed to have made up his mind, stretched out his hand and pulled violently in the void, and pulled out a package of things carefully wrapped in oiled paper.

Although he can't use the space ability to take people through time and space, but it's still possible to use some small objects.

It's just that this very common action for him made his complexion turn pale again, making the two scars even more ferocious and blood red.

After taking a few breaths, he gritted his teeth and said, "This is her chance!"

All eyes were on the oiled paper bag in his hand.

At the same time, I was very curious.

What did Tianyi prepare for Yue Qingling, dare to say that it is better than becoming a goddess of the beast domain?

But after taking out the things, Tianyi was not in a hurry.

He looked at Ye Changsheng, and said, "The Immortal Changsheng troubles you, I don't want too many people to know about this matter."

Ye Changsheng was slightly taken aback, but he didn't refuse. Instead, he nodded and looked at the group of people.

Then flick the whisk lightly.

Wisps of golden light fluttered from his whisk, and then flew towards the few people present.

Chen Tianxing, Xiao Mohe, Yue Qingling, and the two domain masters of Phoenix.

Then Ye Changsheng glanced at the sky.

The other party understood and nodded.

In this way, the last four strands of gold did not enter the bodies of the four holy beasts.

Immediately, many beast cultivators present, including Meng Hanran and Luo Li, all opened their eyes wide.

they see...

No, it should be said, they couldn't see it.

The person who was spotted by Ye Changsheng's golden light disappeared in front of their eyes in the next moment.


The elders of the Beast Realm looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only Meng Hanran and Luo Li knew that this was Ye Changsheng's Taoist rhetoric and supernatural powers.

In fact, those who disappeared did not leave, and even stood where they were.

It's just that they can't see it, they can't hear it, and they can't even perceive any breath.

The same goes for the other side.

Chen Tianxing and the others suddenly discovered that, except for a few of them, other people had inexplicably disappeared under the Sunshine God Tree.

"Okay, you can talk."

Ye Changsheng didn't mean to show off or explain, in fact, he was more curious about the bag in Tianyi's hand.

Tianyi then carefully lifted the oil paper layer by layer, his movements were very light and gentle, as if he was afraid that if the force was a little heavier, the contents inside would disappear.

Following his movements, everyone's breathing became tense.

Only then did he slowly see the things he treasured and treasured.

That was...

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, and he saw that in the oiled paper bag that had been untied, there were only a few yellowed and withered pages lying there.

What is it?

Without underestimating these few pages, Chen Tianxing couldn't help guessing.

But Xiao Mohe, who was right next to him, suddenly became heavy breathing.

Those few pages reminded him of something.

It was the thing... that made his whole family wiped out!

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