Nine Stars Exotic Land, Five Elements Temple.

"That guy Tianyi, is he planning to betray us?"

Crazy flames exploded on the imprint of Venerable Fire, obviously extremely angry. Biqu library

However, apart from him, the other four venerables seemed very calm.

So after being angry for a while, he suddenly realized, "Could it be that you... all know that Tianyi has a part of Tianlun?"

Venerable Water, who always liked to stab him, sneered and said, "You have a bad temper. If you found out about this, how could Tianyi still collect half of it?"

"Have you burned it to ashes long ago?"

Venerable Huo hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said angrily, "God's theory!"

"Are you crazy?"

Before he finished speaking, Venerable Jin snorted coldly: "What's wrong with the theory of heaven?"

"Have you forgotten how we became what we are today?"

Venerable Huo was speechless again.

After a while Fang said: "You won't tell me that Tianyi was able to collect so many heavenly theories because of your secret help?"

Venerable Water laughed and said, "You're not too stupid!"

"That guy Tianyi thinks we don't know anything about him, but he doesn't know. When he killed the real Tianyi and replaced him on the first day, we knew."

If these words were heard by Chen Tianxing and others, they would probably be shocked.

Tianyi is not the real Tianyi, but an impostor after killing the original Tianyi!

Obviously, Venerable Huo also knew about this matter, so he didn't show any surprise.

However, he was very dissatisfied with the fact that the other four people had hidden their opinions from him.

"I thought that when you said to keep quiet, you wanted to see what the hell this guy was going to do. I didn't expect you to help him collect heavenly theory all over the mainland?"

Venerable Jin said coldly: "Isn't this the reason why we keep silent?"

"The theory of heaven is that you can't practice it. We have confirmed this, but that guy still concentrates on collecting it. Do you think it's because he doesn't know the reason why he can't practice it?"

Venerable Huo asked back: "Isn't it?"

Wen Yanshui Venerable sighed, "Is your brain burned out?"

"You want to evaporate, don't you?"

The flames of the fiery red mark instantly ignited, and mist rose from the mark of Water Venerable.

The extreme cold that can come immediately

Breathing, but the back pressure made Lie Yan a little shorter.

"Okay, you two..."

Venerable Jin was helpless, "Can't you be more stable like Lao Mu and Lao Tu?"

The imprints of Venerable Earth and Venerable Wood flickered slowly, and they seemed very stable indeed.

Seeing that the two imprints of water and fire had subsided a bit, Venerable Jin said: "If Tianyi doesn't know that Tianlun cannot be cultivated, then when he finds a third of it, he can actually try to practice it."

"You know, the theory of heaven that is still circulating in Xuanyuan Continent is only the first half, and with our deliberate guidance, it can be said that he has been collecting it from the first page."

"Then when he has a third of it, this is already a book of exercises that can be practiced."

"With the great reputation of Tianlun, will he be able to bear it?"

Speaking of this, Venerable Huo's mark flashed, and said: "You mean, he knew from the beginning to the end that the theory of heaven cannot be cultivated?"

"if not?"

Venerable Water interjected: "Who can forcibly refrain from cultivating when he has half of the peerless exercises in his hands? He doesn't even take a look, and keeps hiding in the void."

Venerable Jin also agreed: "Yes, this is what we don't understand, so we haven't moved."

"In the end, he was preparing a theory for his daughter?"

Venerable Huo said angrily: "You guys have been hiding it from me!"

Venerable Water taunted: "Look, you're here again, have we explained the reason?"

"Don't talk about what's there and what's not."

Venerable Jin saw that the momentum was not good, and immediately said: "The question now is, is it true or not that Yue Qingling can practice the theory of heaven?"

As soon as this remark came out, even the irritable Venerable Huo fell silent for a few breaths.

Is it true?

"From Tianyi's should be true."

The stable Venerable Earth said slowly: "We know how much Tianyi values ​​his daughter, so it is absolutely impossible to let Yue Qingling be the test subject. Once she can practice, Tianyi will practice on her own again."

"It's not his style."

"And look at today, Yue Qingling's great opportunity is right in front of him, and Tian Yi has no choice but to speak out about the theory of heaven. From this, it can be seen that he is really sure that Yue Qingling can practice the theory of heaven!"

"Otherwise he loves his daughter as

With a fateful personality, she will definitely not stop her daughter's great opportunity with her own hands. "

"That's why it's weird..."

The second stable player Mu Zunzhe also pondered: "Even we can't practice Tianlun, how can he be sure that Yue Qingling can practice?"

"Is it... really, as he said, it's just a matter of physique?"

Venerable Huo couldn't help but said, "How is it possible?"

"What kind of physique is Yue Qingling, how does Tianyi know?"

"What's more, he didn't let Yue Qingling try to practice Tianlun before, so how could he know that she would be suitable?"

Venerable Jin interjected: "So...Tianyi must know a secret about Yue Qingling. For some reason that we don't know about, he knows that Yue Qingling can practice Tianlun, so he took great pains to collect it."

"All right……"

Venerable Huo sighed, "So the question is back to the original point, how did he know?"

"No no no!"

Venerable Water retorted: "If you can't figure it out, you don't have to think about it, but the problem we face now is, what should we do?"

How to do it?

His question silenced the other four Venerables.

"Is Yue Qingling really allowed to practice?"

"Do you know what will happen if she succeeds in cultivating Heavenly Theory?"

Seeing that no one spoke, Venerable Water added another sentence.

"By then... the situation will be beyond our control!"

These words made even Venerable Huo, who always liked to argue with him, speechless.

The theory of heaven, the name is outside.

Back then, it was only three broken pages, and Xiao Mohe, the famous doctor of Wanyao, could lose everything overnight.

Now Tianyi has more than half of them in his hands.

And this is all the broken pages that can be collected on Xuanyuan Continent.

Although the five of them couldn't cultivate the theory of heaven, they knew its strength well.

Once Yue Qingling succeeds in cultivating, the sky of Xuanyuan Continent will really change.

At that time, Yue Qingling will be a super strong man who is even more difficult to deal with than Mozun!

At least it's not something the five of them can easily control in the dark anymore.

After a long time, Venerable Jin said solemnly: "From what I've seen...let her practice first."

"Now we are not afraid of the emergence of any strong people, but we know nothing about the theory of heaven. Maybe we can get some enlightenment from Yue Qingling's cultivation!"

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