Tai Chi diagram not moving?

Chen Tianxing, who has been paying attention to the spiritual world, is at a loss.

He originally guessed that the white light had something to do with good and evil.

But this good and evil is not a simple righteous way or evil way.

There are scum and scum in the righteous way, and there are heroic and righteous people in the evil way.

The so-called good and evil, it all depends on the heart.

I thought that the ones with white light were people with good nature, and if they were killed, the Taiji diagram would turn black.

So in turn, what about killing a treacherous and evil person?

The Taiji diagram should be reversed, from white to black.

It's a pity that Chen Tianxing can only see the white light, but not the black light on the villain's body, so he asked Xiao Cui.

According to Jiang Kui's own confession, he is indeed a villain.

So killing him should cause the Tai Chi Diagram to be reversed.

But no.

Chen Tianxing waited for a while, but he didn't see any response from the Taiji Diagram, so he couldn't help feeling discouraged.

The good thing is that he proved that killing people without white light will not make Taijitu continue to blacken.


While thinking, Xiao Cui, who was trembling all over, suddenly fell to her knees.

Chen Tianxing said: "Don't worry, I just kill him and not..."

"Evil thief, you have today!"

Xiaocui yelled miserably, threw herself in front of Jiang Kui's body and beat him frantically.

Then he collapsed emotionally and squatted on the ground crying with his head in his arms.

"Father, mother, the villain who harmed you is dead, you...you can rest in peace!"

Seeing this, Chen Tianxing was taken aback for a while.

It suddenly dawned on me.

"Could it be that the mountain village that Jiang Kui slaughtered..."

Xiaocui whimpered: "That villain wanted to take over slaves and maidservants by force, my parents tried their best to protect me, but he went berserk and killed the whole village!"

"After he left, I woke up from under the corpses of my parents and cried for three days and three nights."

"At that time, I was young and weak, and I couldn't even kill the whole village. I could only cover the corpse with straw, and then I voluntarily joined the Heavenly Demon Sect as a servant."

Chen Tianxing sighed: "You came to Tianmo Cult to find a chance to avenge your parents?"

Xiao Cui cried: "That's right, but the slaves are weak, even though they have met Jiang Kui several times, they are not sure to kill him."

"I hate the villain who committed heinous crimes, but he dismissed them. He even forgot the appearance of his slaves!"

Having said that, Xiao Cui cast a hateful glance at Jiang Kui's corpse, and suddenly kowtowed three times to Chen Tianxing.

"Thank you, the leader, for avenging Xiao Cui's blood hatred. Xiao Cui will live... die without complaint."


Chen Tianxing's heart skipped a beat.

let him worry

At this time, the divided Tai Chi diagram turned!

The Tai Chi Diagram turned exactly in the opposite direction, no more, no less.

When it stopped, Chen Tianxing found that the black Tai Chi diagram had faded a bit, revealing a touch of pure white.

At the same time, a cool breath flowed from the picture to the whole body.

The injuries on his body have improved a lot, and even his cultivation base has improved slightly.

I see!

I understand!

Just now he saw that when the Taiji Diagram rotated, the faint white light on Xiaocui's body was also sucked into the yin-yang fish.

That's it.

When he kills a person with white light, the Taiji diagram will turn black according to the strength of the white light.

And when he helped someone with white light, he could absorb the white light and restore the Taiji diagram.

The so-called good and evil will eventually be rewarded. If this white light is according to Buddhism, it is doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

He inadvertently avenged Xiao Cui, and the merits of the other party were absorbed by Tai Chi Tu and became his own.

And what if you also do good deeds and accumulate virtue?

Come on, with Chen Laomo's body covered in blood and debts, he probably won't be able to do good deeds every day.

So just absorb what others have.

As a reward, after absorbing the white light, he can also improve his cultivation base, which is not a good deed in vain.

"Okay, you go down."

In a good mood, Chen Tianxing said to Xiao Cui.

He wasn't really Old Demon Chen, otherwise Xiaocui who revealed the truth would die.

"Yes, the maidservant will leave!"

Xiaocui wiped away her tears, she had to bring the news of Jiang Kui's death back to the village to comfort her parents in heaven.

Then we have to plan how to get more white light.

Chen Tianxing pondered, his eyes unconsciously fell on Xiaocui's back.


There seems to be a little more.

Don't waste it.


Xiao Cui, who was about to leave, froze.

Or...can't escape?

The leader is moody, and he was probably just teasing me just now.

Forget it, he was the one who avenged my blood anyway.

My body... just give it to him.

From now on, the two will never owe each other!


The palace dress slipped off like silk.


Chen Tianxing's face was distorted.

My injury is still not healed.

"Put it on."

"Put it on quickly."

With great perseverance, he threw out an ingot of gold and landed at the feet of Xiaocui who was in a hurry.

"Take this gold, so that you can bury your parents and the villagers."

Xiao Cui: "...Thank you, Master!"

Only then did she rush out of the hall with a red face and hugging her skirt.


Chen Tianxing shook his head.

Xiao Cui's last

A ray of white light was too weak, and the Taiji diagram moved, but it only moved a small space.

If you don't turn around enough, there will be no change on the Taiji diagram, so naturally it won't give him a refreshing breath.

"This white light..."

He sat back on the throne and muttered.

From the previous battle between Chen Laomo and Zhongzhou Sanctuary, combined with today's experiment, he already has the answer.

Those who have white light have strong and weak light.

This represents how much virtue they have accumulated.

And if he kills these people, even if there are only sporadic white lights on his body, the Tai Chi Diagram will turn in the black direction at the bottom.

But there are guarantees and limits.

Even if it is a dazzling power, killing him will make the Taiji Diagram rotate three times at most.

Based on previous calculations, if the Taiji Diagram is in its original form, it can only rotate eighteen times before it explodes completely black.

And absorbing the white light on the other party's body will be complete.

The little white light behind Xiaocui is not enough to make the Taiji diagram turn around. Biqu library

The more white light absorbed, the more the Tai Chi Diagram can rotate.

So here comes the problem.

He is in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

Most of the cultivators here are members of the demonic way, cruel and tyrannical by nature, and the chance of having white light is not high.

Bring up Old Devil Chen's memory.

Once upon a time, the Xuanyuan Continent was full of flowers, and cultivators cultivated the heavens and the earth, and the methods emerged one after another.

After tens of thousands of years of fighting, the current five-point situation in the mainland has been formed.

The Extreme Sky Demon Territory is naturally occupied by monks of the Demonic Way.

The Sanctuary of Zhongzhou is based on Confucianism and Taoism, and it cultivates the Taoist method of Zhongzheng and Peace, and regards itself as the righteous way.

It is the Da Ri Zen Domain that they are close friends with, but this domain mainly focuses on practicing Buddhist Zen. It is usually relatively low-key and does not easily participate in disputes.

In addition, there is also the Savage Beast Realm who is good at driving spirit beasts and practicing beast-controlling thaumaturgy.

A nine-star exotic land that is extremely inclusive and accommodates all kinds of cultivators.

Among the five domains, it is obvious that the ones with the most white light must be the Zhongzhou Sanctuary and the Great Sun Zen Domain.

But he is a big devil.

Chen Tianxing rubbed between his brows, feeling a little distressed.

He went to these two domains to do good deeds?

As far as the devil power and devil energy in this body is concerned, even if there is a way to conceal the breath, at most it will fool the younger generation, and it will definitely be seen through if it encounters Confucianism, Taoism or Buddhism King Kong.

At that time, you can't fight, and it's not easy to kill, you can only run around like a mouse.

It seems that he has to start with his own demon domain.

As he was thinking about it, a Dharma protector outside the hall reported loudly: "I want to report to the leader, the people from the Dark Demon Hall have caught two spies from the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou. The deputy leader and his subordinates will come down and ask the leader to make a decision!"

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