"Who is the suzerain?"

Su Qianjian was taken aback by this question, then shook his head and said, "Since you left, Dao Dao Sect...has no new suzerain."

"My master is only temporary."

Ye Changsheng frowned, and asked again: "Has Qingquan ever mentioned to you, who is the suzerain seal now bound?"

These words made Su Qianjian even more at a loss.

Ye Changsheng sighed, and only asked this question in the hope of what might happen.

Leng Qingquan made up his mind to keep this matter a secret, so how could he spread the word everywhere?

Apart from Leng Qingquan, Ye Changsheng was most suspicious of two people.

One is He Fengnian, but he is dead now, and the blood-recognized lord on the talisman of the suzerain has not been lifted.

The other is Xu Qiushuang.

But that seems too obvious.

It was these three people who most clearly expressed that they wanted to be his enemy.

Would Leng Qingquan be stupid enough to bet on these two?

Isn't that a clear sign?

So when He Fengnian died, Ye Changsheng didn't think that it was Xu Qiushuang who bound the Sovereign Seal.

Even if it was really her, where would she go to find someone now?

The large forces from the Holy and Demon Realms are already on their way to the Wild Beast Realm!

If they lost the combat power of the Beast Realm, then they would really be hopeless.

"Qian Jian, I have wronged you first, and you will wake up in three days."

Seeing that he couldn't figure out why, Ye Changsheng couldn't help but point out.

Su Qianjian fell to the ground immediately, but his whole body was covered by a little golden light.

This not only ensures his safety, but also prevents him from breaking free after waking up early and publicizing the whereabouts of the three of them.

In three days, Ye Changsheng was able to rush back to the beast realm.


He was very anxious, after dealing with Su Qianjian, a golden light shone, enveloping Meng Hanran and Luo Li.

The next moment, the three of them had disappeared into the secret room.

I just hope Master Chen can hurry up!

From Ye Changsheng's place, he only knew that Chen Tianxing and Tianyi returned to the Nine Stars Exotic Land, but he didn't know that because of the rebellion of the Five Elements Venerable, at this moment, Chen Tianxing and Tianyi went to the Extreme Sky Demon Realm through the turbulent flow of space .

Originally, when they separated, everyone agreed that they would return to where they left after everything was done, and then Tianyi would send them back to the Wild Beast Realm.

Right now, I can't wait anymore, Ye Changsheng

He took the two of them back to the deep mountain next to Tai Dao Sect, left a sign of their rush back at the place where they left, and then rushed to the wild beast realm in a hurry.

What Ye Changsheng didn't know was that Chen Tianxing had also received the news, and now he already knew about the changes in the Beast Realm!

Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, the secret chamber of the Blood Demon Gate.

"Master Chen!"

"Meet Master Chen!"

In the secret room, apart from Chen Tianxing, Huang Quan, Du Lingfeng and Tianyi, the other four masters of the Demon Sect who had sworn solemn oaths also arrived.

Xue Qianqiu and Ren Pingsheng looked at Chen Tianxing, and the corners of their eyes were moist.

It is conceivable what kind of life they lived after Chen Tianxing's accident.

"Did everyone bring it?"

Chen Tianxing didn't talk nonsense, and asked immediately. Biqu library

Not long ago, he learned from Du Lingfeng that the Mozun had led a large number of masters from the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm to leave. Combined with Huang Quan's previous speculation and the interference of the Five Elements Venerable, he could already guess the Mozun's purpose.

Not to mention that Ye Changsheng was in a hurry, he was too!

After arranging the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect to recuperate at the Blood Demon Sect, Chen Tianxing asked Du Lingfeng to call the other four.

And he didn't have time to slowly coerce and lure everyone, so he directly said that if he wanted to come, he would bring all the elites from the sect, and if he didn't want to, he wouldn't force it.

These words were brought to Xue Qianqiu and others through Du Lingfeng.

Can they disagree?

As Du Lingfeng said, after Chen Tianxing's accident, the life of the five of them was not easy, and they had already become public enemies of the Demon Realm. However, Chen Tianxing had not been punished yet, so the Demon Lord did not move them for the time being.

When Chen Tianxing is dead, it will be their turn.

Because of this, they have no choice.

It's already hard to please Mozun, and now that Chen Tianxing has finally appeared, why don't you hold on tight?

If even Chen Tianxing misses, then they are really doomed.

At that time, no matter which side wins, there will be no good fruit for them.

With no choice, Chen Tianxing became the last choice they were forced to.

If it was in the past, how could Chen Tianxing be willing to suffer this grievance?

But now he is very lucky, fortunately, in order to cover up the fact that he was mutilating high-level demon cultivators, in order to put the shit pot on his head, the Demon Lord didn't attack the blood demon sect and other five demon sects first.

Anyway, it's combat power


After receiving affirmative answers from Xue Qianqiu and others, Chen Tianxing glanced at the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "You also know that only one can survive between this leader and the old immortal, so this leader will do his best in this battle."

"As for you..."

He sneered and said, "This leader is naturally very clear about the matter of the Demon Realm, so the ugly words must be said first!"

For a moment, his magic power was so powerful that Du Lingfeng and others were so frightened that beads of sweat rolled down their faces.

I heard Chen Tianxing say coldly: "If I die in this battle, I will die, but if I don't die, then I will have to settle the score after the fall!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Lingfeng and others almost collapsed to the ground.

It's because Chen Tianxing's magic power is too strong, so strong that they can't even get a little bit of dissent.

And what he said couldn't be more clear.

When fighting with the Mozun, who is paddling and who is doing their best will be revealed immediately on the fierce battlefield.

Naturally, Chen Tianxing would also notice it.

If he loses, it's all over.

But if he wins, when the time comes, there will be rewards and punishments for meritorious deeds!

If you want to fish in troubled waters, don't blame him, Chen Tianxing, for being cruel.

Du Lingfeng forced a dry laugh, and said cautiously: "What did Master Chen say? We are already in the same boat now, who dare not try our best?"

"If the boat capsizes at that time, it will be of no benefit to anyone!"

Chen Tianxing stared at him with burning eyes, then turned his gaze to the other four people one by one, and said meaningfully: "This is the best."

Although what Du Lingfeng said was right, the five of them seemed to have no way out, but they had a dangerous way.

That is... On the surface, they joined forces with him to fight, but secretly communicated to Mozun and put the treasure on Mozun's body. In this way, after Chen Tianxing's defeat, they did have a chance to make Mozun Zun changed his mind.

This is not impossible for demon cultivators.

Throughout the ages, those who dared to show their loyalty to good brothers in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, the graves stood tall.

Chen Tianxing didn't want to be handed a knife from behind when the fierce battle was in full swing.

So if you have to say something, you have to say it clearly.

"In that case, let's go!"

Chen Tianxing stopped talking too much, looked back at Tianyi, and asked, "Is it all right?"

With black lines all over his head, Tianyi asked back, "What do you think?"

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