
A huge mushroom cloud rose up.

Terrifying shock waves rushed in all directions.

Especially in the direction of the quicksand desert, the shock wave swept the yellow sand all over the sky, and turned into a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun, roaring towards the Holy Demon Alliance Army.

Everyone's complexion changed.

How could those hundreds of strange beasts with only the delusion-breaking stage cause such a violent explosion?

Until now, the ground under their feet is still trembling, as if thousands of horses galloped past, trampled a thousand times, ten thousand times.

Many disciples with lower cultivation bases were caught off guard by the huge explosion, causing blood to spurt from their seven orifices.

At this moment, he saw the terrifying sandstorm rushing towards him like a fierce beast, his face turned pale with fright, his calves trembled wildly, but he didn't even have the strength to retreat and escape.

Zhou Xuan also showed panic, but he had to force himself to be calm.

With his powerful cultivation at the peak of his transformation stage, he shouted violently: "Don't panic!"

"Lingxu Pavilion belongs, what are you waiting for?"

A violent roar woke up Lingxu Pavilion without Luo Li in charge.

The elders of Lingxu just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly led their disciples to fly forward, hundreds of people exposed their veins at the same time, and a large amount of white mist floated out from their palms.

Tianhe weak water!

Although the people in Lingxu Pavilion did not have the same control over Tianhe Ruoshui as Luo Li did, they were more numerous. Hundreds of people unreservedly released weak water mist, and Setsuna immediately set up a water mist defense in front of the Holy Demon Alliance Army.

Just as the water mist formed, the dust storm also swept in with determination, and the two collided immediately.

The flying sand tore at the water mist, and the water mist was also pulled into the sandstorm.

Under the tremendous pressure, hundreds of people in Lingxu Pavilion were also bleeding from their seven orifices at the same time. Fortunately, when they stepped forward, each of them took a healing holy medicine refined by Shenyi Medicine Sect into their mouths, so that they could barely suppress the injuries.

And their desperate efforts were not without effect.

We saw a steady stream of weak water mist emerging from everyone, continuously pouring into the sandstorm.

I don't know how long it has been.

When Lingxu Pavilion, from the elders to the disciples, all lost their strength and fell to the ground gasping for breath, the sandstorm stopped in front of them.

It stopped at less than one foot in front of the Holy Demon Alliance Army.

Yes, stop.

It's not dissipating, but visible to the naked eye, stopping at

In situ.

As if time stood still, the sandstorm... turned into a sand sculpture.

The weight of weak water is known as the saying that goose feathers are not floating, and it is difficult for immortals and Buddhas to cross.

The people of Lingxu Pavilion infiltrated a large amount of weak water mist into the sandstorm, mixing the sand and gravel in an extremely heavy way.

But the gravel that should have fallen was lifted up by the continuous storm coming from behind, and piled up layer by layer, but finally condensed all the dust in the sky on the spot.

What appeared in front of everyone at this moment was still maintaining a forward posture, but it had condensed into a huge sand wall connecting the sky and the earth.

It wasn't until this time that the aftermath of the explosion finally dissipated.

No one can remain calm at this moment.

Especially Luo Beihai's face was terribly ugly.

What was thought to be an easy and desirable victory, how did it turn out like this?

What about his people?

He has carefully selected the people who are going to be his team in the Tianmo Sect in the future?

What about Yuan Tongtian?

Luo Beihai's heart was bleeding.

Zhou Xuan could see it, and he could see it too.

The big explosion just now was as powerful as a strong man at the peak of the transformation stage exploded himself!

Under such an intense explosion, Yuan Tongtian, who was at the center, and those elites of the Heavenly Demon Sect...


Zhou Xuan casually blasted out a huge flaming fist, which smashed down the sand wall blocking the front.

As the quicksand splashed, they could finally see the situation at the center of the explosion.

There has been razed to the ground!

There was only a terrifying huge round pit visible on the spot, with quicksand constantly sliding into the pit at the edge.

And this is the only sign of activity that can still be seen after the explosion.

The body of the strange beast was gone, and all the disciples of the Tianmo Sect, including Yuan Tongtian who led the team, were gone.

In that horrific big explosion, even the bones and flesh were all evaporated into nothingness.


There were two muffled bangs.

But two things fell from the sky.

Zhou Xuanluo Beihai and other strong men had astonishing eyesight, and with just a glance, they could tell that it was Yuan Tongtian's pair of heavenly ghost double-headed hammers.

It is worthy of being a long-refined magic treasure, even in this big explosion, it still survived.

But at this moment, the Tiangui double-headed hammer is completely different, especially the two hammer heads with the shape of a ghost, which also have traces of being melted. It looks like the two ghosts are also attacking the master.

His face was distorted by crying while dying.

Chill emerges from the bottom of my heart.

How is this going?

Hundreds of strange beasts at the Shattering Stage exploded together, and their power was comparable to that of a strong man at the peak of the Transformation Stage self-destructing?

That's a fart!

The Wild Beast Realm didn't need to send beast cultivators to fight at all, just use the beast control technique to order the beasts to launch a death charge against them.

A few more big explosions like this, who can bear it?

Not to mention them, even if the Mozun came personally, they would probably have no choice but to flee, right? Biqu library

"Xiao Mohe, it's Xiao Mohe!"

Suddenly, in the direction of Shenyi Medicine Sect at the rear, Cang Wudao yelled and said angrily: "It must be Xiao Mohe's trick!"

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him.

Cang Wudao flew up and rushed to Luo Beihai.

At the same time, Zhou Xuan also gathered in one place.

I heard Cang Wudao gritted his teeth and said: "There is also a military solution secret technique in the alchemy technique, but this military solution is not what you usually understand. Learn about the combination of ingredients in this elixir."

When Luo Beihai heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean... Xiao Mohe solved a magic pill?"

"It's not a god pill, it's a beast pill!"

After all, Cang Wudao was Xiao Mohe's mentor back then, so he was naturally familiar with him, and said coldly: "It must be that he got the beast pill of the alien beast of the transformation stage from the beast realm, and then used the secret technique to dissolve the beast pill. Buried in the bodies of those strange beasts respectively."

"Those strange beasts must have counterattacked before they died. This is not caused by animal nature, but after the death of the main body, the energy of the animal core in the body is stimulated, driving the body's unconscious actions."

Speaking of this, he was quite annoyed, "In fact, this is an obvious flaw, but we don't have much experience with the enemy beasts, so we didn't notice it at the first time."

Then he said: "Xiao Mohe has the ten-thousand-drug transformation spirit cauldron, through this cauldron, he only needs to control the indestructible origin of the god-transforming beast pill, and he can easily detonate all the corpses of alien beasts with the energy of the beast pill hidden in their bodies! "

"So it's not that the strange beast in the Delusion Breaking Stage has such explosive power, but that guy Xiao Mohe is playing tricks in the dark!"

As he said that, he suddenly pointed out a finger, and it was just behind the explosion pit caused by the qi machine, and he shouted violently: "Xiao Mohe, don't you want to seek revenge from the old man?"

"My Cangwudao is right here, come out if you have the guts!"

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