
"court death!"

Zhou Xuanhe had been insulted like this before.

Even if what the other party said is true.

My heart was suddenly furious, and I was about to get angry again.

There was a blur in front of him, but Luo Beihai stood in front of him.

"Emperor Yan, he just wanted to provoke you."

Luo Beihai's face was very calm, he looked up at the Fengyu Lord on the Ice and Fire Phoenix, and said: "Fengyu Lord, are you sure you want to stand in line for this matter?"

The master of Fengyu sneered, pointing to the remains of strange beasts on the ground, "Do you still need to be sure?"

Luo Beihai was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Don't turn the facts upside down, you should be very clear about the reason why we people entered the beast realm."

Lord Fengyu nodded and said, "That's right, it's very clear."

Looking back at all the furious elders of the beast domain, he laughed and said, "Isn't it because the master of this domain and all the brothers of the beast domain don't want to be a dog like you?"

At this point, the beast cultivators behind him laughed loudly.

On the other hand, on the side of the Holy Demon Alliance, there were those who berated Youzhi angrily, and some who rolled up their sleeves and wanted to find the Beast Cultivator desperately.

But some people lowered their heads sadly.

Isn't what the other party said true?

No matter how well they concealed it and how righteous their rhetoric was, they still couldn't cover up the fact that they were ordered by the Demon Lord to come to the Beast Realm!

Now that they calm down again, seeing the blood flowing all over the ground, many monks in the sanctuary also trembled in their hearts.

Is this their fault?

Never before!

It was only at this moment that they woke up suddenly, because after staying with the demon cultivators for a long time, their moods gradually began to change.

The set of demon cultivators who don't want to kill heaven and earth for themselves was a theory that was cast aside by them before.

But now?

What's the difference between them who frantically snatched the beast pills and Moxiu?

Many suzerain elders of the five sects and seven sects raised their heads, and their expressions were extremely complicated for a while.

In the end, he could only sigh helplessly, and lowered his head again.

What if I woke up?

So what if he has an insight into the demon's intentions?

Things have come to this, besides continuing to walk on this road, is there any other way for them to go?

Now strictly order the disciples to return the stolen beast pills, let's see who will take care of them?

Learn well for a thousand days, learn badly for a while!

After all, it was only a small group of people who suddenly woke up. With the huge number of the Holy Demon Alliance, even if they wanted to speak out, they would

Can't make any waves.

However, at this moment, a sad sigh appeared out of thin air.

"The Sanctuary of Zhongzhou claims to be righteous, but it turns out that the roots of demons have already been deeply rooted. It is really sad."

At the same time as the voice appeared, the faces of everyone on the field changed drastically.

It's just that on the side of Beast Realm, the master of Fengyu and others showed joy, and the side of the Holy Demon Alliance Army was more familiar with this voice, and because of this, their expressions became even uglier.

Because the person who suddenly appeared, he was...

"Master Changsheng, you came just in time!"

The phoenix domain master laughed out loud, and there was a sense of relief in the laughter.

Three figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the confrontation between the two sides. When the figures solidified, some were happy and others were sad.

Ye Changsheng, when the battle between the two sides was about to break out, he finally rushed back!

"Ye Changsheng, you traitor from the sanctuary, what face do you have to say such a thing?"

Zhou Xuan shouted angrily: "Don't forget, you are also secretly practicing magic skills!"

"And you, are you rebelling?"

Instead, they saw Meng Hanran and Luo Li standing behind Ye Changsheng.

Ye Changsheng said indifferently: "Emperor Yan, who is a human and who is a ghost, the old Taoist believes that you know better than anyone else, but what I don't understand is that Emperor Tianxuan has always been the pillar of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, but you are willing to take refuge in it." Mozun."

"Who has taken refuge?"

Zhou Xuan's face flushed with anger.

He is the emperor at any rate, and it's okay to be questioned in secret, but he can't get rid of his face when he is criticized in public.

"Yes or no, you know in your heart!"

Meng Hanran took a step forward and shouted: "Tianyan belongs to me, I'm not dead yet!"

As soon as these words came out, Tianyan Jianzong was at a loss for a moment.

their suzerain...

What's going on here?

Luo Beihai shouted loudly: "Friends of Tianyan Sword Sect, now it is obvious that your Sect Master Meng has also taken refuge in Ye Changsheng, a traitor, you should think about it clearly!"

Meng Hanran became angry when he heard it, and said sternly, "Why did you, a sinister devil, make irresponsible remarks about my Tianyan Sword Sect?"

Shouted to Tianyan Sword Sect again: "I say it again, come here!"


The elders of Tianyan Sword Sect came out more and more, hesitantly said: "Dare to ask the suzerain, what happened?"

"Ye Changsheng, hasn't he..."

Meng Hanran is not here, he is the leader of the Heavenly Flame Sword Sect of the Holy Demon Alliance this time.

Meng Han

Ran angrily said: "The Immortal Changsheng was murdered by an adulterer, we were all deceived!"

As soon as these words came out, there were not a few people from the Five Sects and Seven Sects whose complexions changed drastically.

"Meng Hanran, what good did Ye Changsheng promise you for you to talk nonsense here?"

However, Zhou Xuan sneered again and again, turned his head and glanced at the Saint Domain powerhouses, and asked: "Back then Ye Changsheng's body erupted with devilish energy. There are not a few people who witnessed this incident with their own eyes, right?"

"Excuse me, which traitor has the ability to make the Changsheng Daoist at the peak of the god transformation unknowingly explode out of his own demonic energy?"

Cang Wudao hid behind the crowd, and when he heard Zhou Xuan's words, he squeezed his fists tightly, cursing inwardly.

You are the villain!

Your whole family is a traitor!

It's a pity how dare to take the lead at this moment?

Luo Li also stood shoulder to shoulder with Meng Hanran at this time, and said calmly: "I, Luo Li, would like to bet on the luck of Lingxu Pavilion for ten thousand years, in the name of being a true immortal."

"Master, why don't you..."

In the direction of Lingxu Pavilion, although Luo Li had already been seen, the elders were still hesitant.

But he didn't want Luo Li to say that it was Lingxu Pavilion's ten thousand year luck, this...can be gambled casually?

"If you still want to work with the devil, it's up to you."

Luo Li glanced sideways at the direction of Lingxu Pavilion, and did not order his disciples to stand by his side like Meng Hanran did.

But the firmness of the tone is more than less.

"However, if you have a choice, don't blame me, Luo Li, for not thinking about the friendship between teachers and students!"

With such words, even Meng Hanran couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

Ask yourself, although I have a hot temper, but in terms of determination, I am far inferior to Master Luo.

He couldn't help but shouted hello, stared sharply in the direction of Tianyan Sword Sect, and shouted: "I, Meng Hanran, are the same as Master Luo. If you are obsessed with obsession, don't blame this Sect Master for being ruthless!"


The Great Elder of Tianyan Sword Sect said anxiously: "It's not that we don't believe you, but you say that Ye Changsheng was framed by someone, so you have to show evidence?"

"It's really hard to convince people with such empty words!"

"What evidence do they have?"

Zhou Xuan sneered and said: "These two people are simply a disgrace to our sanctuary, they are willing to degenerate!"

"You have to think about whether such a person is worth following!"

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