Xu Qiushuang?

When Ye Changsheng heard this name, his mind was so shocked that he almost escaped from Guixu artistic conception.

This disciple who was once his most beloved was also the one who harmed him the most decisively.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out why Shuang'er hated him so much just because of Yan Qiufeng's death.

Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng, who were forced to leave the battle group, joined together.

Feeling something in their hearts, the two raised their heads at the same time.

On the canopy of the withered sun tree, twelve phantoms surrounded a slightly haggard woman, staring at them coldly.

Those twelve ghosts...

Xiao Mohe, who was watching the battle from a distance, shook violently, and his unprecedented murderous aura surged violently.

"It's you!"

He blurted out, pointed sharply at the twelve phantoms, and said with a distorted face: "You were the ones who wiped out my Xiao family!"

Xiao Mohe's angry shout caused the expressions of the other two people to change slightly.

The Allied Forces of Saint and Demon chased the two domain masters of Phoenix to the Sunshine Sacred Tree. At that time, the Demon Lord had already absorbed the Golden Crow Aegis. Afterwards, the three of Chen Tianxing fought in a melee. They did not dare to intervene in the return to the void fighting.

Therefore, the Allied Forces of the Holy Demons are also watching the battle from a distance.

When the twelve phantoms appeared, the expressions of Zhou Xuan and Cang Wudao changed.

The Profound Sky Twelve Heavenly Demons!

This Demon Cultivation Team, which was originally controlled by Zhou Xuan, had already switched to the Demon Lord.

But Xiao Mohe saw through their identities at a glance.

This means that the nasty things they did back then are very likely to be exposed.

For a while, his expression changed several times, and he shrank secretly into the crowd.

Ye Changsheng was also looking up.

His eyes kept falling on Xu Qiushuang who looked blank.

And Xu Qiushuang was not afraid to meet his gaze.

After a while, she said coldly, "Master, it was you and Chen Laomo who designed me and Senior Brother Yan to be arrested and killed him, right?"

Ye Changsheng frowned slightly.

Until now, Xu Qiushuang still has such an idea?

Why does she have such paranoid thoughts?

When she and Yan Qiufeng were captured by the Tianmo Sect, it was clearly because the two of them disregarded the strict orders of the teacher and rushed in greedily.

Just because he fought side by side with Chen Tianxing, it was assumed that the two had colluded long ago?

Chen Tianxing stared at Xu Qiushuang and solved Ye Changsheng's confusion.

"Old man Ye, you don't have to argue with her."

"because of her……


Chen Tianxing's eyes turned to Demon Lord, "I've already been hit by this old and immortal Demon Soul Eater!"

He couldn't see it before because the realm was not enough.

Now that his mind is immersed in Guixu's black sword, the demon king's secret can't be hidden, and he can finally explain some unreasonable things.

Ye Changsheng's heart jumped even more.

Heavenly Demon Soul Eater?

Doesn't that mean that Shuang'er has been secretly controlled by the Mozun long ago?

She is so, what about the others?

Ye Changsheng thought of the strangeness of the deaths of Leng Qingquan and He Fengnian, and suddenly realized in his heart.

No wonder he felt weird at the time.

Be it Leng Qingquan or He Fengnian, when he died, he was given too many doubts.

Now these doubts can be explained.

It's Mozun.

When he made the plan to frame himself, he had already secretly controlled these people with the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater.

If you want to successfully perform Heavenly Demon Soul Eater on a person, you need to have a loophole in that person's mind.

And Yan Qiufeng's death was that loophole!

Even before, Demon Lord had a half-step return to the void state, and the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater performed by him was more powerful and more concealed.

"Is there a way to undo it?"

Ye Changsheng asked in a low voice.


Chen Tianxing said decisively: "The old man is very smart, he didn't use the demon soul devourer to force your disciple's thoughts, he just poured a spoonful of oil on the flame of hatred of the other party."

"So it's true that she was hit by the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater, but her conscious actions are still her own."

He glanced at Ye Changsheng, "It's just that this flame of hatred magnified a hundred times will make her go crazy."


Ye Changsheng looked at Xu Qiushuang, feeling a sense of foreboding in his heart.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Mozun who broke away from the battle group laughed wildly, "Yes, Xu Qiushuang, let your enemies see your madness!"

As soon as he said that, a murderous intent flashed across Xu Qiushuang's eyes with a blank expression.

She slowly raised her arm, and when she spread her five fingers wide, Ye Changsheng's mind went crazy, and his body trembled in shock.

He saw that in Xu Qiushuang's palm, there was a wrathful dragon mark with its scales upside down.

"Ancestral Dragon Seal!"

Ye Changsheng's complexion changed drastically.

Before that, he sneaked back to the Taidao Sect secretly, just to get back the ancestral dragon seal and use it to deal with the Demon Lord.

But if you want to open the Void Secret Pavilion and get the Ancestral Dragon Seal, you need a Zong

Master Sigil.

Leng Qingquan and He Fengnian died because of this, but in the end Ye Changsheng didn't find out who bound the Sovereign Seal with blood.

Now it seems that it is Xu Qiushuang.

"Shuang'er, don't!"

Ye Changsheng roared eagerly, and rushed towards Xu Qiushuang crazily.

The Ancestral Dragon Seal is the life-saving means left by the great power of the Supreme Dao Sect to the sect. After using it, not only the user will die, but the Tai Dao Sect will also fall into a hundred years of weakness.

When he finally saw the dawn of defeating the demon king, Ye Changsheng never wanted Xu Qiushuang to release the ancestor dragon.

However, it was too late.

Although Ye Changsheng was fast, he only saw Xu Qiushuang give him a cold smile, and then...


Xu Qiushuang's body suddenly exploded!

The huge impact knocked the Twelve Heavenly Demons into the air, and stopped Ye Changsheng's momentum abruptly.


Ye Changsheng closed his eyes in pain.

At the same time, the Mozun's body continued to expand, but the target was not the shaken Ye Changsheng, but the flying Twelve Heavenly Demons.

He couldn't help but spread his hands to the tops of the two demons' heads, and with Setsuna kung fu, there were only two sucked dry people left in his hands.

Although the Demon Lord's realm is stable, the loss of transforming demons outside his body still exists just now, and his magic power at this moment is not in a complete state.

After absorbing the two demons, his figure flashed, and he brought up the other two demons. After the same action, the two trunks shattered with the wind.

"Immortal, how dare you!"

Chen Tianxing could see what the Demon Lord was thinking, so he would not let him recover his magic skills, and attack fiercely with the Guixu Demon Sword.

The Demon Lord laughed loudly, "Want to deal with this Lord? Let's take a look at the top of your head first!"

Above, the blood mist from Xu Qiushuang's explosion was actually congealed but not dispersed.

Something was rolling in the blood mist, and its outline could be gradually seen.

Ye Changsheng clenched his teeth tightly, and while it was still in shape, he raised his sword straight up.


It's a pity that before he could get close, a terrifying dragon's chant erupted from the blood mist, and a terrifying dragon's head poked out from the blood mist.


Ye Changsheng's heart trembled.

What he was about to face was supposed to be Tai Dao Sect's strongest life-saving trump card!

In a blink of an eye, the Zulong's mouth opened wide, and countless chaotic stars rushed out of it, shocking Ye Changsheng so that he flew back again and again.

Its huge dragon body sucked out the last trace of blood mist, and it was completely revealed in front of people.

The ancestral dragon hovering in mid-air, the mighty dragon!

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