"On the way of the sky, the heaven and the earth are the furnace, and everything becomes a pill!"

Venerable Five Elements muttered something in his mouth.

The ancient book of Tianlun in his hand flipped faster and faster, and a large number of mysterious ancient symbols flew out of it.

All these ancient talismans drilled into Chen Tianxing's mind.


Huang Quan struggled crazily, but unfortunately he was also one of the people imprisoned by the Five Elements Circle, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move.

"Hurry up! Do you really want to wait until he reaches his full strength before killing you all?"

Le Qing cried anxiously over there, but there was nothing she could do.

Previously, the Venerable Five Elements forcibly occupied Tianyi's body, which caused Tianyi's spiritual consciousness, whose real name was Yunyue, to be damaged. It was only because of Yue Qing's pulling him into the spiritual world that he was saved from the disaster of mind and soul collapse.

She had no choice but to take over Tianyi's body, but apart from her strong spiritual sense, she couldn't perform any of Tianyi's exercises at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is an ordinary person.

A word awakened everyone present.

No matter how strong the spiritual consciousness of the Five Elements Venerable is, it is impossible to imprison the entire audience, and most of them still have combat power.

Now go all out, whether it's on Chen Tianxing's side or Zhou Xuan's side, all the monks are fully fired, and the overwhelming spiritual power and magic power crazily bombards the Five Elements Venerable.


Venerable Five Elements expressed disdain for this.

All the strong men who threatened him were imprisoned, and the remaining monks, although there were many in number, were not taken seriously by him.

Following that cold snort, a huge spatial crack suddenly opened in front of the Venerable Five Elements.

All the attacks hit, and all of them sank into the crack, but they didn't even touch a piece of the clothes of the five elements venerable.

When all the monks found that the long-distance attack was not enough, when they gritted their teeth and prepared to charge for close combat, Xiao Mohe, who had been watching Chen Tianxing, fell to the ground and closed his eyes in pain.


His heart was full of grief.

The use of Tianlun is actually somewhat similar to his method of solving the secrets of medicine pills and soldiers.

The difference is that he, Xiao Mohe, can only dispel the elixir and extract the aura he wants from it.

And the theory of heaven is that everything can be solved by soldiers!

Those ancient talismans that fell into Chen Tianxing's mind are doing this right now.

And Xiao Mohe also saw that many ancient talismans had already floated out of Chen Tianxing's Tianling Cap, and flew back into the body of the Venerable Five Elements in the opposite direction.

Too late.

Master's practice


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The crazily laugh of the Five Elements Venerable confirmed Xiao Mohe's guess.

"The mob, what can you do to me?"

He laughed wildly, and with a flick of his right palm, the ancient book on the theory of heaven disappeared immediately, replaced by a fierce demon condensed with dense devilish energy.

"The Heavenly Bliss Magic Art is really extraordinary!"

The Venerable Five Elements was very satisfied with this, he slapped his right palm suddenly, and shouted: "Heavenly Demon Dances!"

Thousands of fierce demons rushed out of their palms, with ferocious faces, baring their teeth and claws, and crazily rushed at all the monks who dared to do anything to them.


I don't know who yelled loudly, but before the voice finished, I saw that everyone was retreating and dodging urgently.

Regardless of the Saint Realm and Demon Realm, who hasn't seen Chen Laomo's Bliss Heaven Demon Art?

Who dares to push forward again?

The Venerable of the Five Elements was able to use Chen Laomo's magic power, which already proved that he got what he wanted.

Return to the Void Realm!

Who can fight?

It's over.

Everyone's faces were pale, and the only thing they were thankful for was that they retreated fast enough to escape the attack range of Tianmo Luanwu.

Seeing the fierce demons with their teeth and claws dissipating one by one, their hearts were already filled with despair.


On the contrary, Venerable Five Elements, who frightened all the monks away with a blow, froze, but lost the excitement just now.

Chen Laomo is not vulgar.

The Heavenly Bliss Demon has a well-deserved reputation.

But this power...

With a bad feeling in his heart, the Venerable Five Elements stared inward, and was surprised to find that a golden core was slowly spinning in the empty body of the Demon Venerable.

This golden elixir is the origin of Chen Tianxing's magic power.

For today, the Venerable Five Elements was quite well prepared, and he also expected a situation where both sides would suffer, so he had already prepared the Primal Chaos Pill for himself.

The power of chaos can be absorbed by monks who practice any technique.

After winning the body of the demon king, he took this pill, so his body was already filled with a lot of chaos power.

After Tianlun robbed Chen Tianxing of everything, the power of chaos naturally poured into his golden elixir.

This is the reason why Chen Tianxing had already lost his strength, but after the golden core entered the body of the Five Elements Venerable, the other party was able to immediately display a powerful magic power.

But the power of this magic skill is lower than the expectation of the Five Elements Venerable.

It's not that the preparation of the power of chaos is not enough, but that Chen Laomo's golden core can only display the strength of the peak of the gods.


If it was in the Returning Void Realm, the coverage area of ​​Heavenly Demon Luanwu would be more than ten times larger, and no one could escape on the spot.


Venerable Five Elements was dumbfounded.

Couldn't he, Chen Tianxing, use the strength of the Returning Void Realm?

Was the energy of the returning black ball so great?

Chen Tianxing had absorbed the ghost-guiding demonic energy from the Demon Venerable Ye Changsheng earlier, and the Venerable Five Elements knew this.

But after playing for so long, the energy in Guixu's black ball has been consumed over and over again, right?

He had calculated that the magic energy injected by the Demon Lord to frame Ye Changsheng back then was definitely not enough for Chen Tianxing to use it for so long.

So he has a very reasonable judgment.

That is, Chen Tianxing had a feeling from Guixu's demonic energy, and then gave his own magic power a hint of Guixu's artistic conception.

Chen Laomo and Mozun are both practicing Blissful Heaven Demon Art, and the two have the same origin, so it is not surprising that his magic power can be assimilated by the higher-level Mozun's magic power.

This explanation is very reasonable, and only in this way can it be explained why Chen Tianxing's realm is not Guixu, but he can infinitely display the magic power of Guixu.


That's it?

Where the hell are you?

At this moment, Venerable Five Elements really wanted to swear.

He even wanted to crush Chen Tianxing's throat with his claws.

"Huh? What's that?"

Unreconciled, the Venerable Five Elements frantically searched for the things Tianlun brought back from Chen Tianxing, and suddenly found that there was something extra in his spiritual world.

That's a... black... disc?

Why is there still a little bit of white on it? Biqu library

What is this?

The Venerable Five Elements observed for a long time, feeling very bewildered.

He tried to touch Yuanpan with his enormous spiritual consciousness, but it didn't work.

There are weird!

He made a judgment immediately.

With the strength of his consciousness, is there anything in the world that cannot be penetrated?

Even if it is a stone, a weed.

But this disk in the spiritual world couldn't be penetrated by his consciousness.

Such a special material?


There is such a thing in Chen Tianxing's spiritual world.

Could this be the secret of his strength?

Venerable Five Elements frowned, and kept pushing the black disc in every way he could think of.

But everything he did was in vain.

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