Nine-star foreign land.

In the dark and dull sky, snow-white thunder flashed from time to time.

With the instant flash of thunder, a majestic and towering palace below is like a giant beast lurking in the darkness, revealing its ferocious fangs.

There are five mysterious marks on the top of the huge palace gate.

It's just that this imprint has long since lost its original brilliance, and now presents a gray and dead stillness.

After an unknown amount of time, a gap suddenly opened in the space in front of the deathly silent palace.


Tianyi was the first to fall out of the crack, and he fell directly on the ground in a weak state.

Xiao Mohe came from behind and helped him up. Behind him, several figures came out from the crack.

"This is the Temple of the Five Elements?"

Chen Tianxing looked up, and his eyes fell on the five-element imprint on the temple gate.

The imprint is gray, which means that the Five Elements Venerable is indeed dead.

According to Tianyi, as long as the Five Elements Venerable is in the Five Elements Temple, then the Five Elements imprint will shine.

The only worry now is whether the Five Elements Temple will lose its function as the five elements venerable's spiritual consciousness dissipates.

"Let's go."

It was useless to think too much, Chen Tianxing took the lead to walk to the Five Elements Temple.

Xiao Mohe supported Tianyi at the back, and Meng Hanran and Luo Li were protecting the frozen corpse of Mo Zun at the rear.

The temple was dark and empty.

Everyone walked in the hall silently, only the echo of their own footsteps could be heard in their ears.

After walking for almost an hour, Chen Tianxing stopped in his tracks.

He looked back at Tianyi, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you can just keep walking like this?"

Not only him, but everyone else has already noticed something strange.

From the moment they entered the Five Elements Temple, they felt as if they had fallen into a certain cycle. The dark passage in front of them seemed endless, and they could go on like this as long as they wanted.

At the beginning, this was considered a good thing by them.

Three days ago, when he decided to go to the Temple of the Five Elements to think of a way to see if he could save Ye Changsheng, Tian Yi, who was still Yue Qing at the time, told him everything he knew about the Temple of the Five Elements.

But he obviously didn't know much.

However, he was impressed by the fact that he walked through such a long and endless passage every time he entered the temple.

So when they found something strange in the temple, everyone was relieved.

This proves

It is clear that without the Five Elements Venerable, the Five Elements Temple has not lost its function.

But let's go on like this, okay?

Tianyi is also not sure.

"It should be possible."

Chen Tianxing stared, "What should you mean?"

Tianyi shook his head and said: "Every time you enter the Five Elements Temple, the time to walk through this passage is uncertain. It depends on the mood of the Five Elements Venerable at that time."

These words left everyone speechless.

"However, the Venerable Five Elements is dead."

Meng Hanran frowned and said, "According to what you said, we shouldn't have walked for so long."

Since the length of this channel is based on the five elements venerable, it shouldn't be so weird now.

It cannot be said that without the Venerable Five Elements, the passages in the Five Elements Temple would be infinitely long, right?

If that's the's going to be troublesome.

Meng Hanran's heart sank slightly.

If you think of the Five Elements Temple as a gigantic artifact, with all the wonders of the artifact, it may not be impossible.

They don't know how to control it, and it's not impossible for them to be trapped in the temple all the time.

Chen Tianxing also glanced at him and asked, "Do you feel it?"

Meng Hanran shook his head.

He knew what Chen Tianxing was asking.

Sanctuary monks have stronger spiritual consciousness than demon monks.

Although he and Luo Li were not comparable to Ye Changsheng, they were still stronger than Chen Tianxing.

The purpose of coming to the Temple of Five Elements is to find a place for Daoist Changsheng to release his consciousness.

Therefore, the two of them have been exercising their spiritual consciousness since they came in, but until now, they still haven't felt any existence that can make their spiritual consciousness fluctuate.

Chen Tianxing frowned and thought, "It's not the way to go this way, my leader will give it a try!"

As he spoke, he leaned over abruptly and slammed his palm on the bluestone floor.

With his strength, if the firepower is fully fired, the Five Elements Temple will be shattered.

But with this palm, the bluestone floor did not burst, and there was no strong vibration.

From an angle that no one could see, countless eerie ghosts rushed out from Chen Tianxing's palm, and scattered in all directions from the ground.

These fierce ghosts could be regarded as variants of his external transformation demons, but with such a large number, Chen Tianxing's divine sense could not handle them at all.

Therefore, he directly used it only as an attack move, and gave up the ability to collect all the information collected by Li Gui into his brain.

With 60 to 70% of the magic power in his body, he is still stronger than before

Chen Laomo's cultivation base is much deeper.

Where the palms touched the floor, a large number of fierce ghosts continued to flow, as if they were endless, and the ground was filled to the brim in an instant.

Even a little crowded.


He raised his brows, withdrew his hands and straightened up, his mind running rapidly.

The Temple of the Five Elements seems to be infinite, and no matter how deep his cultivation is, he can't fill it up.

And there is only one reason why the ghosts rushing out of the demons outside the body feel crowded.

His magic power covered the real area of ​​the Five Elements Temple.

"So that's how it is."

Thinking of this, he nodded slowly.

Under the gaze of everyone, he punched straight ahead with a sudden punch.

The ferocious demon roared and rushed into the endless dark passage.


There was a shock coming from the front, it was very light, and it disappeared quickly.

But it was enough to be heard in everyone's ears.

Chen Tianxing laughed loudly and said, "If I knew you were the troublemaker, if I didn't want to die, I would have come out!"

As he said that, he threw out another punch, followed by another punch, and waved his hands repeatedly, as if addicted to it, one after another Heavenly Demon fist hit the passage.

On the spot, it was like a magical meteor shower.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Although he didn't know who Chen Tianxing was talking to, but his offensive clearly wanted to kill someone, right?

That being the case, why bother to pretend to come out if you don't want to die?

You didn't give people a chance to come out!

The shock became more and more intensive, and everyone was surprised to see that circle after circle of ripples appeared in the originally empty passage.

As the Tianmo Fist exploded faster and faster, the ripples became more intense, and in the end, it seemed to be boiling, with a tendency to go berserk.

"Stop...stop, you, you won!"

Finally, along with the ripples came a cry of unspeakable pain.

Chen Tianxing stopped his fists and said coldly, "I'll only give you three breaths."


"Two three!"

The Heavenly Demon Fist is about to strike again.

"Wait, wait!"

The man in the darkness didn't expect him to count so fast, he yelled hastily.

Then everyone heard hurried footsteps, and a figure ran out of the darkness at high speed.

Even Chen Tianxing couldn't help being stunned after seeing this person rushing out of the darkness.

That person had the same body shape as Tianyi and wore the same mask on his face.

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