The two swastika seals turned faster and faster, like two flying knives, cutting the cycle of heaven and earth to pieces.

The vast Buddhist true power took advantage of the void and squeezed Ye Changsheng's body frantically.

Ye Changsheng's face froze, and he was shocked to find that he was actually in the lotus seat at the moment.

The huge Buddha lotus grew rapidly, and the lotus leaves full of the true power of Buddhism closed towards him decisively, trying to suppress him in the Buddha lotus.


So real!

At this moment, Ye Changsheng could already perceive the determination of Qibao Ancient Buddha to kill him.


Just because he occupied the demon's corpse?

Dao is not Dao, demons are not demons, good and evil are in people's hearts!

This body does have some remaining devilish energy, but after Ye Changsheng's refinement during this period, most of the devilish energy has been forced out of the body, and now there is only the last trace left.

What does a demon body alone mean?

Ye Changsheng has a firm heart and does not agree that this body has any influence on him.

If that's the case, the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha is too paranoid!

But the other party didn't give him a chance to argue at all. In Setsuna, the huge Buddha lotus had already closed.

Qibao ancient Buddha waved his hand indifferently, and the pointed Buddha lotus slowly spun, driving the true power inside to strangle Ye Changsheng.


At this moment, a blue light burst out from the lotus, and the sharp aura shot straight into the sky.

But it is an all-too-familiar divine sword, the Demon-Destroying Qingyun Sword!

With one sword out, ten thousand swords are fired together!

The lotus trembled for a while, and a large amount of blue light penetrated from the inside to the outside in all directions, piercing the entire lotus throne full of holes.

Among the ruined lotus leaves, Ye Changsheng slowly stepped out with the Demon-subduing Qingyun Sword in his hand.

The Qingyun Sword of Subduing Demons has long been shattered, but the handle in his hand is gathered with the supreme Taoist spiritual power, and infiltrated with a trace of Ye Changsheng's spiritual consciousness, which is more full of Taoism than the previous Heavenly Sword.

With this body of returning to the void, Ye Changsheng's road to rebuilding went very smoothly, and he was much stronger than before, so that he could break out of the desperate situation. Biqu library

"Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha, you and I have no grievances or enmities, but you want to kill the old Taoist as soon as you come up?"

Ye Changsheng's complexion was definitely not good-looking.

When they met in the past, Qibao Ancient Buddha had similar ideas with him, and the two had a long talk for three days and three nights, discussing Taoism, scriptures and Buddhism.

Ye Changsheng sincerely admired the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha.

But today, the other party's paranoia and the killing intent brought out by his indifference made him

He felt as if he had changed himself.

Facing Ye Changsheng's questioning, Qibao Ancient Buddha remained calm.

Standing with one palm in front of his chest, and reciting the Buddha's name, he calmly said: "Isn't this more proof that I want to transcend you, and I am not doing it out of personal enmity?"

"You, Ye Changsheng, will become a scourge to the world!"

After the words fell, the other hand was erected in front of the chest, and the palms were clasped together.


Ye Changsheng had a feeling in his heart, and when he turned his head, he saw the golden body of Buddha protruding from behind him.

And this golden body is like the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha, with huge golden palms slowly clasped together.

He is like a tiny mosquito, right now between his palms.

shrink into an inch!

How could Ye Changsheng wait for death with his hands tied up, he raised his feet and stepped lightly, even if he had already left the Tai Dao Sect, he had traveled hundreds of miles away.

However, what made his heart sink was that at such a distance, he was still in the center of the Buddha's palm, and those two giant golden palms were about to close together.

This is, accompanied by Buddha!

At the beginning, he had seen the ancient Buddha of Seven Treasures displaying this Buddhist supernatural power.

This is specially created to influence the heinous criminals.

Those with supernatural powers will be locked by the true power of Buddhism, and let them escape to the cape of Tianya, and the Buddha who has transformed into true power will always recite scriptures for them in their ears, until they are influenced and return to the Zen realm.

At the beginning, Ye Changsheng had some complaints about this supernatural power.

To put it simply, a person who has caught this trick is like a fly suddenly around you, buzzing around your ears day and night, disturbing you unbearably.

But you still can't kill it, and you can't get rid of it, even if you poke your ears, the sound will go straight to your brain.

So either he lost his mind and went crazy, or he had no choice but to submit, there was no other way.

This is not touching, it is clearly noise pollution.

I didn't expect to see this supernatural power again today, but it still has such lethal power.

And he himself became the target of attack.

Can't run away, only fight!

Ye Changsheng's face became serious, and the Fumo Qingyun sword drew out sword shadows, and Setsuna was already divided into thousands.


His voice is like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and the moment he opened his mouth, the space vibrated, and thousands of sword shadows split left and right, and shot towards the golden giant palm.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa—

The blue light sword shadow was mighty, like a surging tide, or like a golden spear and an iron horse, and the drums shaking the sky, piercing into the giant golden palm with an indomitable momentum.

The ancient Buddha of Seven Treasures sits on the lotus throne, within a hundred miles

The outer Buddha's eyes opened slightly, and his voice came faintly.

"Ye Changsheng, do you still dare to say that you are not affected by the demon body?"

Such a sword is completely free from Taoism's inaction and ease, but it is like the violent and bloody bravery of a demon cultivator.

Ye Changsheng didn't answer, but his sword became stronger.

But the giant golden palm was not affected by the sword energy at all, it replenished as much as it was pierced, and it still closed into ten slowly and firmly.


Finally, the two palms collided suddenly, causing the earth to shatter on the spot, and lava spewed out endlessly from the ground.

Ye Changsheng's sword also stopped at this moment.

The lotus throne floated up.

The ancient Buddha of Seven Treasures sat on the lotus platform, kept his palms still, and said in his mouth: "My Buddha is boundless, Ye Changsheng, you... rest in peace!"

However, he didn't move, but the palms of the golden body of the Buddha changed.

On the back of the golden light, a small black spot began to appear.

When Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha noticed something was wrong, the black spot was spinning crazily, corroding a big hole in the back of one of his hands in no time.

This is……

The eyes of Ancient Buddha Seven Treasures shone with golden light, and the palms standing on his chest finally parted.

Following his movements, the giant golden palm that had been corroded beyond recognition also split in two, revealing the inside of the palm.

So he saw, how could there be a shadow of Ye Changsheng in his palm?

Yes, it's just a crack in space that is being repaired crazily!


The Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha snorted angrily, and the other giant palm that had not been corroded penetrated into the crack, but until the crack was about to close, nothing could be pulled out from it.

Ye Changsheng ran away!

At this moment, he realized that Ye Changsheng's mantra just now was not to break his accompaniment with a Buddha, but to break this space!

The Qingyun Sword that Subdues Demons is unparalleled in sharpness, and it can stir up the space when it is swung.

But this alone is not enough to draw a hole in the space.

So what Ye Changsheng was waiting for was also the moment when the giant golden palms folded together.

Only at that time, with the help of the shock caused by the giant palm, this space will be at its weakest, allowing Ye Changsheng to break through it with a single sword, and escape into the cracks in the space to hide from his accompanying Buddha.

Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha pondered for a long time, and slowly said to himself: "As expected of the demon body of Returning to the Void Realm, its strength is astonishing!"

Ye Changsheng had to accept his palm if he wanted to break through the space.

And Wu Mozun's mighty body has turned into flesh after this palm, so how can there be a follow-up?

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