I Just Want To Be A Good Person For Seizing The Leader Of The Demon Cult

Chapter 304 The Temple Of Punishment Who Was Annihilated By The Whole Army

On the dark red land, a huge palace that seemed to appear out of thin air stood awkwardly.

It's awkward because this palace shouldn't appear here, but anyone who is a little familiar with this place knows that there should be only a strange palace gate here, but there is no palace behind this palace gate.

And the demon cultivators know better, don't be curious about this gate of the palace that is as closed as hell, instead of trying to push it open.

Otherwise you will really enter the gate of hell.

Because what the palace gate is connected to should be a world in another plane.

The world of the Temple of Execution.

But at this moment, the Temple of God of Execution just pierced through the void and stood in a plane where it shouldn't be.

A huge pillar of Buddha's light shot straight into the clouds from behind the palace.

When the ascetic Buddha arrived, many people wrapped in the Buddha's light had gathered in front of the Zhushen Temple, as well as the Eighteen Vajras lined up in white robes.

The leader is the white-robed monk who has dealt with Chen Tianxing before.

Seeing the Ascetic Buddha arriving, he immediately went up to meet him, bowed slightly, and said in his mouth: "My Buddha is boundless!"

The ascetic Buddha returned a salute and immediately asked, "Did you find anything?"

On the way here, he had already passed through the Buddhist gate, and he told the white-robed monk what happened through his spiritual power.

Hearing the words, the other party raised one hand and said, "My lord, please come and have a look."

As soon as this remark came out, the ascetic Buddha was relieved, and secretly thought that his guess was right, that there was something wrong with the Temple of Punishment.

Under the leadership of the white-robed monk, he came to the Temple of Execution, but the direction of the other party's finger was the root of the wall of the Temple of Execution.


The ascetic Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and only when he got closer did he realize that the ground where the wall of the Temple of Punishment meets the ground looks a little illusory, and he is confused and not very clear.

"Clean water, what's going on?"

he asked.

The white-robed monk with the Buddha name Jingshui responded calmly: "The venerable sent a message before, and the little monk only discovered that although the Zhushen Temple came out of the small plane, it still seems to be connected with it."

"The illusory here, presumably, means that this connection is connected with both planes, that's why it's like this."

Ascetic Buddha frowned, "That means..."

Monk Jingshui nodded and said: "Honorable guessed right, everything within the scope of Zhushen Temple has this situation."

two people

Talking while walking, he soon came to the back of the Zhushen Temple and stopped in front of the giant pillar of Buddha's light.

The ascetic Buddha looked down and frowned deeper.

There is a strong golden light on the giant pillar of Buddha light, but there is nothing else.

So if you don't look carefully, it's really hard to find that even the bottom of the giant pillar of Buddha's light is also illusory.

"That is to say, there is really a part of the pillar of Buddha's light left in that small plane?"

Ascetic Buddha felt a headache, these are two planes.

Monk Jingshui was also silent.

The two of them observed carefully again, but in desperation, Monk Jingshui could only say: "Or else, ask Su benefactor?"

The ascetic Buddha sighed: "It has to be like this."

Their understanding of this weird Zhushen Temple is also very limited.

The two returned to the front of the hall, and among the group of monsters with Buddha's light, they saw Su Yiming with a dull expression at a glance.

Due to the special geographical location of the Temple of Execution, there are two different results.

Or, they were aware of the surprise attack in the Great Sun Zen Domain in advance, and closed the plane where the Temple of Zhu was located, so that they would not suffer from the disaster of Buddha's light.

This is also the self-protection trump card of the Temple of Zhu.

Once you realize that your strength is lower than that of your opponent, you can hide in the small plane and come out until your strength is sufficient.

This is a bit of a rogue, but it is the basis for the Zhushen Temple to settle down in this extremely heavenly demon realm.

But if they are not aware of it, the life-saving hole card of the Temple of Zhushen will become a cage to imprison them.

The Great Sun Zen Domain came prepared, advancing almost in an all-round way. No one knew beforehand that things would become so serious in an instant.

So when the people from the Zen domain entered the Temple of Zhushen, Su Yiming was still practicing demonic skills in the blood demon pool, and he didn't notice it at all.

It was too late for him to stop the huge pillar of Buddha's light rising up.

The portal to the teleportation hall leading to the outside world was blocked early on. In the entire small plane, everyone, including Su Yiming, was contaminated with the Buddha's light and turned into a mechanically dull Buddha's light monster.

Ascetic Buddha and Monk Jingshui stopped in front of Su Yiming.

The two looked at each other, and the ascetic Buddha made a move, sucking out the Buddha's light from Su Yiming's body.

At the same time, the rest of the Buddhist Vajras also gathered and surrounded Old Demon Su.


Su Yiming's eyes changed from numbness to

When it was Qingming, I covered my head in pain again.

To him, this period of time was like a dream. In the dream, he, the Lord of Zhushen Palace, was being shouted and shouted about by others, but he had no temper at all and was extremely obedient.

Looking back further, he couldn't help shivering when waves of people from the Temple of Zhushen rushed towards him, wrapped in golden light.

"Benefactor Su, are you awake?"

The ascetic Buddha would not give him too much time to recall the pain.


Su Yiming was startled, only then did he realize that he was still surrounded by these Buddha light monsters, his mind was shocked, and the Wanli Demon rushed out of his body.

"Ten thousand demons destroy the city!"

Shocked, the first move was a killer move, countless fierce demons crossed the border like locusts, frantically devouring everything in front of them.

However, with the presence of Monk Jingshui, Su Yiming's thoughts have long been seen through.

Tens of thousands of demons crossed the border, and what they devoured were only the afterimages of Ascetic and others, and the Buddhist name of Monk Jingshui came from behind him.

"My Buddha is boundless, does Su benefactor still want to experience memories again?"

In Buddhism, he has a clear mind, and can detect everything the other party thinks.

Su Yiming's body froze when he heard the words, and then he glanced left and right, his momentum suddenly weakened a bit.

He saw that the elders and disciples who originally belonged to the Temple of Punishment were all surrounded by the Buddha's light at this moment, turning slightly to stare at him.

It was as if he had to rush forward to fight him desperately as soon as he gave an order.

These guys can't be beaten to death, and they can't escape.

To experience that despair again?

Su Yiming let out a long sigh, stood up with his hands back, and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Monk Jingshui smiled and said: "This is not within the scope of the benefactor Su's consideration. We just want to know, so that the Temple of God of Execution can completely return to this plane."

This question was asked very cleverly. It only said that the Zhushen Temple did not mention the giant pillar of Buddha light. Not only did it not reveal the secret in front of Su Yiming, but at the same time, he could get what he wanted.


Su Yiming frowned, "Why should I tell you?"

The other party must have a plan for waking him up. Since it is a secret that only he knows, it can of course be used as a bargaining chip. Su Yiming is not stupid and will not tell the other party easily.

However, he didn't know that Monk Jingshui's mental powers had reached a great level, and he didn't need to answer with his mouth when asking a question, he just needed to think of the answer in his mind.

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