According to Ye Changsheng's analysis, Chen Tianxing Chen Laomo suddenly appeared in Qingyuan Mansion, there must be a conspiracy!

The treacherous and cunning Chen Laomo must have seen this weakness of Sanctuary long ago.

Divine Will Medicine Sect!

This is the background of Zhongzhou Sanctuary, but also its weakness.

Once the Shenyi Medicine Sect is disintegrated, it is conceivable how weakened the strength of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary will be after losing this big logistics.

Chen Laomo must be eyeing the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Therefore, the Qingyuan Mansion seemed to be calm for the past two days, but in fact, Zhou Baiyu and Ye Changsheng had already discussed several feasible methods.

Notifying the elite of the five sects and seven sects to the Shenyi Medicine Sect is for this purpose.

If possible, they certainly wanted to get rid of Old Mo Chen once and for all.

But what if it doesn't work?

What if Chen Laomo escaped by luck? Biqu library

No matter how important his Shenyi Medicine Sect is, he can't let a large number of masters from the five sects and seven sects stay in Qingyuan Mansion as bodyguards, right?

So there has to be a backup plan.

This is what Zhou Baiyu proposed to disperse the elite disciples of the Medicine Sect to various sects.

In this way, not only can it reduce the burden on the Shenyi Medicine School, but more importantly, after the Shenyi Medicine School is broken into parts, Chen Laomo's plan will come to nothing.

Just imagine, Chen Laomo came to Qingyuan Mansion to destroy Shenyi Medicine Sect.

But what if Shenyi Medicine Sect is not in Qingyuan Mansion?

What if there are disciples of Shenyi Medicine Sect in the entire Zhongzhou Sanctuary?

The purpose of destroying medicine sect is to destroy alchemists.

When there are alchemists everywhere in the sanctuary, how will Chen Laomo be eliminated?

Wouldn't that bring things back to the original point and destroy the entire Sanctuary of Zhongzhou?

Chen Laomo has been thinking about this important event for many years, but hasn't he succeeded?

Therefore, Zhou Baiyu's method of breaking it up into parts is very clever, and it can imperceptibly stop Chen Laomo's plot.

And his plan can also get strong support from other sects in the sanctuary.

Who wouldn't want to have one or several high-level alchemists by their side?

Who wants to have to spend a lot of money to buy it from Shenyi Medicine Sect every time they want a super-grade elixir?

As the saying goes, only what you have is what you really have.

And Zhou Baiyu also promised that the alchemists handed over to the major sects will all be the elite of the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

He even promised to let them select directly at the assessment site.

to know god

The Yi Medicine Sect had over a thousand disciples, and only seventy-two of them came out every two years. These people were all elites, and no matter which one was placed in other sects, they would be regarded as treasures.

With such a good thing, how can other sects not be happy?

Although he knew that this was actually helping the Shenyi Medicine Sect to support people, so what?

In the process of raising people, the elixirs obtained are real, and compared to the expensive purchase of elixirs at the Shenyi Medicine Sect, this deal is simply too cost-effective!

As for the disciples present.

Except for those who have a lot of affection for the sect, they are also very happy to go to other sects to develop and experience a different life.

This is a good idea to kill three birds with one stone.

Chen Tianxing never expected that one of his unintentional actions would directly lead to the reform of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and even caused considerable changes in the entire Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

The conscience of heaven and earth.

His original plan was just to get some white light on Xiao Mohe's body.

"Well, you don't have to be so excited."

Zhou Baiyu sighed secretly, but said with a smile on his face: "Whether you can be selected or not depends on your alchemy strength. You'd better calm down now and concentrate on the next assessment."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples in the field fell silent instantly.

Yes, if you want to be chosen, you must first have your own strength.

Otherwise, why should others bother to raise a waste?

As alchemists, they saw this very clearly, and they didn't feel dissatisfied because they seemed to be the selected goods.

Those who can sit on the stage and choose them are all the top powers in the sanctuary!

To be favored by such a strong person, they would have no other thoughts, only incomparable pride.

Take it easy!

Be sure to leave a good impression in front of the powerful!

Zhou Baiyu looked at the audience, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "This assessment will be conducted by the Supreme Elder himself, so let him announce it."

Turning around, he nodded slightly to an old man with a solemn face on the stage.

Chen Tianxing noticed this person only now, and couldn't help being surprised.

"This old man, is he still alive?"

He has the memory of Chen Laomo, so he naturally knows this person.

The old man was called Cang Wudao, and he was the previous suzerain of the Shenyi Medicine Sect. Chen Laomo had fought against him before in the battle between the holy and the devil.

Cang Wudao's cultivation base is not

Than him, but the endless stream of various pills brought Chen Laomo a lot of trouble.

Besides Ye Changsheng, this person was also the only one who could escape from Old Demon Chen alone.

But Cang Wudao had stepped down as the suzerain of the Shenyi Medicine Sect six years ago, and there has been no news since then.

At the beginning, Chen Laomo guessed that this old guy either had his lifespan, or was seriously injured in the battle with him, and died after returning to the sanctuary.

Unexpectedly, not only was he alive, but his cultivation seemed to be improving.

He had been sitting on the high platform before, but even Chen Tianxing didn't notice the existence of this person before Zhou Baiyu called out his identity. Biqu library

Even Xiao Mohe's elixir to hide his breath cannot be turned a blind eye.

Cang Wudao walked forward with half-closed eyes, first glanced at the disciples, and suddenly sneered: "My Shenyi Medicine Sect will also have a day when I can't keep people, this old man never expected."

Needle drop can be heard under the stage.

Many disciples' foreheads were soaked in cold sweat.

"That's all."

He waved his hand again, "This is your way, it has nothing to do with the old man, I just hope you don't regret today's decision."

After finishing speaking, he said lightly: "Since you are impatient, let's start."

"Remember, this assessment is not about whoever refines the alchemy with the highest level is the winner, but a comprehensive consideration of various aspects such as the alchemy technique, the selection of medicinal materials, and the control of the heat."

"No one should try to get some rare spiritual materials to take advantage of."

The way of alchemy is not only based on alchemy.

In the process of refining, the utilization rate of medicinal materials is also an aspect that needs to be considered.

You are given the treasures of heaven and earth that can refine ten elixirs, but in the end you only produced one elixir.

Can this be called success?

Only with limited resources, the higher the efficiency of alchemy, the more it can prove the strength of an alchemist.

This requires not only rote memorization of alchemy recipes, but also a very high understanding of alchemy, as well as exquisite techniques, all of which are indispensable.

With an order, the already impatient assessment disciples started immediately.

Not long after, the examination site was filled with the aroma of Chinese medicine.


Chen Tianxing curled his lips, showing no interest in this alchemy competition.

He only noticed that until the assessment had started, there was still no sign of Yue Qingling.

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