"What’s wrong with you?"

Ye Changsheng was stunned.

He was very puzzled by Gu Mochen's sudden madness.

"What are you trying to say? Say it again?"

Gu Mochen calmed down his impending collapse, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible.

Ye Changsheng looked at Chen Tianxing, but he saw Chen Tianxing shrugging helplessly at him, obviously he didn't know why this guy suddenly had a convulsion.

The two of them didn't think about Gu Mochen's bow at all.

Oh, Chen Tianxing thought about it, he was planning how to make Gu Mochen admire him more.

So he took over Ye Changsheng's words and said, "We were enemies before, right?"

Gu Mochen frowned slightly, and really wanted to say that I, Gu Shen, don't think you are qualified to be my enemies.

But after thinking about it, I didn't have the confidence to say this sentence after all.

He could only nod depressingly.

Chen Tianxing added: "For the enemy, it is natural to deal the most violent blows in all directions without dead ends, and this naturally includes psychological warfare."

"Psychological warfare?"

Gu Mochen was slightly taken aback, but still nodded in agreement.

"But now we can talk."

Chen Tianxing glanced at Ye Changsheng, and said: "Old man Ye's meaning is also the meaning of this leader. He is right. As far as our standpoint is concerned, none of us is wrong."

"The Divine Tree Plane cannot survive without the Xuanyuan Continent, and without the support of the Xuanyuan Continent, the Divine Tree Plane will also collapse."

"You see, everyone is actually a community of interests."

Gu Mochen blinked, and learned a new word from Chen Tianxing.

"But you don't treat us as human beings, do you?"

Chen Tianxing said coldly: "From what you did in Xuanyuan Continent, why did you ever give us an equal chance to talk?"

"You only think that all the low-level monks on Xuanyuan Continent are low-level monks. You look down on us from the bottom of your heart, but you never thought that it is us low-level monks who have allowed your Divine Tree plane to exist for countless years."

"When you broke the void back then, was your original intention to protect Xuanyuan Continent or protect yourself? I think everyone knows that."

Having said that, he stared straight at Gu Mochen.

But Gu Mochen bowed his head and remained silent.

Baoxuan Yuan Continent?

Apart from saying this in a contemptuous tone before, he doesn't seem to have this awareness.

Otherwise, how could it make the Sunshine Sacred Tree grow wildly, wanting to bring the entire Xuanyuan Continent into the divine tree?

Inside the tree?

Being able to think of such a once-and-for-all method is actually enough to prove that they don't care whether the people on Xuanyuan Continent are alive or dead, whether they are walking dead or monsters of Buddha's light.

All they want is the stability of Xuanyuan Continent, which provides them with enough power of the Five Elements.

"Since you say so, fine."

After calming down, Gu Mochen is not a brainless fool.

Chen Tianxing took the initiative to bring the topic back to the current problem, and he also asked along the way: "As far as you are concerned, the Xuanyuan Continent is not willing to change back to the previous Xuanyuan Five Realms."

"In this way, the power of the five elements obtained by the plane of the sacred tree will be reduced, which is very detrimental to the stability of the plane."

Mentioning the crisis of the Divine Tree Plane, Gu Mochen frowned slightly.

"The first thing to explain is that it's not that if Ren Xuanyuan Continent continues like this, the Divine Tree Plane will collapse immediately, but this is predictable."

"How long it will be, I don't know."

He shook his head, "It may be a year later, it may be ten years later, or it may not be too long, because the power of the five elements is unstable, and many powers on the plane of the sacred tree will be greatly reduced. , making it impossible to defend against attacks from other planes.”

"In this case, where should we go?"

He said with a helpless smile: "It was said earlier that the plane of the Divine Tree collapsed, and the monks living there would return to the Xuanyuan Continent. This is not an angry statement, but it will definitely happen."

"After the collapse of the Divine Tree Plane, we people have no other way out, but to return to the Xuanyuan Continent...wait for death."

"And you also need to know that the strong on the plane battlefield are not just returning to the Void Realm."

"Even Returning to the Void Realm is just a threshold that can be used as cannon fodder."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Chen Tianxing, then at Ye Changsheng.

"To be honest, the two of you are one of the strongest in the Xuanyuan Continent, but if you switch to the battlefield on the plane, there are as many people who can kill you!"

"You wait first!"

Chen Tianxing waved his hands abruptly, and asked, "I've heard you mention the plane battlefield several times, what's going on?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Changsheng's expression became serious.

"Plane battlefield?"

Gu Mochen nodded and said: "This is the rule set by the major pure energy planes, and it is also a guarantee for their respective planes."

"The plane battlefield is a separate space

On the other side, where there is enough to frighten the power of the five elements, it should have become a battleground for all strong planes. "

Speaking of this, Chen Tianxing and the two of them understood.

This plane is a land without an owner, but it has an incomparably huge power of the five elements, so no matter which plane the monks are, they naturally want to take it as their own.

But because of this, it will not be occupied by others.

Because in their plane, there is no existence that can dominate a family so that it can be called invincible.

Whoever intends to fight on the battlefield of the plane will inevitably invite the joint attack of other plane powerhouses.

Before the strength is not enough to deal with everyone's cooperation, whoever goes will be the target of public criticism and will become a public enemy of the plane.

"So you use this plane as a battlefield?"

Chen Tianxing thought for a while and asked.


Gu Mochen said: "No one is willing to give up this plane, so it has to become a common place."

"But the power of the five elements there is too huge. Even if you don't do anything, just go in and stay for a few days, it will have great benefits. Therefore, every plane will send talented monks to enter, and you don't have to consume your own space. Under the premise of facing the power of the five elements, the strength of the original plane will be stronger."

"But that's where the war starts."

His words stunned the two of them for a moment, and then they figured it out.

All right, so we can start the war.

All the planes are not monolithic. The reason why there is a consensus on the plane battlefield is because no one is willing to give in.

But once it becomes a common land, then each has to occupy his due share based on his strength.

If you want to gain a foothold in it, you must have the strength to stand firm.

Or rather, an endorsement.

The plane battlefield does not need to consume the power of the five elements of one's own plane, so naturally it takes more.

I take it, you don't take it, over time, my strength will naturally be stronger than yours.

vice versa.

So, what about the plane that originally had hatred?

Who is willing to let the enemy practice comfortably in it?

What about two closely spaced planes?

Are you getting stronger inside so you can come out and hit me?

With all these things, it is doomed that the plane battlefield will not be peaceful, and the beauty of everyone upgrading together only exists in wishes.

"So actually..."

Chen Tianxing pondered: "If you want to judge whether a plane is strong enough, you only need to see whether the people of this plane are strong enough on the battlefield of the plane?"

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