So it's not negotiable?

Gu Mochen's complexion was not very good-looking.

Although there is Chen Tianxing's promise, after all, this is far worse than seeing it with my own eyes and standing in place to truly feel it.

But what can he do?

Not to mention the current Chen Tianxing, even before there was no power of the five elements, Chen Tianxing was stronger in the fight between the two.

Chen Tianxing wanted him to leave, but he had no choice but to leave if he didn't want to.

"I hope you will do what you say."

Gu Mochen gritted his teeth for a while, but still had no choice but to give up.

It's just that the strong unwillingness in those eyes is so strong.

Chen Tianxing believed that if he hadn't added that sentence, this guy would probably have done something even more terrifying.

And he didn't lie to Gu Mochen either.

Anyway, he did owe Gu Mochen a favor. Biqu library

This favor is not that the other party conveyed the power of Jin Xing to him.

After all, even if there is no Gu Mochen, after he has the golden core with the power of gold, he can find a way to fill up the golden core, it is only a matter of time.

And it was Gu Mochen himself who offered to pass on his power of gold to him.

Because he also really wanted Chen Tianxing to practice Tianlun as soon as possible.

So the favor is about the past.

Gu Mochen's mission failed before, no matter how hype Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng said, in fact Xuanyuan Continent is still at an absolute disadvantage.

The plane of the Divine Tree is a plane of pure energy, and monks on this plane have been exposed to the power of the five elements since birth.

They are inherently inferior to each other.

Therefore, Gu Mochen can completely ignore them and return directly to the plane of the Divine Tree, or use special means to tell the superpowers on the plane of the Divine Tree what happened on the Xuanyuan Continent.

Can they persuade a Gu Mochen, and can they persuade people from the plane of the Quanshenshu?

As long as someone who is unreasonable comes and doesn't listen to their explanations at all, and uses tyrannical means to turn Xuanyuan Continent into a paradise for Buddha light monsters, it is not impossible.

But Gu Mochen didn't do that.

He chose to believe them.

At least at that time, Gu Mochen was sincere.

Otherwise, when he bowed to Chen Tianxing, the Taiji Diagram would not absorb the light of chaos, allowing Chen Tianxing to gather the power of the five elements.

From this point, Chen Tianxing did owe him a favor.

Watching Gu Mochen leave with one step at a time, Chen Tianxing shook his head

I don't know what kind of attitude I should maintain towards this person.

But the most important thing right now is...

He looked down at the Tianlun in his hand, his figure swayed slightly, and two identical him appeared on the spot.

This is the inspiration I got when I first practiced the Taiyi Xuanjing.

Heaven is very strong, right?

So he didn't plan to use his own body to practice, but created a clone, and let the clone test the water first.

Regarding the theory of heaven, even he is not 100% sure, so he must be cautious.

Everything was ready, Chen Tianxing didn't hesitate any longer, and first used the exercises of the Taiyi Xuanjing to envelop the entire inner hall with the ground as a prison.

With his cultivation base, even Gu Mochen couldn't penetrate the painting ground as a prison, breaking through when his cultivation reached the most critical point.

After checking it carefully and confirming that there were no loopholes, his main body also stood a little further away.

Only then did the expressionless avatar open the theory of heaven in a solemn and solemn manner.

Like Su Yiming, with a wave of the clone's hand, it flew out of the first page of the general outline from the heavenly theory.

He didn't take it too seriously, knowing that the power of his spiritual sense was not as good as Ye Changsheng's, he still went through it page by page first.

On the way of heaven, all things are pills.

Yes, this sentence again.

The first sentence of the general outline of Tianlun is also the most widely circulated sentence in Xuanyuan Continent, but it is misleading.

Chen Tianxing looked at this sentence with a solemn expression.

He finally came to this step.

How much of a threat can this natural theory that Su Yiming be swallowed without the ability to resist pose a threat to him?

No, not right!

Suddenly, Chen Tianxing's complexion changed drastically.

He is not the one who practiced the theory of heaven!

After separating out his avatar, just in case, he has withdrawn most of his consciousness to his body, leaving only a trace of his consciousness as a bridge, connecting his body and avatar, and at the same time controlling the avatar's actions .

So, why is it that my own body is looking at the first page of the theory of heaven, and sees the words "the way of heaven and everything is Dan"?

Shouldn't the clone be watching it?

Chen Tianxing gritted his teeth and glanced at the avatar. What made him even more shocked was that he suddenly found himself standing in the avatar's position.

He is the avatar?

From the perspective of the avatar, he can also see where the main body should be, that is, himself, looking at him in horror.

Am I the body or


At this moment, Chen Tianxing's consciousness became confused.

His mind has received countless messages, but there are actually only two of these countless messages.

One is that his main body is looking at the avatar, and the other is that his avatar is looking at the main body.

Avatar body, body avatar.

Chen Tianxing felt as if a third self appeared.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing in the middle of a mirror called clone and a mirror called body.

If you look to the left, you can see countless selves in the mirror, and if you look to the right, you can also see countless selves in the mirror.

There are endless Chen Tianxing, every Chen Tianxing has a look of shock on his face.

But all the Chen Tianxing, their eyes are empty, who are they looking at?

The countless pairs of unfocused eyes may be looking at himself, or maybe he is looking at a certain self in the countless overlapping mirrors, and the other self is also staring at other selves. Biqu library

Line of sight staggered staggered and then staggered.

It made Chen Tianxing's mind in a mess, and under the impetuosity, a mouthful of blood brewed in his throat.

As a result, the complexions of countless Chen Tianxing turned pale, and their slightly bowed bodies made their gaze change again.

Another stagger.

Now he couldn't bear it anymore, his body instinctively had to spit out the blood to feel better.

But Chen Tianxing was shocked to find that his body seemed to be out of control. The blood stuck in his throat made him extremely uncomfortable, but he couldn't spit it out no matter what.

He was controlled?

no, no!

Chen Tianxing, who was extremely uncomfortable, was sure of this.

The reason why he couldn't spit out the blood was because his consciousness was not in his body at the moment.

Consciousness is the soul, and the body is the shell.

Without the control of his consciousness, he couldn't make his body respond in the slightest.

Not to mention a mouthful of blood, even a slight movement of a finger can't do it!

He suddenly discovered that all this came from the perception in his spiritual consciousness, and that third self was clearly all his spiritual consciousness!

His consciousness had been separated from his body unconsciously.

And at this moment, if Gu Mochen was still watching from the side, he would be able to find out...

Chen Tianxing now is very similar to Su Yiming back then.

Both of them maintained an extremely focused cultivation expression, standing still in place.

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