Sanctuary Kungfu focuses on following the trend of the sky.

To put it bluntly, what they cultivate is the way of heaven.

Swearing a heavy oath with the way of heaven is an incomparably heavy oath, a poisonous oath, for monks in the sanctuary.

Once the oath is violated, the heaven will send down punishment, ranging from the complete destruction of one's cultivation, to severe, like Ye Changsheng's oath, destroying both body and spirit.

Ye Changsheng dared to make this oath, which shows his determination.

This also made Cang Wudao lower his head, his face was uncertain, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Is this enough?"

Ye Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a sense of righteousness emerged spontaneously.

Chen Tianxing laughed and said, "It's not enough."

"not enough?"

Ye Changsheng frowned slightly, and couldn't help but suspect Chen Tianxing's purpose.

"Master Chen, aren't you just delaying time?"

"How can it be!"

Chen Tianxing waved his hand, "No way, no way."

"What I mean by not enough is that it is not enough for you to swear."

"What do you mean?"

Meng Hanran mocked: "Could it be that you still want us to swear?"

"of course!"

Chen Tianxing looked as if it should be taken for granted, "Old man Guangye swears by himself, of course he doesn't have to do anything, but what do you say if you do?"

"You bastards, don't try to bully honest people."

What he said made Meng Hanran want to rush in and do his best, but Luo Zhenren, the pavilion master of Lingxu Pavilion, sneered and said, "Why talk nonsense with a dying person, what does it matter if he believes it or not?"

"Chen Laomo, if we don't make an oath today, what can you do?"


Meng Hanran's eyes lit up, and he thought that Master Luo was still rational, but he was too impulsive!

It's a pity that he was not too impulsive, but too naive.

Chen Tianxing shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't care, anyway, it's not me who will be haunted by the demons."

As soon as these words came out, the sneer on Luo Zhenren's face froze immediately.

That's right, Chen Tianxing doesn't care.

It doesn't matter to him, Luo Li.

The person who owes Chen Tianxing's favor is Ye Changsheng, and only the real Changsheng can care about this matter.

But the problem is...

Ye Changsheng shook his head and said, "The favor owed by the old Taoist himself has nothing to do with you."


Meng Hanran gritted his teeth, "The Immortal Immortal was protecting us that day, and what happened that day has something to do with us. This favor, the Immortal Immortal owed it for us!"

"That's all!"

other face

Rong Yijian pointed straight at the sky like a sword, and shouted: "I, Meng Hanran, swear by the way of heaven, I will never kill Xiao Mohe today!"

"If you break this oath, the sword will break and you will die!"

Ye Changsheng sighed: "Master Meng, why are you doing this?"

Meng Hanran clasped his hands and said, "A real person has endured too much for the sanctuary. If I, Meng Hanran, refuse to do even this little thing for a real person, what kind of person should I be cultivating?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Tianxing was overjoyed, and had a good impression of Meng Hanran.

If you can talk, talk more.

Meng Hanran himself was full of pride, but what he didn't expect was that these words made other sanctuary powers look bad.

The meaning of this sentence is that if you don't follow the vow, you are not worthy of cultivating Taoism, and you are not worthy of being a human being?

This hat is not easy to wear!

That's all.

Just as Meng Hanran said, Immortal Changsheng devoted himself to the rise and fall of the sanctuary, and they did accept Ye Changsheng's love that day.

Furthermore, the target is Chen Laomo.

Although Xiao Mohe has the name of Immortal Doctor of Thousand Medicines, he is still not in the eyes of these sanctuary powers.

So what if you let him go for a day?

If he wanted to kill Xiao Mohe, wouldn't he be able to do it tomorrow?

One day is definitely not enough for Xiao Mohe to escape from the Sanctuary!

Thinking of this, other people also swore the oath of heaven one after another like Meng Hanran.

Only Cang Wudao, his face was blue and white at the moment.

The person who most wanted to kill Xiao Mohe on the spot was him.

But what the hell is that damn old devil Chen going crazy?

I will lose my life, but I still want to protect Xiao Mohe!

But circumstances are stronger than people.

The bosses of the five sects and seven sects all made a poisonous oath, if he didn't follow, it would be too maverick.

Especially after Xiao Mohe said that just now, he refused to make an oath, wouldn't he be convinced that the other party's words are the truth?

In desperation, Cang Wudao could only swear against his will.

"Is that all right?"

Meng Hanran said angrily, "Do you still want those Medicine Sect disciples to swear?"

Chen Tianxing laughed and said: "That's not necessary, my leader thinks it's fine."

"it is good!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Changsheng's eyes flashed brightly, and he shouted: "Chen Tianxing, the old man will pay you back what should be paid back to you. Today, it's up to you!"

After finishing speaking, the four directions in the palm of the hand flashed with light, and the Juntian Subduing Demon Formation suddenly flourished!

He saw the opportunity quickly, and when his aura reached its peak, even Chen Tianxing had to focus on it

At this time, the seal formula changed, and a gap was opened from the top. With one hand copying, a golden light swept in, and Cang Wudao was rolled out.

"Master, I, Xiao Mohe... don't deserve this from you!"

Xiao Mohe closed his eyes in pain, but his heart was trembling and remorseful.

Chen Tianxing treated him like this, at the moment of life and death, he did not hesitate to use the only life-saving card to save his own life.

How can he be so humble, so worthy of the leader to do this for him?

Heavenly Demon Sect...

Demon domain, sanctuary.

In Xiao Mohe's mind at this moment, the two are becoming more and more blurred.

I, Xiao Mohe... owe my life to Master Chen!

When he was feeling annoyed, Xiao Mohe suddenly felt that someone grabbed his back collar, and then he flew up.

It's Chen Tianxing!

Just when Ye Changsheng was about to release his ultimate move of controlling the large formation, Chen Tianxing moved first!

He carried Xiao Mohe, and the two flew up, heading straight to the top of the formation.

After observing for so long, Chen Tianxing knew very well that the strongest part of Juntian Demon Subduing Formation was above his head. Biqu library

There, Ye Changsheng's palms formed a square seal, and the extremely rich spiritual power of the formation was emitted from it. It was the eye of the formation, and it was also the most indestructible place.

But Chen Tianxing chose there.

While flying up, he raised his hand and let Xiao Mohe pass half of his head, and suddenly exerted force with both arms, and threw it out like a javelin.


The wind in both ears made Xiao Mohe's cheeks hurt, and his mind went blank for a moment.

At the same time, Chen Tianxing's laughter also came: "Old man Ye, Xiao Mohe is going to be killed by your big formation!"

Xiao Mohe:?

Ye Changsheng:? ? ?

"Old devil Chen, you are so despicable!"

Only then did he suddenly realize that even with Ye Changsheng's indifference, he blushed instantly.

He swore not to kill Xiao Mohe!

But now Chen Laomo threw Xiao Mohe over as a humanoid weapon.

Seeing how strong his strength is, if Xiao Mohe's head hits really well, even if he has the strength of the transformation stage, he will definitely end up with a brain burst and death!

It doesn't matter that Xiao Mohe died this time, but he died under his own Great Heaven Subduing Demon Formation!

This array was formed by him and eleven other sanctuary powers.

It doesn't matter that Xiao Mohe crashed his head to death on the big formation, but can it be said that he and the eleven Saint Domain powers joined forces to kill him?

God... Will he listen to his own explanation?

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