

Gu Mochen was in severe pain all over his body.

He knew that his father's Zidian had penetrated bit by bit the defense he had set up with his earth power.

Zidian directly killed his flesh, so that what rose from his body was no longer the light smoke of sweat evaporating, but...

Instead, it had a burnt smell.

If the person opposite was not his father, Gu Mochen really wanted to curse.

Is this roasting yourself as a pig?

Yes, it is roasting pigs!

Hum hum!

Grill it, you just bake it!

The son is a roast pig, so what is the father?

At this moment, Gu Mochen could only enter his own rhythm and use the spiritual victory method that he had used countless times.

Only in this way can he relieve the severe pain from his body a little bit.

I don't know how long it has been.

Just when he felt that he was about to lose his hold, the severe pain in his body suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, all Zi Dian wandered away, and was taken back by Gu Jinglei who had never said a word.

I won!

Resisting the urge to faint, Gu Mochen made a gesture in his heart.

His body tightened, after being violently killed by Zi Dian, he didn't even have the ability to keep floating in mid-air, so Qi Sheng and Wan Wei came forward and held him up from left to right.

Otherwise, he would have to fall headlong into the endless sea.

"You, do you know that you are wrong?"

Gu Jinglei looked at his son who was scorched black from the electric shock, and finally spoke coldly.


Gu Mochen took a light breath.

At this moment, not only his body surface, but also his internal organs were severely injured, even if he breathed a little harder, the wound would be involved.

After barely yelling, he could only helplessly smile.

A wave of water force poured into his body just right, and Gu Mochen couldn't help shivering from the cold breath.

But found that the injury was better.

Knowing that this is Qi Sheng who has intensively cultivated the power of water elements, heals his wounds.

But he wasn't even interested in turning his head to look at it.



This guy only obeys his father's orders, how could he be so kind before he got the orders?

In fact, Qi Sheng's treatment only stopped at making him speak and answer Gu Jinglei's questions.

When Gu Mochen felt that if he just talked, the pain would no longer be so severe, then he stopped.

do not

He was healing himself, but it was convenient for him to answer Gu Jinglei's question.

"The child is at fault."

Having just been shocked for a round, Gu Mochen spoke honestly.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Jinglei asked again.

Damn, here we go again!

Gu Mochen cursed inwardly.

It's an old trick.

What's wrong?

I was young and ignorant before, so I suffered a lot from this sentence.

But this time he was very clear and knew where he was wrong.

How could he admit it, and only said: "My child's fault is that I didn't report the situation in Xuanyuan Continent as soon as possible."


He changed the subject and said again: "This is because the boy thinks that the situation is still within the controllable range, so he also wants to try."

Gu Jinglei said coldly: "Try what?"

"Try it, will Chen Tianxing give you the Theory of Heaven?"

"A demon cultivator's words, are you so easy to believe?"

Hearing this, Gu Mochen glared at Qibao Ancient Buddha.

I knew that the old monk must have reported all the ins and outs to his father, otherwise how would his father know that there is a magic cultivator named Chen Tianxing?

"Father, let me explain this matter to you..."

Gu Mochen said anxiously: "It's true that the boy has found the theory of heaven, but I haven't figured out the many weirdness of this exercise, so I also want to observe and observe."

"It just so happens that Chen Tianxing..."


In the middle of the sentence, Gu Jinglei's eyes flashed sharply, and he shouted: "Such a great opportunity, you just gave it away for nothing, why are you talking about observation?"

Gu Mochen's eyes widened, and he argued with reason: "But father, the practice of Tianlun is too dangerous, even Yunyue and Yue Qing were made inhuman and ghost by Tianlun back then. "

"That's why I feel that I should find someone to explore the way first, and then make a decision!"

Su Yiming's death also left a deep impression on him. Gu Mochen didn't want his consciousness to be swallowed by that dark space, and he was still powerless to resist.

"Yunyue and Yueqing?"


Gu Jinglei snorted coldly and said, "Is it possible that everyone can practice this kind of god-level kung fu?"

"Yes, according to records, the strength of these two people was not weak back then, but it is obvious that Tianlun was not their chance, so who is to blame for this appearance?"

Gu Mochen stopped talking.

Oddly enough, he had an extremely aggressive father

, but he himself has a gentle temperament, he is not in a hurry to do anything, and he is used to making decisions before acting.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he has been tortured by Gu Jinglei since he was a child.

Knowing a son is like a father, and sometimes the reverse is also true.

Gu Mochen knew what his father didn't say.

Yunyue and Yueqing failed to forcefully cultivate the theory of heaven, and they fell into the endless cycle of Xuanyuan Continent.

But they are them, but Gu Jinglei is Gu Jinglei.

In fact, Tianlun's reputation in the battlefield of the plane, countless superpowers fought for it.

This alone is enough for Gu Jinglei to take the risk.

His talent is inferior to Tianyi and Yueqing, even inferior to his own son.

But who can say for sure about chance?

There are people who are foolish, but they encounter strange fates many times and achieve great powers.

There are also people who jumped into the abyss knowing that they must die, but they just didn't die. After many years, they can return to the world with a strong strength and a strong desire for revenge.

The word chance sounds abstruse, but why is it not the light of hope for most monks who are not strong enough?

Their strength is low, they succumbed to the big family, and lived a modest life.

But at the same time, they are also waiting for their own opportunities.

Once the opportunity comes, it may be a great opportunity for salted fish to turn around.

Cultivating one way is to fight against people, against the sky, in order to win a chance to change one's fate against the sky.

No matter how slim this opportunity is, once it is in front of you, even if there is only a 10% chance of success and a 90% chance of death, there will definitely be a large number of monks flocking to it.

Gu Jinglei is no exception.

Of course, it is impossible for him to risk himself.

But the strength of the Gu family is so strong, and there are so many strange people in the family.

He doesn't believe in gathering the strength of the Gu family, and he still can't study that book of nature!

Even if it is not enough, the powerful family still has a tacit understanding that cannot be seen.

That is, if you can't cultivate yourself, you will definitely not let others practice.

If you can't become stronger yourself, neither can others!

Taking Tianlun back, even if he really can't study anything, Gu Jinglei will definitely hold this god-level exercise that has stirred up the wind and rain on the battlefield of the plane firmly in his hands.

Instead of letting an irrelevant person to practice.

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