Five elements together?

Qi Sheng's eyes were about to burst, no matter how difficult it was to maintain his state of mind.

He saw that Chen Tianxing was suddenly divided into five parts, and the blade glows from the five groups of rapidly dancing afterimages were completely different.

Not only are the colors different, but the aura that escapes from them is also different.

This is, the real gathering of the five elements!

The five afterimages each threw out a series of Heavenly Demon Knives condensed with the power of the five elements, and split into five different directions to slash the earth and mountains.

That's all.

What made Qi Sheng even more horrified was that after one split into five, Chen Tianxing's offensive did not weaken at all!

As strong as the Wood Xing Tianmo Knife was before, now the other four series of Tianmo Knife have the same strength.

Is this kid's cultivation unlimited?

Qi Sheng's pressure suddenly increased by four times, and the power of earth elements in his body leaked out all of a sudden.

Ka Ka Ka!

Except that the Wood Xing Tian Demon Knife is still cutting in the same direction, the newly added four series of Tian Demon Knife are also sharp, and the Qi Sheng's power of the earth element shoots out stone chips. The high mountains are cut into a mountain shape.

Not long ago, Qi Sheng gritted his teeth and repaired the marks cut by the Muxing Tianmo Saber, but when he suddenly added four series of Tianmo Dao, he was in a hurry.

Although the other four series of Heavenly Demon Swords have no counteracting effect on his earth elemental power, Qi Sheng is not in its full state at this time, and even a hard slash with the incomparably huge power of the five elements can still cause serious damage to Gao Shan. damage.


Below, Ye Changsheng was stunned.

Master Chen, where is the bottom line of his strength?

Facing such a strong man in the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm, he is actually using the scattered tactics of dividing into five!

Isn't this self-defeating strength?

Generally speaking, you will only make this choice when facing an opponent whose strength is lower than your own, or when you are in a siege.

But the opponent Chen Tianxing is facing at this moment is a powerful enemy whose realm is far superior to his!

Ye Changsheng did not expect that low-level monks would use a method of division and division when facing high-level monks.

And what he didn't expect was that the opponent seemed completely unable to deal with Chen Tianxing's attack. The mountain could no longer be repaired as quickly as before. broken stone


Is this Master Chen?

Is this the theory of heaven?

For a moment, Ye Changsheng even felt tempted to wait until the end of this battle, and then try to practice the theory of heaven...

Chen Tianxing is also happy.

Now that he was guaranteed to be invincible, he was not in a hurry to kill Qi Sheng.

This is his first battle after getting Tianlun, and at the same time, it is also the first time he faces an opponent whose realm is far superior to his own. For Chen Tianxing, it is a good opportunity to try.

He has just obtained the dark space in the theory of heaven, that is, the Yin and Five Elements space in the power of yin and yang. He naturally wants to try many ways to find out more uses of the dark space and where the bottom line is.

It has been proved before that the power of his five elements is far more pure than that of the opponent, and the five elements are mutually restraining, so it is possible to defeat the strong with the weak.

So, how huge can the power of the five elements in the dark space be?

This is the reason why Chen Tianxing separated five external transformation demons at the same time.

The external transformation demon is not a technique that can only separate low-level monsters like the ghostly shadow. The clone created by using the external transformation demon is to share its own energy with Chen Tianxing's main body.

It can be said that there is no difference between his body and clone.

This was also the reason why he could use his avatar to practice the Taiyi Xuanjing at that time.

So now he is divided into five. In fact, the strength of the main body and the clone is considered to be a big drop, only one-fifth of the original.

But what he used was not his own cultivation, so it didn't matter if it was one-fifth or one-tenth.

At the same time, Chen Tianxing was pleasantly surprised to find that the avatar can not only open the dark space, but also mobilize the power of the five elements from the dark space.

Just making a single movement of swinging the Heavenly Demon Knife, even if Chen Tianxing's spiritual consciousness is not strong, he can still use his mind in five directions.

In this way, he can display the power of the five elements at the same time, and his combat power has only been increased by five times.

Looking at Qi Sheng's flurry now, it is clear that after the five elements are applied together, this guy has no countermeasures at all, and the power of the earth can no longer mend the mountain. Biqu library

Is that it?

The five Chen Tianxing paused for a while, and at the same time raised their heads to look at Qi Sheng, with disappointment that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Is this the case at the sixth level of Return to the Void Realm?


He sighed.

With Qi Sheng alone, it is really difficult to force out his full potential.

So until now, Chen Tianxing has no other insights other than researching an attack method that belongs to him.

At this glance, Qi Sheng's lungs almost exploded.

Isn't Chen Tianxing's disappointment the same as disdain for him?

This kid, he is disdainful, who is he disdainful to?

If he is on the plane of the sacred tree, no matter how much he cultivates, he will be a piece of shit in front of Lao Tzu!

Big deal, just stronger shit.

But now, he was actually disdained by a pile of shit.


Qi Sheng went crazy.

He really wanted to ignore it, even if it was to die together, he wanted to drag Chen Tianxing to die together!


He saw colorful lights before his eyes.

Qi Sheng was taken aback by this.

This light was once the light he yearned for and wanted to have.

Who doesn't want to be a strong man with five elements gathered together?

However, no one has really gathered the five elements so far.

But this is so far, and it is really only so far.

Because starting today, a super evildoer with five elements gathered will be born under his witness.

Unfortunately, he will be the first person to die at the opponent's hands.

The colorful rays of light are exactly the Five Elements Heavenly Demon Knife hacked by five Chen Tianxing at the same time!

At the moment when Qi Sheng was furious in his heart, his mind was inevitably lost for a moment, so that the output of the power of the soil appeared stagnant.

Although it was only a setsuna's stagnation, under Chen Tianxing's extremely violent offensive, this was enough.

When Qi Sheng reacted again, what he had to face was the Five Elements Heavenly Demon Saber roaring towards him, directly attacking his body!

Me, I don't even have the ability to die with him!

Watching five sword lights attacking, Qi Sheng realized that he couldn't move in the blink of an eye.

He has been completely locked by the opponent's five elements!

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that his cultivation base as high as the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm had bottomed out.

So much so that he doesn't have enough strength to get rid of the opponent's lock, and he can't use more powerful moves.

He was going to be so aggrieved to be consumed to death!

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