"My lord, Wan Wei knows that he has committed a capital crime!"

At the moment when the Yanli javelin broke into the water curtain, Wan Wei turned around and knelt down to Gu Jinglei in the air, and said with a sonorous voice: "Please give Wan Wei a little more time, after avenging Lao Qi, I will come back to lead the death !"

Things had developed to this point, which the three of them never thought of when they decided to return to Xuanyuan Continent.

It was originally a very simple matter, how could it go so far?

Qi Sheng died, and so did Gu Mochen.

And he probably won't survive.

Wan Wei already had a will to die in his heart.

Chen Tianxing, who was able to kill Qi Sheng, probably couldn't be dealt with by his weakened self.

When he left, he was not fully sure that he would be able to avenge Qi Sheng.

But if he doesn't go, he won't be able to pass his own test.

And Wan Wei believes that even if he dies, the problem is still not big.

Isn't Gu Jinglei still there?

No matter how strong Chen Tianxing is, can he surpass a strong man who has crossed a big realm?

As long as the Lord is above, Chen Tianxing, that damned guy will always die.

This is enough.

If you are insignificant, just do what you should do.

Gu Jinglei sighed, and said: "Actually, you don't have to do this. I also made mistakes in this matter."

He was the one who sent Qi Sheng there, and the reason was that Qi Sheng was not a direct descendant of the Gu family. If he did it, it would at least make Gu Mochen feel less guilty.

It is also for the sake of his son's future.

Unexpectedly, Qi Sheng was harmed because of this.

"My lord, why is there anything wrong? I can only blame Lao Qi for not being good at his studies. Even if he is killed, he can't blame anyone."

Wan Wei said coldly: "But that doesn't mean he won't take revenge!"

Gu Jinglei was speechless, and waved his hand after a moment: "You go, killing that Chen Tianxing will be considered a great achievement for you, and it can offset today's loss."

Today's loss.

The pain of losing a child that ordinary people can't bear is just a mistake for Gu Jinglei, and it can be offset by credit.

As soon as these words came out, even Qibao Ancient Buddha, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but glanced at Gu Jinglei's back in surprise, and a chill rose in his heart.

This is killing your son in front of you!

But you are saying to the big enemy who killed your son, you can make a contribution to offset the fault of killing my son?

In the world... there is such a cold-blooded person?

For the first time, Qibao Ancient Buddha had a strange feeling in his heart. Is it right or wrong to do this?


Wan Wei didn't say much, it didn't matter to him whether he died or not, he just asked Gu Jinglei to let him go.

After finishing his speech, he straightened up, checked his position, and was about to rush to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

From the beginning to the end, neither of them took another look at Gu Mochen.

The conclusion of Gu Mochen's life and death has been reached.

But at this moment, the dust flying on the scorched and cracked soil ball was caused by piercing with a pair of flaming javelins.

Just when Wanwei was about to leave, the dust on the soil ball was almost stripped off.

In their expectation, what they could see after the soil ball disappeared was Gu Mochen's stabbed corpse.

That's why Wan Wei wanted to leave in a hurry.

He didn't want to look, and he didn't want to look.

After all, this is his young master and the only son of the master.

In case the Lord changed his mind in anger after seeing Gu Mochen's miserable death, he would have no hope of revenge.

So before taking advantage of the soil ball to peel off, he must leave.

However, when his body moved slightly and was about to go straight to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, a warning sign rose in his heart.

What a powerful force of water!

Wan Wei was startled.

Having struggled with the power of water all his life, he is very familiar with this annoying feeling and has an extremely keen perception of the power of water.

The power of this water...

Wan Wei's figure stopped, his eyes fixed on the soil ball that was about to be stripped.


Gu Jinglei also seemed to be aware of it, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

How come there is still the power of water?

The so-called death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao, since Gu Mochen is dead, the power of water that he cultivated so hard will naturally dissipate, and it is impossible to retain it for a long time.

At this moment, apart from the power of the water element, he did not feel any other power of the five elements.

Gu Mochen is a monk of the three departments. Since he still has such a huge power of water, why can't he perceive the other two departments?

Even if it is very weak, you should feel the power of gold and earth elements from that earth ball.


Did he break through?

A light flashed in Gu Jinglei's mind.

Wanwei brought Gu Mochen death

The pressure, under this pressure, will undoubtedly squeeze Gu Mochen's own potential to the extreme.

Under such circumstances, a sudden breakthrough is justified.


Gu Jinglei frowned further.

If they are in the plane of the sacred tree now, it is really possible.

But they are in the Xuanyuan Continent!

With the humble supply of heaven and earth energy from Xuanyuan Continent, how can it support Gu Mochen's breakthrough needs?

Then the power of water is...

With the crazily piercing of the flame javelin, more and more soil balls had been peeled off, so the two saw a blue radiance blooming from the yellow and cracked soil ball.

This is the power of water!

What a pure power of water!

Both of them were very knowledgeable, they only glanced at it, and when their spiritual sense sensed it again, they were immediately shocked.

Especially Wanwei, he hates the power of water movement the most, and is also the most sensitive to the power of water movement.

But he remembered the past, but he had never seen such pure power in any strong man who cultivated the power of water flow!


No matter how strong the power of water movement is, there can be more or less a trace of impurities in the escaping power.

Even he, a monk with only one line of talent, could not achieve such purity even though he cultivated the ultimate power of fire.

After all, human beings have the attributes of the five elements, but limited by their own talents, they can only sense or cultivate a few of them.

Wanwei naturally also has other attributes of the four elements and five elements, and because of this, there is always a trace of inexhaustible impurities in his extreme fire power, which prevents him from achieving the purity he sees in his eyes.

Could it be that this person with the power of water is born with a pure body, without any other attributes of the five elements in his body?

At this moment, no matter whether it is Wan Wei or Gu Jinglei, they all know that the person who exerts such water movement power will never be Gu Mochen.

No matter how a person's potential is squeezed, it is impossible to squeeze out the innate attributes of the five elements.

who is it?

Could it be that guy?

As the azure blue light became bigger and bigger, the two suddenly saw that there was actually a pure blue water polo wrapped inside that soil ball.

At this moment, in the water polo, the shadows of three people can be vaguely seen shaking.

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