"Old man Ye, you can be cruel!"

Sensing Ye Changsheng's determination, Chen Tianxing couldn't help secretly admiring the old man.

But admiration is all admiration, but it is absolutely impossible to let him wait to die.

Immediately, he hid Xiao Mohe behind his back, condensed his right palm, and a wisp of sharp devilish energy flowed from the edge of the palm.

"But have you forgotten that I, Chen Tianxing, are beside Lao Xiao!"

With a wave of his right palm, he pulled out a gigantic demonic energy, which gathered into an incomparable Heavenly Demon Knife, and shook the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword from the front!


The magic knife and the holy sword collided with each other, and there was a piercing sound, and many disciples with insufficient cultivation below fell to the ground and screamed.

It was just the lingering sound, and it caused their seven orifices to bleed and were seriously injured.

The Heavenly Dao Holy Sword spun and flew into the sky.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Demon Knife is solid and does not disperse, like a curved magic moon hanging in the night sky.

Yes, Xiao Mohe still has Chen Tianxing by his side!

Ye Changsheng wanted to kill Xiao Mohe with the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword, and he wanted to kill this demon even if he was punished by the Heavenly Dao.

But his cultivation was still overwhelmed by Chen Tianxing.

Coupled with the fact that the white light on Xiao Mohe's body was absorbed by Chen Tianxing, although he didn't make a breakthrough on the spot, his cultivation still improved a level.

Under the ebb and flow, Ye Changsheng was even further behind.

Even the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword, which he spared all his cultivation, was still suppressed by the Heavenly Demon Sword.

"If you want to kill Lao Xiao, have you asked the leader?"

Chen Tianxing snorted coldly, took advantage of Ye Changsheng's sword's scattered momentum, and walked out with Xiao Mohe in his hand.


In the sky, the Lord of the Phoenix Territory gritted his teeth and shouted, and pushed his palms horizontally, countless transparent butterflies appeared out of thin air, forming a wall of spirit-eating butterflies in front of Chen Tianxing.

At the same time, a giant blood-striped python with dragon scales on its body suddenly sprang out from the ground. While the snake was hesitating, it opened its bloody mouth and bit at the two of them.

"little tricks!"

Chen Tianxing was neither surprised nor afraid, he just punched his feet.

Fist wind turned into a ferocious demon head, and flew into the mouth of the blood-patterned python. The heavy magic force blasted the python back to the ground.

It's just this delay, Ye Changsheng has regained his composure, and the sword art has been revived, splitting the holy sword of heaven into thousands, and the entire night sky is densely covered with golden sword shadows.

"Ten thousand swords return to one, go!"

Ye Changsheng stared sharply, and as the sword pointed sharply at Chen Tianxing, blood gushed out of his seven orifices, and he was finally beaten by the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Injured by the backlash of the sword.

Right now, apart from him who disregarded the vows of heaven, the only one who could do his best was the Lord of the Phoenix Region. Ye Changsheng knew very well that the enemy was strong and we were weak. At this moment, he had already exerted 120% of his strength while fighting for damage to his body.

"A real person!"

Meng Hanran closed his eyes in pain, his whole body trembling violently.

"Ten thousand swords return to one?"

When Chen Tianxing raised his head, he saw thousands of sword shadows flying towards him, and his complexion became solemn.

He shouted loudly: "Okay, I'll see how you get back together!"

The demon body shook, and countless Chen Tianxing densely occupied the sky.

There are many shadows!

Inspired by Ye Changsheng's fighting spirit, Chen Tianxing also used all his strength, and what the phantoms split into were no longer low-level monsters, but his main body avatar.

Countless Chen Tianxing appeared, without stopping for a moment, they suddenly rushed towards thousands of sword shadows, each phantom met with a sword energy, and the fierce-eyed phantoms were fierce and tyrannical, and even jumped directly at the sword shadows on, completely ignoring the pierced body.

As many heavenly swords as Ye Changsheng released, Chen Tianxing created as many phantoms.

Although the combat power of each phantom is not as good as Chen Tianxing's body, but as he said, the holy sword of heaven cannot be unified at all.

Ten Thousand Swords cannot be unified, and its power is not even as powerful as before, and it was easily cracked by Chen Tianxing.

Ye Changsheng sighed inwardly.

This is the gap in hard power.

Even though he still has the help of the Phoenix Territory Master, he is still far behind Chen Tianxing in hard power.

It would be great if Fen Tian Gu Chan didn't die.

He knew very well that Fentian Ancient Chan was the strongest beast of the Phoenix Domain Lord, but it was a pity that Fentian Ancient Chan died unjustly.

It seems that today...

"Old devil, you underestimate my sanctuary!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout like a thunderbolt from the nine heavens, shaking the world.

A red giant sword with a sharpness no weaker than the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword descended from the sky, and the incomparably rich blood energy spread out from the sword body, and the phantom that Chen Tianxing cast was only partially stained, and it burst immediately.

"Sect Master Meng, no!"

Ye Changsheng's complexion changed drastically, and he naturally recognized that this was Meng Hanran's Chi Yan Nine Revolutions Sword Technique.

Someone helping him would naturally share the pressure for him, but Meng Hanran also made a solemn oath, if he accidentally killed Xiao Mohe, wouldn't he also be severely punished by the law of heaven?


Meng Hanran's violent drinking drowned out Ye Changsheng's voice.

Regardless of whether Xiao Mohe was present or not, the giant color sword slashed at the two of them in anger.

"You bastard!"

Chen Tianxing's face was cold and stern, and he could feel from Meng Hanran's aura that he was planning to go all out like Ye Changsheng.

At this time, if you use Xiao Mohe to catch the sword, you will have to be split in half.

In desperation, he could only choose to dodge sideways, retreating the way he had rushed forward with great difficulty, avoiding the might of the sword.


Meng Hanran missed the sword, turned around to attack the enemy, and shouted loudly: "What is the purpose of my cultivation?"

"For the sake of the world and the common people, it is our responsibility to eliminate demons and protect the way!"

"Could it be that you have practiced for half your life just to linger on your last breath under the evil power of the devil?"

"Old Devil Chen is cunning and vicious. If we don't get rid of him today, our Zhongzhou Sanctuary will never have peace!"

"As long as I can kill this demon, what's the mere oath to me?"

The words became more and more urgent, and the sword dance became faster and faster.

Meng Hanran used practical actions to show his determination to the powers of the sanctuary, and shouted: "Master Changsheng, you and I will fight this demon together, even if we die today, I will not be alone on the road to hell!"


As soon as these words came out, Ye Changsheng's body shook, and tears filled his eyes.

"Okay, well, I'm not alone!"

Ye Changsheng suddenly felt a sense of arrogance in his chest, as if he had regained his passion back then.

Over the years, he has supported the sanctuary alone for too long.

Long to physically and mentally exhausted.

The longer you hold on, the more you think.

He made up his mind to perish with Chen Tianxing, but the other sanctuary powers were restrained by the oath of heaven, and shy away, wouldn't it make him feel chilling?

The only wish I have today is nothing more than the word liberation.

Unexpectedly, his efforts were not in vain after all, and some comrades recognized him and were willing to live and die with him.

That's enough!

"Sect Master Meng, thank you!"

Tears welled up in Ye Changsheng's eyes, and there seemed to be infinite spiritual power surging all over his body, and his originally wounded and tired body once again summoned tyrannical power!


A soft sound came from his body, which shocked Ye Changsheng's heart even more.

This is……

He, he broke through at this moment!

Ye Changsheng had been stuck at the Ninth Stage of Transformation Stage for more than twenty years, and even he himself thought that his path of cultivation had come to an end.

Unexpectedly, just today, he had another breakthrough!

The peak of the god transformation period!

The peak of the god transformation stage equal to Chen Laomo!

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