It is surprising enough that Ye Changsheng has the spiritual consciousness of the Five Elements Venerable on his body.

"what happened?"

Chen Tianxing looked at the five rays of light from his spiritual consciousness, and suddenly seemed to see the scene of the Five Elements Venerable dominating his spiritual world.

Ye Changsheng felt a little bit about this, and said in an uncertain tone: "The Venerable Five Elements once occupied this body for a short time before, and the old Taoist guessed that his spiritual consciousness still remains in this body."


Chen Tianxing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

That's right, the Venerable Five Elements did occupy Ye Changsheng's body back then, which was also the body that the Demon Venerable had cultivated to the Returning Void Realm back then.

But later he sucked out the Taiji diagram from his spiritual world.

At that time, the Venerable Five Elements guessed very accurately, and this Tai Chi diagram was the secret of Chen Tianxing's becoming stronger.

But he didn't know how to use the Taiji diagram, so he was fooled by Chen Tianxing. Although he was very careful, he still fell into the trick and killed the monk with white light on his body, which eventually caused the soul explosion of the Taiji diagram. Biqu library

This is a Tai Chi diagram!

How terrifying its soul explosion is, Chen Tianxing has seen it with his own eyes when he first traveled through time.

Wasn't the original old devil Chen killed by the explosion of the soul of the Taiji diagram?

If it is said that the Five Elements Venerable still has spiritual consciousness left, doesn't that mean that Chen Laomo's spiritual consciousness is also there?

But he knows best about his own body, there is no one else in this body except him.

But Ye Changsheng didn't need to lie to him.

If you want to lie to him, it is impossible to directly gather the five elements of spiritual consciousness, just put it on the bright side for them to see.

As for the sudden surge in spiritual power, just make up a reason.

He has practiced the powerful exercises passed down from ancient times by the Tai Dao Sect, or obtained the hidden artifacts of the sect, or at worst, refined a super pill for divine consciousness.

In short, it is a matter of death and no proof, just make it up.

Ye Changsheng said it so frankly, at least he could prove that he himself was not secretly controlled by the Five Elements Venerable, but really absorbed the remaining spiritual consciousness of the other party.

This matter is quite mysterious.

Ye Changsheng frowned tightly, thought for a while and said: "When the old Taoist first took possession of this body, I was also worried, so for a long time, I have been in it for a long time.

Carefully perceive the changes in the body. "

"So I'm also very sure...there is no other person's consciousness in the body."

He looked at the two of them, and said slowly: "Until that enemy who has a deep cultivation in the power of the earth appears."

A person with strong earth power.

Qi Sheng.

Gu Mochen thought for a while, and said, "Qi Sheng is just the power of earth and wood. What can he do?"

Instead, Chen Tianxing guessed: "Could it be, pressure?"

Ye Changsheng nodded, and said: "At that time, that person's soil pressure was very strong. Under that pressure, I felt a little bit of divine consciousness slowly emerge in my body."

After a pause, he recalled: "At that time, I didn't realize what it was, and I even thought that under the pressure of that person, even my own consciousness was squeezed and slackened."

Ye Changsheng shook his head and smiled wryly, and continued: "The man died later, we followed his path and chased him all the way to the Da Ri Zen Domain."

Chen Tianxing is naturally very clear about the matter in the middle.

After killing Qi Sheng at that time, it was precisely because he didn't want to give Gu Jinglei more time to react, that's why he and Ye Changsheng hurried to the Da Ri Zen Domain.

It turned out that Ye Changsheng felt something was wrong at that time.

If he hadn't been too anxious, with Ye Changsheng's steady character, he would have figured out what happened to his body before making a decision.

However, it is also thanks to myself.

Chen Tianxing laughed.

Said: "If it weren't for the fact that the leader of the sect is dedicated to chasing the enemy, I'm afraid you won't get a huge improvement in your spiritual consciousness?"

Ye Changsheng could only nod at these words.

That's right, when he found out that his body was abnormal, he wanted to do some research, after all, the power of his spiritual consciousness was what he valued the most.

But Chen Tianxing insisted on going his own way, and Ye Changsheng didn't want him to face the enemy alone, so he temporarily put aside his research on the body, and first came to the Da Ri Zen Domain with Chen Tianxing.

Because of this, Ye Changsheng was once again squeezed by the pressure of the soil.

But this time, what he was facing was the earth pressure that was even more violent than Qi Sheng's.

Gu Jinglei is in the state of fusion!

The pressure he put on Ye Changsheng was much stronger than Qi Sheng.

At that moment, Ye Changsheng felt the aura of spiritual consciousness that did not belong to him escape from his body.

Although there was not much divine consciousness this time, it was obviously all that was hidden in his body.

And it was also at this time that Ye Changsheng finally perceived what this spiritual breath was.

When he was in the Nine Stars Foreign Land, Ye Changsheng also had an encounter with the Five Elements Venerable, so he was deeply impressed by the other party's spiritual consciousness.

What made Ye Changsheng even more unbelievable was that these breaths of spiritual consciousness squeezed out from all parts of his body could be directly used by him!

At that time, the war was fierce and dangerous, and Ye Changsheng couldn't help studying it carefully. After seeing Chen Tianxing being suppressed by Gu Jinglei, he didn't care what the consequences would be if he used the spiritual consciousness of the five elements venerable, so he decisively used his spiritual consciousness Release the power of consciousness to the maximum to help Chen Tianxing accurately perceive Gu Jinglei's attack.

Afterwards, the more he used it, the more proficient he became. Now his spiritual consciousness has merged with that of the Five Elements Venerable, and the two are no longer separate from each other.

Ye Changsheng was still a little worried at the beginning, lest because of this incident, the Five Elements Venerable would be revived.

But later, he gradually integrated the other party's spiritual sense and breath, and then he was at ease.

These breaths of spiritual consciousness are just a residue, and there is no sense of spiritual consciousness in them.

In this way, although he still doesn't know much about this matter, he is very sure that he will not be turned into another person by the divine consciousness of the Five Elements Venerable.

"I see!"

Gu Mochen, who had been listening silently, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and exclaimed: "I understand what's going on!"

Chen Tianxing and the two turned their heads in unison.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Mochen laughed loudly suddenly: "Sure enough, good people get rewarded!"

"Good guy?"

Chen Tianxing pouted, "You mean, this matter still has something to do with you?"

"That's natural!"

Gu Mochen said confidently, "If it wasn't for me, we would have died here today!"

Seeing that the two were puzzled, he proudly said: "Did you forget that I gave the original power of the Golden Crow Aegis to Immortal Changsheng back then!"

"Golden Crow Aegis?"

Ye Changsheng murmured and repeated, not understanding what was related.

Gu Mochen laughed and said: "As far as I know, the Demon Lord you dealt with before was able to stabilize the return to the Void Realm with the Golden Crow Aegis, right?"

"And your body was originally his, right?"

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