"I understand."

The ascetic venerable took a deep breath and looked at Gu Mochen fixedly.

Meaningfully said: "I hope I didn't read the wrong person."

Gu Mochen shrugged and smiled wryly: "Actually, I don't know what kind of person I am."

He didn't want to discuss this issue with the ascetic venerable.

With a flip of his wrist, he retracted the golden light.

On the side of Venerable Ascetic, he himself did not move, but suddenly there were footsteps coming from the position where Chen Tianxing and Gu Mochen came in.

You don't need to look back to know that it is the ascetic venerable who stayed outside.

The ascetic venerable came to Gu Mochen's side, and without saying a word, he directly pressed his palms together with another's own.

Golden light surged between Setsuna.

I saw that the original body of the Buddha's power that existed in the giant pillar of Buddha's light was illusory for a while, and after all the golden light was introduced into the body of the clone, it disappeared.

And the avatar of the ascetic venerable also condensed his palm, and a group of extremely rich golden light Buddha power rushed out from his palm.

If you look carefully, you can still see that there is an extremely tiny ascetic venerable in this mass of Buddha power.

This is the source of his Buddha power, and it is also the real body left in the giant pillar of Buddha light.

Now that he had made a decision, the ascetic venerable no longer hesitated, and directly handed this group of original power to Gu Mochen.

"it is good."

Gu Mochen nodded, took it solemnly, and said to Venerable Ascetic in a deep voice: "Thank you, you will never misread the person."

As he said that, he concentrated his palms, and directly sucked the original power into his body.

At the same time, Chen Tianxing was surprised to see that after his action, the Ascetic Venerable's body began to slowly become transparent, and finally disappeared in this golden space.

"he died?"

Chen Tianxing looked around, and could no longer perceive the existence of the ascetic venerable in his spiritual consciousness.

This guy can't be so straightforward, can he?

In order not to make Venerable Ascetic feel rebellious, he handed over the matter to Gu Mochen from beginning to end, while he remained silent.

Seeing him now, he felt a little admiration for the ascetic venerable.

"not at all."

However, Gu Mochen gave a negative answer, and his hands were flying up and down at this moment, forming seals that Chen Tianxing could not understand.


As his Yin Jue got faster and faster, the giant pillar of Buddha light

Unexpectedly, it also began to violently oscillate, and even the golden light began to scatter in some places, revealing the broken scene of the outside world.


Gu Mochen yelled suddenly, and his hands were fixed at this moment, forming the most common swastika in the Zen realm.

Afterwards, large expanses of golden power rushed out from his body.

The power of these golden elements seems to have life, as soon as they rushed out, they rushed to those broken places and repaired them.

After a while, the shock gradually subsided, and calm was restored in the giant pillar of Buddha light.

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly.

He felt that suddenly another person appeared beside him.

When he turned his head to look, he saw the disappeared Venerable Ascetic reappeared, standing there, as if he had never left.

"You are..."

Chen Tianxing opened his mouth and suddenly reacted.

The handover between the two is complete.

The giant pillar of Buddha light was originally owned by the ascetic venerable. After it was handed over to Gu Mochen, he would not have the source of Buddha power in it, so the avatar would naturally disappear.

After obtaining the source of his Buddha's power, Gu Mochen added his own power of the golden line to it, and then released it to stabilize the entire giant pillar of Buddha's light.

From the power of the golden line released by him, there is the origin of the Buddha's power belonging to the ascetic venerable.

So when Gu Mochen took over the giant pillar of Buddha light, the ascetic venerable was resurrected again.

It's just that after this resurrection, he is no longer the controller of this giant pillar of Buddha light, but can only rely on Gu Mo to survive under the dust.

It has to be said that the ascetic venerable sacrificed a lot this time.

And it was beyond Chen Tianxing's expectation that Gu Mochen could persuade him to make such a sacrifice.

"Don't be dazed, it's your turn."

After getting the giant pillar of Buddha's light, Gu Mochen closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and he had a clear understanding of all the changes in it.

As he finished speaking, he stretched out his palm, and a golden light rushed out from his palm.

Immediately, another golden Gu Mochen appeared on the spot.

This body is the new original power of this giant pillar of Buddha light.

Chen Tianxing took a deep look at Gu Mochen.

Not only the ascetic venerable sacrificed a lot, but also Gu Mochen's sacrifice was not small.

He also turned himself into a monster of Buddha light!

Leaving one's original power of gold in the giant pillar of Buddha's light, the effect is to share the original power of Buddha with the ascetic venerable.

The source is placed inside is the same.

From now on, Gu Mochen also has an immortal body.

His original body has turned into a clone, allowing him to wander around the outside world.

As long as you die, you will be resurrected from the giant pillar of Buddha light.

Sounds like a good idea.

But Chen Tianxing could already guess from the conversation between the two of them that although the giant pillar of Buddha's light was handed over from the ascetic Venerable to Gu Mochen's hands, neither of them is actually the controller.

Because behind them, there is also an ancient Buddha with seven treasures!

The method of the Buddha Light Giant Pillar was handed down to the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha from the plane of the Divine Tree, and the method of setting up the formation was also personally arranged by the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha of an unknown life.

So he is the real core of the formation.

These giant pillars of Buddha light are all under the control of the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha.

Although he himself is not suitable to keep the origin of Buddha power in the giant pillar because of the need for continuous reincarnation, but his spiritual consciousness is there.

This is the most important.

In the future when the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha reincarnated and returned, the moment he regained his memory, he would be able to immediately control all the giant pillars of Buddha's light in his palm.

This naturally includes Gu Mochen who turned himself into a Buddha light monster.

When the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha returns in the future, he will be able to control Gu Mochen together.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Chen Tianxing was still looking at him, Gu Mochen waved his hand in front of his eyes, and said with a smile, "What is there to worry about?"

He seemed to have guessed what Chen Tianxing was thinking, and added, "When the time comes, why don't you kill him one more time for me in advance?"

With these words, the ascetic venerable's eyelids twitched wildly.

The return of the Seven Treasures Ancient Buddha can control Gu Mochen, so the safest way is to kill him again before he can control it, and let him enter the cycle again.

So cruel!

The ascetic venerable endured and endured, but finally had nothing to say.

After handing over the giant pillar of Buddha light, he has lost the right to speak.

"That's true."

Chen Tianxing nodded, "Don't worry, I'll ask him to release the control for you when the time comes, if the fat man dares not listen, this leader will kill him for thousands of lives!"

As soon as this remark came out, Venerable Ascetic's eyelids twitched wildly again.

"Okay, let's have a try, is your plan feasible!"

Chen Tianxing moved his hands and feet, and his eyes burst into colorful lights.

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