Zhou Baiyu's worries were not without reason.

The Xuanyuan Continent, which has never broken through to the channel of returning to the void, suddenly has more powerful powers of the five elements. What consequences will this lead to?

Just look at those glowing eyes.

Among the five sects and seven sects, Meng Hanran's Tianyan Sword Sect and Luo Li's Lingxu Pavilion, these two major sects are firmly on Ye Changsheng's side.

Besides, who hasn't thought about it?

There were also quite a few Sovereigns who chose to side with Zhou Xuan at the beginning.

But now?

When Ye Changsheng said that he has a way to let a group of people enter the environment with the power of the five elements to practice, you look at them again?

That eager look in his eyes is enough to show how tempting a stronger level of power is.

With the power of the five elements, who wants to cultivate the lower level of heaven and earth vitality?

In the same way, after being exposed to the power of the Five Elements and increasing his strength to the Void Guiding Realm, who would take another look at the pill that is only effective for cultivators at the Transformation Stage?

Is the future way out of Shenyi Medicine Sect to provide basic pills for those disciples who have not yet reached the stage of transforming gods?

Zhou Baiyu knew very well that Shenyi Medicine Sect was valued not at the low level, but at the high level.

Their most important role is still to be able to refine the elixir that can take effect on the top powerhouses of the various sects.

With such a sudden downgrade, the effect of Shenyi Medicine Sect would be negligible.

So if he still wants to fight for a way out for the Shenyi Medicine Sect, the best way is to win a place that can enter the practice.

Only by allowing their Shenyi Medicine Sect to have access to the power of the Five Elements, can they have the opportunity to refine medicines for higher levels in the future.


Zhou Baiyu smiled wryly in his heart.

This is the reason why he thinks that the Shenyi Medicine Sect has no chance.

Ye Changsheng has made it clear that there are limited places to enter the Five Elements Giant Pillar to practice, and it is impossible to let everyone in for a while, so he can only select some monks with outstanding talents.

And the Shenyi Medicine Sect, as an alchemist sect, how can there be any outstanding talents in combat?

If it was in the past, he could have won one or two places for the sect, and there are very good reasons for that.

It is in order to refine stronger pills in the future, so it is necessary to get in touch with the power of the five elements first.

but now

He couldn't even make that excuse.

You don't need to ask, you know that the alchemist quota is definitely given to Xiao Mohe.

Based on the relationship between Xiao Mohe and Chen Tianxing, and the role he played in these major changes, more importantly, Xiao Mohe's alchemy talent surpassed all the people in Shenyi Medicine Sect.

If this quota is not given to Xiao Mohe, Zhou Baiyu himself will have to complain for him.

So with Xiao Mohe, why should he fight for Shenyi Medicine Sect?

Thinking of this, Zhou Baiyu's heart, which was beating suddenly due to the power of the five elements, suddenly fell silent.

Who can be blamed for the current situation?

Blame the elders?

But he is dead.

Blame yourself.

Zhou Baiyu smiled wryly, knowing that all of this was caused by his own decision-making mistakes, which brought Shenyi Medicine Sect to this embarrassing situation.

"Changsheng Daoist, according to this, it is not difficult to cultivate to Guixu Realm?"

On the other side, Meng Hanran woke up from the news brought by Ye Changsheng, and asked in disbelief.

As soon as this remark came out, the eager eyes looking at Ye Changsheng grew a little more.

"Yes, the old man is very sure about this."

Ye Changsheng nodded, and said: "As you all know, the monks in the Xuanyuan Continent cannot break through to the Void Returning Realm precisely because of the lack of vitality in the world."

"But now, Master Chen and Master Gu have found a way to gather the power of the five elements, so if we want to break through to the Returning Void Realm, we no longer need to search for those ancient artifacts, and rely on the original power of the artifacts to break through."

"But there is one thing, the old man still has to explain in advance, and you can judge later."

After a pause, Ye Changsheng slowly swept across the crowd, taking a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

Then he said: "As I said just now, this method can only be achieved by using the giant pillar of Buddha's light in the Great Sun Zen Realm. As for the giant pillar of Buddha's light, I believe you still have impressions."

Speaking of this, he also saw the disgust he had felt on the faces of many people.

And compared to him, these people's disgust for the giant pillar of Buddha's light will only be deeper.

After all, he has never been tainted by the Buddha's light and thus turned into a Buddha's light monster.

Almost all of these people present have felt the kind of soul being imprisoned, and they can only watch helplessly.

The pain of sleepwalking around my own body.

When mentioning the giant pillar of Buddha's light, it really stepped on everyone's wounds again.

Ye Changsheng didn't pay any attention to it, and told himself that the five-element giant pillar was controlled by Gu Mochen, and that if they wanted to go in and practice, it would be equivalent to becoming a Buddha's light monster again.

There is nothing to hide.

To take Chen Tianxing's words, it doesn't matter if no one from the Zhongzhou Sanctuary comes, he can fill them up from the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

The demon cultivators of the Extreme Sky Demon Realm dare not disobey Chen Tianxing's wishes, and even those confidantes who are devoted to him are enough to arm a large team of Void Return Realm.

Let the people from the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou also participate, because the Xuanyuan Continent itself has to provide the power of the five elements to stabilize the plane of the sacred tree, and this is for future consideration.

But the people in Zhongzhou Sanctuary don't want to. When there are enough monks who practice the power of the five elements, they can redistribute the five realms of Xuanyuan and maintain a balance.

Ye Changsheng also held an indifferent attitude, and out of consideration of fairness, he summoned all the people from the five sects and seven sects.

Otherwise, he could just tell Meng Hanran and Luo Li, it doesn't matter if they are willing or not, as long as they fulfill their duty of notification.

The current Ye Changsheng's mentality has long changed, except that the righteousness has not changed. When dealing with Xuanyuan Continent, he no longer has the concept of the five realms. In his eyes, the five realms of Xuanyuan have already become one. As long as he can guarantee his strength, he It doesn't even mind that the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou is gone.

As he spoke, the hall became more and more quiet.

When they heard that the giant pillar of five elements turned out to be the giant pillar of Buddha's light back then, many people's faces turned ugly.

But what Ye Changsheng didn't expect was that there were quite a few people whose eyes were still eager.


He was surprised by this.

Meng Hanran, on the other hand, saw what he was thinking, and said with a casual smile, "Master Changsheng, no matter what, you have to count me as Lao Meng in this matter."

"Anyway, the worst result is to become that kind of monster, right?"

"There's no way out anyway, right?"

"Then I, Meng, would rather gamble with Daoist Changsheng than to be a terrified spectator when the Japanese army is in danger!"

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