Seeing the elder who flew into the sky without even making a sound, everyone fell silent.

It's still that familiar smell, it's still that familiar Chen Laomo!

With Chen Laomo's willful and reckless behavior, today's performance is not bad.

You can't say that he's not thinking about the overall situation. There are definitely some, but not many.

But Chen Tianxing will never put the overall situation first.

This point is just the opposite of Ye Changsheng.

Daoist Changsheng will only focus on the overall situation at any time.

For the sake of the overall situation, he would rather not even take his own life.

This is the exact opposite of Chen Tianxing.

So why did Changsheng Daoist not respond to this?

That is a precious quota!

Some people suddenly woke up. After realizing that it was useless to take the moral high ground to criticize Chen Tianxing, they suddenly thought that there is such a selfless person.

No matter which one of these people present, the role they can play after entering the Five Elements Giant Pillar, will be stronger than that brat, right?

After all, at some point, the Divine Tree Plane will attack the Xuanyuan Continent aggressively.

At this time, it is far more important to give a precious training quota to an untrained kid than to exchange for instant combat power!

Daoist Changsheng, doesn't he want to stop Old Demon Chen from doing his own way?

Immortal, where is Immortal?

Based on his friendship with Chen Laomo, as long as he says a word and then gives the spot to the little ghost, I believe Chen Laomo will definitely...

"Old man Ye, do you have any objection to me doing this?"

Just as hope was burning in his heart, Chen Tianxing suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Changsheng, who had been bowing his head.

Against it!

Say it, say you disagree!

At this moment, there were not a few people who were staring at Ye Changsheng's mouth closely, with sweat in their palms.

Even they themselves would not have imagined that one day they would be so nervous about one person's answer.

The calm mind that has been cultivated for most of my life is useless at this time.

However, Ye Changsheng's understatement was like a thunderbolt in his ears, making people's brains go blank.

Ye Changsheng said...

"The old Taoist feels that Master Chen's consideration is correct."

Ye Changsheng didn't raise his eyelids, and said slowly: "I owe the Xiao family too much in Zhongzhou Sanctuary, and I do owe a compensation."

What? !

What is he saying?


many people present

, especially the people in Zhongzhou Sanctuary, couldn't believe their ears.

Is this still the immortal real man who is compassionate to the world and wholeheartedly for the common people?

Can he really tolerate Chen Laomo's arbitrary behavior?

Xu Shi felt the inconceivable gazes cast by the sanctuary powerhouses whom he regarded as his kindred spirits in the past.

Ye Changsheng raised his head, his eyes were firm and he said: "In the final analysis, this world exists because of Master Chen, and Master Chen has the right to dispose of the Xuanyuan Continent!"

As soon as these words came out, the shock in everyone's eyes turned into astonishment.

Is this what Ye Changsheng can say?

How did he, Chen Tianxing, have the right to dispose of the Xuanyuan Continent?

just because……

Just because of him...

This is the third time he has saved the Xuanyuan Continent from fire and water.

Thinking of this, the astonishment in the eyes of many people turned into sadness again.

They fell silent.

Old Devil Chen!

A demon cultivator, a great devil despised by the world, according to Ye Changsheng, has reached the level where he can regard Xuanyuan Continent as his own and can control it at will.

This is what they... Many of them want to achieve in their dreams, but they absolutely dare not say it out loud.

Who would have imagined that while the monks in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou were greatly disappointed by Ye Changsheng's answer, Ye Changsheng was also utterly annoyed.

He was really tired of this undercurrent of intrigue.

In comparison, Chen Tianxing's approach certainly has its selfish side, but at least he put everything on the bright side.

He is frank and frank, and he has always been very clear about what he wants, and he dares to say it at any time and under any pressure.

Moreover, what Chen Tianxing wanted was obtained through his hard work and strength.

Isn't that great?

When this kind of time comes, do you still have to intrigue and keep scheming?

Like these people, how could I be willing to be used by them before?

Ye Changsheng shook his head slightly, and after answering Chen Tianxing's question, he didn't even have the interest to glance at the people below, so he returned to the state of watching his eyes, nose, nose and heart.

Everyone sees, how does this play?

Even Ye Changsheng didn't seem to be on their side anymore, so he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

He just waited for Chen Tianxing to arrange all his related accounts, and then see if there was a chance for his turn.

Chen Tianxing glanced at the crowd and sneered in his heart.

Of course he just asked on purpose in front of everyone.

Ye Changsheng.

The purpose was not to embarrass Ye Changsheng and put him in a dilemma.

In fact, after fighting side by side for so long, Chen Tianxing believed that Ye Changsheng would never stand on the side of Zhongzhou Sanctuary, but would become his most solid backing.

Asking this question is to give Ye Changsheng a chance to show his position to the hypocrites in Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

At the same time, it also used a hunger marketing tactic.

As he said to Gu Mochen before, there is no rush for the other four five-element giant pillars.

With these five giant pillars of the five elements, the effect they can produce is enough to deter the plane of the sacred tree.

That being the case, why waste your energy and make so many nine five-element pillars?

If there are too many people, there will always be some people who will not cherish them. On the contrary, as he said just now, they think that Chen Tianxing has nothing to do, and he is asking them for something.

What a fart!

He let Shen Shiguang also enter the quota, just to show this attitude.

It's not that he Chen Tianxing needs them, but they need Chen Tianxing!

Don't get this wrong.

In addition, he also has his own considerations for including the little ghost.

It's true that the little ghost is taking the Shengsheng Congealing Blood Pill, and he will not waste Xiao Mohe's years of hard work just because of his own selfish desires.

For the power of the five elements, Chen Tianxing is more familiar and understands than Xiao Mohe.

Let the little ghost enter the five-element giant pillar to practice, and the cultivation help he will give will only be to let the power of the five elements help the little ghost improve his physique.

As for the exercises and methods, he also doesn't know how to teach them anything.

But in this way, with the dual help of the power of the five elements and the Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill, even if the little ghost does not practice, with his exuberant qi and blood, he can absorb more power of the five elements than others.

And it is precisely because he has not practiced yet, and his body has not been polluted by the vitality of heaven and earth on the Xuanyuan Continent, then the little ghost will directly absorb the purest power of the five elements just like the four holy beasts.

After three years, maybe even before he started to practice, the little ghost would already have the strength to transform into a god.

In this way, how terrifying will his future achievements be?

Chen Tianxing was also inspired by the cultivation methods of the Four Great Sacred Beasts, so he decided to let the little devil get in touch with the power of the Five Elements first, rather than later.

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