At that moment, Gu Jinglei truthfully told Gu Nandi the whole process of his stay in Xuanyuan Continent.

Hearing this, Gu Nandi frowned more and more.

"Those two teamed up, even you can suppress it?"

Especially when he heard that there was a monk with extremely powerful spiritual consciousness beside that natural evildoer, Gu Nandi's expression became even more astonished.

The realm of cultivation is not high, but the consciousness is high?

Is it high enough to rival those in the God Fusion Realm?

Melting the gods and blending the gods is a realm where the spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved.

Although Gu Jinglei didn't cultivate his spiritual consciousness on purpose, after he was promoted to the state of merging with the gods, the power of his spiritual consciousness has also been continuously strengthened.

When Gu Jinglei went to the Xuanyuan Continent, his cultivation would be damaged, but the space barrier would not be able to affect his consciousness.

Therefore, Gu Jinglei's spiritual power is kept at the same level as the plane of the sacred tree.

You know, Gu Jinglei didn't show it in the Xuanyuan Continent, he only has the strength of the first level of the God Fusion Realm, but...


Gu Nandi knew his son very well, that's why he put him on the plane battlefield to practice with confidence, and although he didn't give him the name of successor Patriarch, there is no doubt that Gu Jinglei is exercising the patriarch on his behalf. Reality.

So, this time, the Patriarch of the Gu family went to Xuanyuan Continent in person.

But he turned back without saying anything, and even damaged one of his generals.

That natural evildoer has grown to this point!

Gu Nandi frowned.

At this moment, neither of them talked about Gu Mochen.

Compared to the gathering of the five elements, Gu Mochen's so insignificant.

"Father, now is the time for us to make a choice."

Gu Jinglei was silent for a moment, then turned to Gu Nandi.

But Gu Nandi was also silent for a long time.

He frowned, knowing what Gu Jinglei wanted to say.

Don't look at Gu Jinglei's narration, his entire battle process was planned to destroy Chen Tianxing, and even Gu Mochen, the only biological son, was killed together.

Does Gu Jinglei want to kill his son?

Obviously not.

But at that time he had no choice.

Gu Mochen has always been with Chen Tianxing, and he was even the first to stand up against his control of Xuanyuan Continent.

At that time, Gu Jing

In Lei's eyes, there is only Chen Tianxing, the monster, and there is nothing else in his eyes.

But in the end he failed.

So now, as he said, it's time to make a choice.

The inevitable blow did not succeed, but instead put the opponent on guard.

More importantly, Gu Mochen fell to the other side.

Chen Tianxing and the others knew nothing about the plane of the sacred tree, which was Gu Jinglei's advantage.

But Gu Mochen also stood on the side of Xuanyuan Continent, and their secrets must have been told truthfully a long time ago.

What's even more exasperating is that no matter who they are, as long as they travel to the Xuanyuan Continent, their strength will definitely be weakened.

The opponent's cooperation is not easy just because of the cooperation between the two, plus Gu Mochen, who knows everything about the Divine Tree Plane...

Gu Jinglei didn't consider that the other party was his son at all. Now he has regarded everything in Xuanyuan Continent as an enemy.

If this enemy stays in the Xuanyuan Continent, it will not be a good thing for them.

That's why Gu Jinglei said that a choice needs to be made.

When they heard that Chen Tianxing was born a monster, their first reaction must be to destroy the other party. Whether it was for the Gu family or the plane of the sacred tree, this was a must.

But if we are not sure about killing Chen Tianxing now, is there another choice?

As far as Gu Jinglei is concerned, he is extremely determined, and if he chooses, he will definitely stick to his own opinion.

But he is not the head of the house.

How Gu Nandi will choose is related to the final decision on the Divine Tree Plane.

The current Gu family is the controlling family of the Divine Tree plane, and Gu Nandi is the controlling family of the plane.

"Are you sure... Mo Chen is really..."

Gu Nandi did not rush to make a choice, but finally asked about Gu Mochen's situation.

"That rebel!"

Gu Jinglei's face turned serious, and he said angrily: "He shouldn't have been allowed to go in the first place!"


Gu Nandi smiled wryly, shook his head and said: "Now is not the time to be angry, how could Mo Chen suddenly fall to the side of Xuanyuan Continent?"

Gu Jinglei said coldly: "Who knows what he thinks, according to me, this kid is..."

At this point, he suddenly shut up.

Gu Nandi understood that it was his fault for spoiling his grandson.

He sighed and said, "This is what we did back then.

Xu Mochen's plan, or he has already noticed it. "

"Anyway, this rebellious son doesn't put his family first, so he doesn't deserve to be a child of the Gu family anymore!"

Gu Jinglei avoided talking about it, and said with a stern expression: "I'm pretty sure that this kid isn't trying to plot a trick or something, but really wants to help people in the Xuanyuan Continent."

"So father, now we don't have to consider the factor of that rebellious son. We must make the choice we should make."

Immediately afterwards, he said again.

Gu Nandi nodded.

After all, he is the head of the great family, Gu Nandi's mentality stabilized very quickly.

He walked to the table and sat down, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, making a dull sound.

"Divine Tree Plane..."

Gu Nandi muttered to himself, then sighed for a moment: "I can't keep this person."

How rare is it for a natural evildoer who gathers all five elements?

Looking at the entire pure energy plane, I have never heard of such a monstrous character appearing on any plane.

But it is also like this, if such a monster is born out of nowhere, one can imagine what kind of consequences it will cause.

It would be fine if the Divine Tree Plane is very powerful, they have the ability to keep Chen Tianxing's wretched development and make a big splash again.

Although Gu Jinglei was unwilling to make this choice, Gu Nandi knew that if Chen Tianxing could grow up, the Divine Tree plane would become the top of all pure energy planes.

At that time, whether the Gu family is under Chen Tianxing's command or not is actually not that difficult to accept.

After all, that is also the existence of tens of thousands of people under one person.

It's better than thinking about how to keep the plane of the sacred tree alive every day.

But the problem is that the Divine Tree Plane has no ability to keep Chen Tianxing.

Although Chen Tianxing's talent is high, it is useless if he stays in Xuanyuan Continent, there is no environment for him to cultivate.

If he wanted to grow, he had to come to the plane of the divine tree, and even had to go to the battlefield of the plane. Biqu library

Gu Nandi couldn't even guarantee that there were no traitors among the cultivators on the plane of the Divine Tree, so how dare he let Chen Tianxing go to the plane of the Divine Tree?

Here we come, this matter cannot be concealed, once the news leaks out, it will be a catastrophe for the Divine Tree Plane.

That is a disaster enough to wipe out the entire plane!

How to do it?

Gu Nandi, who was used to seeing big winds and waves all his life, felt a big headache at this moment.

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