Where do you come from and go back?

A trace of anger ignited in Gu Nandi's heart.

No matter how good his mood was, he couldn't hold back now, and wanted to do something to this guy.

Why are you talking so irritatingly?

"Chen Tianxing, the old man said it again, where is Gu Mochen?"

Gu Nandi suppressed his anger and asked again. Biqu library

Chen Tianxing's complexion also turned cold, "Who do you think you are, I'll tell you what you want me to say?"

"I didn't say anything when his father came!"

Although the latter sentence was casual nonsense, it just made Gu Nandi hesitate for a while.

"This old man... is Gu Mochen's grandfather, and also the current head of the Gu Family in the Divine Tree Plane!"

Gu Nandi almost roared angrily.


Chen Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but feel amused.

This is really a fight between the young and the old.

The Gu family has suffered eight lifetimes of misfortune, and the whole family came to see them off one by one.

Gu Mochen did mention his grandpa, so there shouldn't be any more grandpas, right?

Seeing Chen Tianxing's stunned expression, Gu Nandi was quite satisfied in his heart, thinking that his identity had finally overwhelmed him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tianxing has already thought of the eight generations of his Gu family ancestors.

If this is known, it is estimated that it will be bombed on the spot.

"No comment."

Chen Tianxing shook his head, and said coldly: "I'm not from the plane of the Divine Tree, nor is it someone who takes care of your family. Naturally, I don't need to obey your orders."

"If you want to fight, then fight. If, as you said, you don't intend to kill, then I'm going home for dinner."

As he spoke, he really stepped back.

At the same time, the power of the five elements shook out, and a passage opened by five-color light appeared behind him.

The universe of stars is the same domain as his demon purgatory, as long as Gu Nandi doesn't use his strength, the power of his five elements can open a channel in the universe of stars.

Gu Nandi stared at him coldly, his expression a bit ugly.

So is this the Xuanyuan Continent?

The current controller of his divine tree plane, in front of a monk from the Xuanyuan Continent, appears to have no majesty at all.

Even, the other party didn't look directly at him.

Leaving Chen Tianxing's own talent aside, Gu Nandi still believes that the reason for this situation is the lack of suppressive power of the Divine Tree plane against the Xuanyuan Continent.

In the current Xuanyuan Continent, there are very few

Some people no longer know the Divine Tree Plane.

So, should I teach him a lesson?

When he observed the extraordinary changes in Xuanyuan Continent through his spiritual sense, to be honest, Gu Nandi's mentality changed somewhat.

It's not because the Xuanyuan Continent is already strong enough to directly pull into the plane battlefield to kill the Quartet.

In fact, Returning to the Void Realm is really not enough on the plane battlefield.

What he was thinking about was the situation Gu Mochen created.

This is almost beyond the control of the Divine Tree Plane.

The lack of Five Elements Spiritual Orbs limited the number of powerful people they could come to the Xuanyuan Continent.

Of course, it is enough for now.

Among other things, if the Patriarchs of the five great families of the Divine Tree Plane descended at the same time, that would be a force that would destroy the world. With the current Xuanyuan Continent, it would definitely be unstoppable.

But in that battle, the sky and the earth had to be killed.

This is what Gu Nandi does not want to see.

The Xuanyuan Continent cannot be unbalanced.

This is the key to whether the plane of the sacred tree can still exist stably, and whether the monks have enough power of the five elements for cultivation.

So when Gu Mochen came to the Xuanyuan Continent, he didn't even think about getting rid of anyone. He used his giant pillar of Buddha light to control everyone.

The purpose of doing this is also to ensure that Xuanyuan Continent has enough monks to produce the power of the five elements that they themselves cannot cultivate.

But now the situation has changed.

Not only did Gu Mochen and Gu Jinglei fail successively, but they also made Xuanyuan Continent stronger and stronger.

The threat of the five giant pillars of the five elements is too great.

Gu Nandi didn't know how many monks there were cultivating there, nor did he know how many monks had reached the Void Returning Realm.

But it is undeniable that the current Xuanyuan Continent's strength has risen to a higher level.

The opponent is strengthening, and although his own side is strong, but after all, it will suppress the strength when it comes to Xuanyuan Continent.

Take him now as an example, when he was in the plane of the divine tree, he had almost reached the peak of the fusion of gods, which was the result of his painstaking cultivation in seclusion.

But after arriving in the Xuanyuan Continent, his strength was suppressed to the fourth level of the God Fusion Realm.

The stronger the monk, the greater the loss when passing through the space barrier, unless he ignores the difficult enemy and forcibly uses his own powerful

Strength shatters the space.

But in this way, the Xuanyuan Continent and the Divine Tree Plane can communicate with each other.

There are some on the Divine Tree Plane, and there will be one on the Xuanyuan Continent as well.

In this way, there is no Xuanyuan Continent to provide the power of the five elements for the plane of the sacred tree.

Therefore, it is impossible to shatter the void. Before it can be conceived, the space barrier must exist.

The existing space barrier suppressed one's own strength, which is simply an unsolvable situation.

The reason why Gu Nandi said that he had no intention of killing Chen Tianxing was precisely because he tried it first.

He is now at the fourth level of the Soul Fusion Realm, while the opponent is only at the third level of the Void Returning Realm.

On the plane of the divine tree, these two realms are so different that they cannot be compared at all.

However, to his great surprise, Chen Tianxing was already able to compete with him in terms of domains by relying on the third level of Void Returning Realm.

Gu Jinglei also mentioned before that this person has so much power of the five elements, which he has only seen in his life.

No matter whether it was the Divine Tree plane or the battlefield plane, or those legendary powerhouses, I had never heard of anyone whose power of the Five Elements was so deep that they could still gain the upper hand in a challenge beyond the level.

Gu Jinglei thinks that his cultivation is no deeper than Chen Tianxing's, and Gu Nandi, who knows Gu Jinglei very well, can of course evaluate whether his cultivation is superior or not.

Turns out, no.

You must know that they are monks in the state of fusion of spirits, and their strength of cultivation is far better than that of Chen Tianxing.

That is to say, Chen Tianxing is completely relying on the huge amount of power of the five elements to fight against the quality of these stronger ones.

The power of the five elements output by both sides at the same time, if Gu Nandi is one, Chen Tianxing must be ten!

But even so, Chen Tianxing's Heavenly Demon Purgatory can compete with his star universe.

This seems very mysterious.

It also gave Gu Nandi another idea.

Try not to use strong tactics.

If it is too tough, when the situation gets out of control, there will be a battle between the Divine Tree Plane and the Xuanyuan Continent!

And this battle will directly destroy the foundations of the two planes.

The Xuanyuan Continent is better. After all, this is the fundamental plane. No matter how badly it is injured, it is still possible to recover.

But if the plane of the Divine Tree is not supported by the Xuanyuan Continent, the plane will collapse directly, so how can we talk about recovery?

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